ITT: albums that should not exist
ITT: albums that should not exist
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It doesn't exist dummy, it's all a dream, we all live inside your head
I have really enjoyed this album overall.
It's definitely not perfect. It's a bit bloated, the flow could be better, and I think the closing track is a bit underwhelming. But I think Vampire Weekend has really come through with a great collection of quality songs.
"Hold You Now" is a beautiful opening track that sets the tone perfectly.
based positive poster
Sympathy was good song
The first track sounded too twangy for me. It wasn't bad, but it just didn't sound like Vampire Weekend.
That's fair. But I really enjoyed it for its stripped back somewhat homemade feel. The choir sample provides a contrast that I really didn't expect which I found really enjoyable.
As an aside, I actually really like Danielle Haim's contributions to the album. I was surprised to see that so many people didn't like her parts.
Imagine being such a pleb that you can’t into New Sincerity core
I'm all worn out by irony. Sincerity is the true way forward.
Your favorite album
that was true almost 20 years ago
This but unironically
We Belong Together is an amazing song
what is this gay porno
It’s pretty gay, it’s the free spammed U2 album.
Based. I saw it get a lot of hate and I thought it was by far the most successful risk on the album.
The singles are good also. Trash literally every song with Haim on it. Pure garbage.
>not liking the haim songs
I tried, as a thought exercise, to imagine what it must feel like to be as retarded as you. It was much too difficult
Her voice is shit. The songs themselves are uninspired and generic. They are by far the worst songs in VM's catalog and FOTB would got up a point or two just by removing them.
Explain why they aren't shit.
oh god that shit, man i thought i would have remembered that fucking cover popping up on my itunes. that was a real turd
trying to explain it to you would be like playing Mozart for a tree frog
Right, or you just can't explain it because it's objectively shit.
it's not objectively shit man, her voice sounds great and offers a satisfying counterpoint to Ezra's. the compositions are simple and sweet, drawing on classic country music while also adding some unique and surprising touches, such as the choral bit in Hold You Now. The duet in We Belong Together is very satisfying, both when it comes in on the album and just musically speaking. They are far from "pure garbage" and you are clearly exaggerating out of distaste for I don't know what, perhaps the style of music? Objectively speaking, they are well done, the subjectivity comes in when you call interesting and tasteful arrangements and good singing "pure garbage" like some kind of barbarian
Of the three she sung with him, this is probably the best one
You're telling me you think her voice sounds good? It's so incredibly boring- she plays it safe and she still misses some of the higher notes, and nothing about her inflection makes her stand out at all. Her voice is literally "generic country singer #47".
>drawing on classic country
Ezra said he was inspired by Kacey Musgraves and it shows. It's not classic country in the slightest, it's modern overproduced country fusion.
>adding some unique and surprising touches
Sure, but those touches add nothing to the song to make it interesting. Instead it begs comparison to tired modern music trends. It's just injected for the sake of adding color and it's not done with any finesse.
>They are far from "pure garbage" and you are clearly exaggerating out of distaste
No man, it's pure garbage. there's no reason to listen to it, there's nothing special enough or interesting enough to listen to it after the first time. It's the perfect definition of filler.
Does Yea Forums not like this one?
I don't love every song but overall I think it's pretty cool.
That piano run on Jerusalem, New York, Berlin unff
It's a 5/10. There's a 7/10 album in there but it's WAY too bloated. The best tracks don't compare to their other albums' best tracks, and I don't mind some of the smaller "throwaway" tracks adding some variety and progression, but as a whole album it's far from what I expected after Harmony Hall and Sunflower previewed it. Too many tracks take imaginary risks, meaning they throw in curveballs that are actually incredibly safe and simultaneously incredibly uninteresting. It's also not particularly cohesive, and really it just ends up being boring and incohesive. Lyrically it's a complete wasteland.
Now I’ve never listened to Vampire Weekend before, but I checked out the songs with the Haim girl and I’d have to agree they are garbage. Even if you tossed out the lyrics these songs are terrible “instrumentally.” With the two singing on top of it, it’s more jarring than pleasant.
I’ve listened to the other songs like This Life and Unbelievers and they are far better. Even Haims stuff sounds better than this ft. stuff.
reading this interview put a lot into perspective but I really understand the haim songs more now
I think the first half of the album is a lot better than the first and really don't love the country adjacent type stuff but I get it now and I foresee myself liking it more later on
i could really care less about the music, but the album art is objectively neat.
I like how the closer sounds like it's about to burst into a dance song with a nice beat and all
I love the album so far but I do not like the first track. Melodies are boring as fuck, safer than they should be for an opening track. It feels too much like the chorus wants to be vws Our Prayer.
why is it lossy? I won't lost my times to listen to this shit. Are these faggots sampling youtube?
can I get an invite?
inb4 sent ;-)
you'll learn more by taking the interview than shitposting on /mu
that's how I got into
pity that it was taken down while I was afk from working abroad for an entire year so I couldn't transition into the new club
t. Rostam
t. Ezra dick rider who can't accept the fact that Vampire Weekend put out an underwhelming album.
didn't he produce the album though
I was on what too and I had to re-take the interview. If a 2 hour investment of your time isn't OK for you, you don't deserve it.
New Sincerity is from the 90s.
I think we’re actually entering (and have been in) “post-irony” where we are both ironic and sincere.
>this album is bloated
>unlike this album from my favorite band, Swans
Only an absurdist or a Beatles hater could say Let It Be shouldn't exist.
Its cons: Drop Dig It and Maggie Mae, add Don't Let Me Down, which was recorded in the same time frame and is the same "sound" as the typical song on Let It Be.
Its pros: The usual Beatles' magical recipe of rockers (Dig a Pony, I've Got A Feeling, Get Back) and pretty ballads (the title track, Across The Universe, Long and Winding Road). About the worse thing on it is One After 909, but its presence on the album was purposely lighthearted. It was one of the earliest songs John and Paul ever wrote, but that by 1970 still remained unreleased. It was included as a curio.
Let It Be is a strong album. From a sound engineering aspect, it's a great *sounding* album. It was recorded well. And look, it can't not exist as it is the soundtrack album to the Let It Be movie.