Even Obama ignores this fucking Chud

Even Obama ignores this fucking Chud.

Attached: Obama-ignore-brandon.webm (828x448, 1.64M)

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They say black don't crak
But obama's fucking cracked

Look at Brandon's face. He looks pissed that no one is paying attention to him. Kek

bu-bu-but -I'M- the President! EVERYONE SHOULD BE PAYING ATTN 2 MIII REEEE. Then he probably got back to the pad and complained about this for 2 hopurs to his wife, who put on a listening face and tried to pretend like she was sympathised while imagining all the black cock she had given to her by the secret service.

>Even Obama ignores this fucking Chud.

Because Biden was nobody's first choice.

We wanted Bernie and the Democrats railroaded him because he could have actually made REAL changes, and we can't have that.

The Democrats' job is to pretend to oppose the Republicans while spewing 'progressive' social rhetoric to appeal to the educated poor.

The Republicans' job is to carve up the country and hand it to corporations while spewing hate speech to appeal to the uneducated poor.

Y'all are living in a fascist oligarchy and don't even realize it, and half of you think you can vote your way out of this rigged casino.

hell, Biden wasn't even who Obama wanted as a running mate. he was literally handpicked to appease the racists.

Still better than Trump.

>We wanted Bernie and the Democrats railroaded him because he could have actually made REAL changes, and we can't have that.

So we ended up supporting the party that railroaded our guy by voting for Biden


Chocolate chocolate chip

The only other person not engaged with someone is the military guard in the background standing like a statue. Biden just this completely lost look on face as everyone is avoiding him

>>Repubs are the real villains

At whose behest do you really think it was that the Dems railroaded Socialist Sanders? The elites we're terrified by the grass-roots movement growing for Sanders, knowing he would be forced to try and dismantle their golden teat.

Of course that's the problem with all of you fucking socialists...you can't get it through your heads that greed is a part of human nature that will always be a driving factor in human progress. That is, until we all forsake the flesh and upload our minds into the hardware and become something else entirely.

Man you people really reach for bullshit.

You voted for an old white man with dementia who when his head was right said NIGGER live on tape multiple times just to stop mean tweets. Now are economy is n shambles, more people died from Covid this last year than any time Trump was in office, our border is letting hundreds of thousands of illegals in and we are about to have war with Russia. Good Job assholes.

Attached: FNzARriXsAMoSur.jpg (1080x993, 137.28K)

Kek. Didn't watch it, did you?

Biden: hey man, I'm President

>>>Repubs are the real villains

There is only one party. The labels 'Democrat' and 'Republican' are superficial. The American political system was officially sold off to the 'elite' decades ago.

>you can't get it through your heads that greed is a part of human nature
Your understanding of socialism is clearly the product of literally centuries of capitalist propaganda.

Socialists do understand that greed is a part of human nature. Humans are walking bundles of contradictions and impossible to stuff into simple categories in any reliable way. Socialists don't want to punish hard work, innovation or sacrifice progress for the sake of hurt feelings. This is a caricature that the exploiters have convinced you is the truth to prevent us from working together to more equitable share our wealth.

I did, you're just reading too much into things. You're like a conspiracy theorist that has no critical thinking skills. You just see some random image and immediately let your imagination take control and you're seeing shit.
That was just an awkward moment of an 80 year old man. You never been around 80 year old men? This kind of shit happens all the time.
Also do you not understand that Obama hadn't been in the white house in 5 years and was the center of attention at the time? Its a fucking joke you can't understand basic human interactions.

democrats appeal to the pseudo-educated poor. People who regurgitate some quotes they have read online then when challenged on it start shouting "jingoism, far right, racist, bigot hurr derr". Because they can't think independently and they truly don't understand the the implications of whatever it is they are spewing out.

The only correct answer is to not vote, just overthrow, trample, tore up from the floor up, stomped right into the ground and started over. There needs to be some litmus test that would prevent senile old perverts like Biden from ever attaining a position of power.

You may be right but you'll need to define "socialists" before defending them because the term has been so misused...
Book-definition socialists are pretty extreme communists, while real life socialist are a lot more moderate.

Not the guy you're talking to.

I don't believe in that socialism crap but I to think big corporations need to pay more in taxes. It's both Reps and Dems who give them the power to not do so. Biden's threat on raising taxes on the rich is BS cause he knows they are going to use the loopholes both sides gave them to get around it if it does happen. It's an empty threat. Both sides get massive amounts of money from them

>mutt's law
Yet to be disproven.

>That was just an awkward moment of an 80 year old man. You never been around 80 year old men? This kind of shit happens all the time.

Top kek

Clip is taken out of context. Obama loves Biden and so do the people. He got 81 million votes and the country is better than ever. We dont have problems any more that we had under Drumpf

>Socialists don't want to punish hard work, innovation or sacrifice progress for the sake of hurt feelings
If that's the case then why give someone who does less the same amount as someone who does more? Why work hard when being lazy has the same result? Capitalism rewards hard work. You work more you make more. You make more you can buy more. Sure you can argue minimum wage can buy less but those who work the hardest while making minimum wage have more money to spend then those who do the bare minimum.

>We dont have problems any more that we had under Drumpf

Yeah, it's much, much worse

Attached: 1649189524967.webm (1280x720, 827.72K)

Say you're autistic without saying it.

Bernie being president would most likely end in a stalemate and nothing gets done. Bernie would not only need a democrat house and senate and Supreme Court, he’d need them to be really liberal majority’s. Bernie would 99% likely be a stagnated president

It what way? We have equity finally. Trans people are respected and can be in the military and sports, we have a black woman VP and SCOTUS for the first time ever. Lynching is now illegal. We are welcoming people on the southern border. We are respected in the world again.

>Lynching is now illegal.
>Lynching is murder
>Murder is illegal

So much accomplished! You got played, idiot.

>We are respected in the world again.

I'll refer you to OPs webm



Another one of those 80 year old moments

le meme reference
I am so smrt

Quite literally, yes.

Ill ask again, have you ever been around old people before?

babby learned a new word

Only thing that's changed is his hair color.

This old guy is running our country you idiot! So you agree he's not up to the job if he continues to do this "80 year old" brain fart shit. This is a demanding position that requires a brain to function

Maybe republitards should have picked someone better then.

The guy looks like Mr Burns all hunched over taking baby steps. Literally looks like he's on his last year of life.

Who the fuck is leading who here? The blind guy does better w/out Biden. Quite literally.


Cherry pick a brief clip out of a much larger clip to make some weird right wing talking point.

You conservaturds are really getting desperate lately- maybe because the orange monkey man is headed for jail along with his inbreed children.

Yeah I heard Don Jr got caught smoking crack, having CP on his computer, and is trying deny fathering a kid with a stripper. If that's not grounds for jail, I dont know what is, am I right?

Now that's a cute cope, user.

Being president is more about knowing who to put where.
I agree he's too old, but he's still better than Trump and probably the only person really in Washington that can handle building a proper white house team.
Being the President of the USA isn't about how strong you are or how many nasty things you can say.
It's about building a team. Bidens white house is the big leagues compared to trumps white house.
The last two Republican Presidents have been utter trash, to the point that they make Biden look like a model president.

You try running this shit hole for eight years and see how tired it makes you look


>We dont have problems any more that we had under Drumpf
A booming economy
Lowest gas prices in years
Low immigration numbers
NATO countries paying their fair share instead of the US footing the bill each year.
Didnt have to beg our enemies for fuel.
Stores were fully stocked
Energy independent
No threat of new wars.
Inflation kept in check

Youre a retard son. Log off and go outside.

>Bidens white house is the big leagues compared to trumps white house.

>big leagues

Holy fuck, user.

Attached: https___pbs.substack.com_media_FLRLQJfVgBE6CGQ.jpg (600x748, 62.62K)

>We are respected in the world again.

This is pretty much true though and nobody wants to admit it. You think it's hard getting shit passed right now? Imagine if both the Democrats and the Republicans openly disliked you

You're just as deranged as he is

Attached: download (3).jpg (1280x960, 194.72K)

>Lol Obama passed up the dude he spends all kinds of time with for people he's seen maybe twice in his life

He might be a faggot, but he's more qualified than the entire trump administration combined ever was.

Better pic cause you probably don't even know what I'm talking about.

Attached: IMG_20220406_122326.jpg (1065x1961, 331.03K)

Yeah, please put some mental nut in charge of nuclear waste. What could possibility go wrong?

For what exactly? Hes run the country into the ground and he cant even fix it hes just adding more to the debt with absolutely no results.

The tranny in charge of Public Health is so fucking crazy. I mean really?

That's a weak retort.

Sounds like you're easily triggered by people different than you.

Obama doesn't look like any black person I've ever met, he looks more Asian than anything.

Imagine thinking that's normal. Now imagine thinking he's in charge of nuclear waste.

Is he qualified for the job? Yes? Okay I don't give a shit then.