I miss my ex.
Ex thread
I miss my ex.
Ex thread
How did it end?
Tried bring a cuck which ended up with her leaving me for someone else she was fucking. Breakup was inevitable anyway
I would do anything to get back with my ex
I miss the sex, but that's about it.
Yeah, she loved being creampied which made it pretty great. Drained me many times
I'm glad my ex is out of the equation, I honestly should have had the balls to end it sooner
Hope that bitch opens her eyes
But also hope that bitch it doing well even if she's emotionally immature and has been abusive as shit since the break up
Miss mine too. Bitch literally would get hammered and be such a good cock sleeve
I saw u yesterday
Yeah, I've posted her around, some liked her
She’s super cute
I miss my friend's wife
we lived in the same apartment complex
stole a shit ton of her nudes off his computer while they were at the pool
pretty much jerked off to her after almost every time we hung out
enjoy fellas, not like they can complain...
Nice tits! post what you got
Not a ton of nudes unfortunately but I always thought she was seductively cute. Loved being called a slut when fucking
me too friendo. 3 years and now its gone.
I feel you
ITT: little bitches stuck on old pussy
Beautiful and fun in bed but I loathed every other minute with her
I'm with you anons, at least i accepted that it could have never worked out by now. Still miss her though.
I miss her so much. I barely even got to spend much time with her in person. It sucks so much
I want her back anons what do
For real though can I suck on that dick
Was with a 10/10 gf, we broke up, immediately followed her with a 5 but the coolest 5 ever and had a WAYYYY better time, it ain't about the looks it's about the connection homie
nipples puffing through look so sweet
Sure. She certainly liked it
Sweet sweet yeah I'm not gay but I really want to suck that dick
go on with what you got, nudes preferred but if don't have just as lewd as it goes
that skirt triggers my 80's childhood trauma
She rarely wore a bra and she pierced her nips at a point, always poked through. Truly stellar tits
yeah pretty garish dress lol, same ex
Lets see them then
Maybe someone is into her crying? I think she looks beautiful
very into her
9/10 nigress
Why she crying? What'd you say?
ngl tho she's pretty hot
that her? looks big compared to face, but she a bit thick here?
admit u wud fuggg
Aye, tits are damn nice, any with em pierced?
I told her that the cake is a lie.
Any nudes?
user wtf she looks 12
agreed. got disc? chestlover#4951
so you spoiled portal? fucking wack
Wasn't me. Dunno who took the picture or what was going on. She thought she was a sexy crier
Def her
Unfortunately no
Can someone tell if this is a good figure, a chick I'm talking with sent her measurements to me and I'm a virgin who has never seen a girl naked IRL, 34 for boobs and 28 for waist and 30 hips? Is this a sexy figure?
Awe damn
Fuuuck that's a nice body. And her face. Keep going. How was she in bed?
I got this here.
I refused to date her, but she was girl I used to fuck a lot. She gave the best head, like life changing head, and new how to ride a cock. Her tits were ehhh and shes obviously ugly but man she knew how to work a dick
Miss this one
>she loved being creampied
The first girl I was ever with sexually spoiled me. She loved creampies and blowjobs. I mean LOVED. She would fuck at the drop of a hat. I fucked her in several packed parking lots in broad daylight, inside changing booths, in movie theaters, at work. She had a really strong oral fixation and didn't stop sucking until I'd cum and was so sensitive it was almost painful and I had to beg her to quit.
No woman I've been with after her has had that same energy or lust. In fact, my longest relationship was with a prude who was "waiting for marriage" and ended up being a dyke.
It's been 3 years and I've been with other women since then but I still always just fall back to her in my mind... We're no contact and I actively try to work on my life, not sure how to get fully over her when I can't feel anywhere close to others in comparison.
She wasn't the conventional beauty standard kinda girl. Has chronic migraines. And is the most amazing person I ever interacted with.
>Her tits were ehhh
y did i laff
Kind of want to see her tits ngl, you have me curious
dat NiggerAIDS tho
yea ud fugg lulz
checked dubs
what flags are those in background? hard to decipher colours
I actually lost my virginity to her, she was very sensual and loved getting eaten out. Highlight moment was one time she was wearing a dress and she just pulled it up so we could fuck and that was the first time I ever creampied her. She was tight as fuck and actually me being too big was a factor in our breakup, no joke.
go on
upper right corner of the flag is a bald dwarf sucking a wolf in the ass
Bro that's what I thought. Love Swedish chicks. Keep posting! Where in Sweden??
Obviously used to have pictures of her tits to share but about 5 years ago i met who is now my wife so I completely ghosted this girl and deleted all traces of her, bc I didn’t want my girl who is exceptionally hotter to see pictures on my phone if this ugly ass broad who was good at sucking dick (I mean sure she was a nice person tho lol)
My Ex is the one who left me with a female orgasm fetish, I really loved busting her nuts, even if I had to where a cock ring to do it, it was worth every minute, dollar, hour, effort
Even If I never get that close to some one again it was worth it, and thinking about those encounters STILL to this day puts a big grin on my face...........so now you know
I'm so glad my ex and i broke up. We were not very compatible tho pretty similar. My now wife is waay more compatible and still similar enough. Tighter pussy and makes great money.
Every end is a new beginning user.
>Where in Sweden??
Only partially Swedish, wasn't actually from there. After we broke up she traveled all around Europe
In this pic her glasses say on the side "get away from me" which I found insanely hot for some reason.
thnx4info but didn't read lol
she looks like babysuicide
Did she speak swedish? How old?
if you wanna trade and see somewhat similar chicks my kik is "donedeep", got disc as well. Would love to see more of her!
lol your welcome
I think she knew a little. We dated when she was 18-19 and I was in my mid-late 20s
she even has that weird hole in her chin
please accept these ferrets for your effort
Very much so
>We dated when she was 18-19 and I was in my mid-late 20s
I don't miss my ex, she was a twat
My wife is way cooler