Waifu thread!

Waifu thread!

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>The /waifu/ spirit is immortal through all eternity

Attached: Twilight_Suzuka_Profile.jpg (1309x1937, 642.78K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Claimed and lurking

Attached: Pencil_In_Anzu.png (874x924, 1.39M)

Almost 1cc'd Touhou 10 today on multiple occasions but I inted at the last boss.
I'll be gone from home from a couple days again so I won't have a chance to play anything until Saturday.

Attached: 89574303_p0.jpg (1109x1479, 271.95K)

meant for oops

>MmMm Snaks
Snak on gummy sneks.
>Oh Nice, I hope it was a smooth day then!
Yeah now that I think of it, pretty smooth. Pretty content all in all.

Attached: waiting frog bf9.jpg (958x958, 1.19M)

Dubs of good morning, Anzu!
Sorry to butt in, but that's a good reason to cram in as much Touhou as you can!
Morning frogposter.

Attached: a5db3e27bf6074cec4f0f77bd33e9422.gif (500x346, 1.16M)

'allo Suzuka poster.

Attached: waiting trainer_tsuyu_by_zeaw90-db6a9ih.jpg (1024x1024, 235.96K)

Blarg! Chore Tiem!
Have Fun, I may return at some point, if I don't run myself completely outta energy, heh!

Good Morning!

I have on idea what inted means, but based on the context I can conceptualize it...
Dang, that is rough! Try not to get too rusty while you're away!

Awww Yis Gummies are my Fave!!
Excellent! I'm Glad!

Attached: Runa - UniformExcited.png (1366x768, 1.86M)

How are you today?
The female character designs of My Hero Academia really are good.

God, I had to use the archive just to find my thread starter rules...

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I'm here to post this for a bit because it helped me develop my very own smile. Thank you
like that one, but not as beautiful

Attached: artist_squared_dbzejqr-fullview.jpg (1024x1269, 98.66K)

I don't have strong preference over the shape, honestly.
Have fun with the chores / as little unfun as possible.

Am alright, can't complain at the end of the day.
Some are pretty neat. Everyone loves the crazy girl.
Save it in a txt file.

Attached: waiting boku-no-hero-academia-moia-geroiskaia-akademiia-froppi-listi.jpg (596x380, 65.1K)

Chores. I'm procrastinating mowing my lawn.
Hurry back!

Afk a while. I came in just as the old thread was ending and couldn't resist baking. I hope everyone has a wonderful day, and remember:
You don't choose your waifu, your waifu chooses you.

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Be back later.


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Butt in all you want, always a pleasure to have a talk.
Thats why I was playing it all day.
Int means the same as choke.
So I just messed up after making it so far as you probably guessed.
My touhou skills are the one thing that don't rust thankfully.

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ok dear be safe

waifu renaissance when?

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Mental anguish.

Attached: 20190723_040051.jpg (682x628, 131.93K)

thank you

Attached: julliapple.png (881x885, 551.29K)

that pic's more like dental anguis amirite

me on the right

I like teefs. I wear a pendant with one on one of earrings.

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My what cute teeth you have.
It's a small thing, really. How's the hard stuff going? You said you had a decision to make recently?

Attached: Anzu_Wtf.png (748x825, 233.72K)

Me too. I wonder what it says in the bubble
Anzu is a small thing. Yeah, and it went great, I have new wind in my sails. The hardest part is past me, now for the second hardest...

Attached: peep-at-my-art.png (1068x1068, 769.28K)

whish there would be more of her

Attached: 3d printer.jpg (677x960, 67.54K)

Looks like it translates into "High Moon," whatever is meant by that.
Travel sized waifus, easy to conceal and smuggle across the border. Of course it did, I never doubted you for a second.

Attached: Anzu_fishy.jpg (800x964, 460.58K)

maybe it says something cute

why are you here and not on Yea Forums

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make more of her
definetly, it's coming out from below Earth chan's face mask after all
Well, i think the cat is the moonyan. I doubted myself, but, it's actually team work with the rest of the World that is making this work out again. We're a good team, sometimes, me and Earthyot.
the last time I posted my waifu on Yea Forums, I got 10 replies telling me to kill myself in various lengths and wordings

Attached: AnanaYellow_Plant1894c.png (992x1306, 88.51K)

Hold on now.

Attached: lurking 0e9.png (680x920, 977.51K)

maybe it says boop

once I saw a man that looked just like him in croatia hhhngh only if I wasn't 17 back then

Attached: cowboy-bebop-spike-spiegel-4k-tapeta-1920x1440_25.jpg (1920x1440, 139.67K)

Follow me

How would it have helped, user?

Attached: lurking 3d0dd3be9307d83e53c6920c8ecfe32215d151a5_hq.gif (500x281, 1.45M)

I would flirt with him obv

Anzu's seems to be right, this translator also says it means "high moon", I wonder what this means...
age of consent in croatia is 15 I think, you could have asked him out
Follow you where?

Attached: Kopie1.png (169x156, 31.54K)


Attached: 8e138d378e17668829bd26da0a62f0a9.jpg (4096x2304, 1.1M)

Hopefully into a safe bird portal and not into a fatal meat grinder accident.

How old were you when you met him then?

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I wonder if she got the cat high.

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Fine take the counter, I'll keep the girl.

Attached: Anzu_Yell.png (1188x1044, 627.64K)

Oh, I misread, thought that you wanted to have been 17...

Damn, that's against the rules.

Attached: consider the following 51009ba80cfd9d50218f2bf7f86994c8.jpg (480x678, 31.66K)

*Insert joke about Anzu being flat-chested*

Attached: b9fd6294da60b55bec571792177a2fa9.jpg (660x800, 64.21K)

Are you sure about that? I just need to roll trips or higher, no waifus are safe.
*Insert balloons into Anzu's shirt*

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That's not laid out in the OP.

Attached: angry 356c701328e23fe076dd71daa7f3830b.jpg (564x690, 49.09K)

so cute

A child with DDs? She's from Dragon maid?

Attached: dd269kt-pre.jpg (644x1241, 98.85K)

well, neither is ruding

Attached: 339c2de00a2a9d53bde1e1f251651b03.jpg (406x800, 61.73K)

True. Who's ruding?

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Attached: LainReaches.png (990x1400, 2M)

the big stink (sono-chan)

Attached: 490883-Usagi_Drop-anime_girls-Kaga_Rin.jpg (1920x1200, 91.34K)

Yah it is, it says right there
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
Could be, I'm guessing that's the show with the fat chested dragons. Never watched it.

Attached: Anzu_777.jpg (960x720, 348.95K)

Attached: IMG_20190719_175457_389.jpg (837x1280, 110.55K)

Yeah. The one that's definitely not just another "Choose your waifu" series.
It's really popular with pedophiles for some reason.

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can you get me an invite to the new server?

Attached: 6f9d3e405488ddbe9d754743095d3afc.png (377x1168, 65.43K)

Malt doesn't want to be part of the servers anymore.
Shit bait.

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Uh, okay.

Fug, I can't read / was too lazy to.

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i miss this niggy

It was nice, goodbye anons. If you're freezing, try sharing body warmth with your waifu
cute Kumiko
moo (me + too)

Attached: KKRocm.png (1600x900, 1.29M)


I am not one to speak for him, I'm just calling out a shit bait, least I can do is respect his preference.


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