This is a trans woman's pussy 6 months after surgery. How does that make you feel?
This is a trans woman's pussy 6 months after surgery. How does that make you feel?
yeah no its not
>>only a fool would take anything posted here as fact...
no it's not, but if it was, i'd get one myself. put it right on my inner thigh so i can fuc m'self
Stop posting real woman's pictures trying to confuse us
Also Kys
No, that is a normal woman's vagina.
This is a trans vagina, courtesy of one Johnathan Yaniv.
>literally an open wound that has not been allowed to heal
totally not a mental illness guys
Now that is a real pussy, Axe wounds could never.
tranny discord spy here.
Their current tactic is to post pictures of real women saying "do i pass?" to try and convince you all that trannies are as attractive as actual women. Trust your gut, if it looks like a real woman, it is.
fuck women (but not trannies)
Bro how?
You are not confused, you are deluded. Anyone with working eyes can tell the difference between your axe wound and a real vagina.
You want to know the funniest thing about trannies?
The funniest thing about trannies, or eunuch men as they've always been called, is that before they transition, they are low on the social heiharchy; the most excellent specimins of this group are at best, nameless nobodies who are never noticed by their superior, peers, or the opposite sex, and at worst, perverts with fetishes and mental illnesses, with a mass of self loathing, and a loathing for society.
So, they get this neat idea; that "If I become a woman, I'll be able to bump myself up, and get that happiness!" So they slap on a dress, some lipstick, cut off their cock and balls, and call themselves a woman.
And what happens? They are still the same person, in the same social position, with the new addition that people are absolutely repulsed with them, that they are patted on the head for committing self eugenics and being incapable of breeding, and tolerated out of sheer fucking pity, because these low IQ retards, so self centered, don't realize what burdens they bring onto themselves, society, and their families; then the wall hits, reality crumbles around them, they realize that they are the same shitty ass person, minus a dick they weren't using in the first place.
Rather than take 2 months to take a good look inward and say "How can I improve myself at my core as a person" they decide to throw on the gender equivolant of blackface and sing "Swing low sweet chariot".
Its the greatest fucking show on earth.
No, this is low quality bait
I feel bad for kinda ugly mannish looking women. At least in real life it is clear what they are. Carefully posed and filtered pictures hide the trannies true nature and gives the impression that they even come close to real women. Reality is you’d clock them straight away in the real world
HAHAHAHA.... you so funny! xD
If this isnt pasta, it should be.
meanwhile in reality
Mmm delicious, I hope mine looks that good one day :)
>urethra ball
Jesus fucking christ
> Tell me you're a tranny without telling me you're a tranny
You can hope and believe in that will be yours one day. It won't.
All you'll ever have is a tiny dick or an open gaping wound.
You can walk around posting pictures of women pretending it's you.
Whenever you look in the mirror however, you're going to see the disgusting manbeast you are.
It’s a real woman.
1) btards are experts on spotting trannies
2) imagine actually thinking, posting a real woman some how subconsciously convinces men to start liking trannies. But this is how leftie tranny brains work
You will never be a woman
It can't orgasm like a bio woman
I think they meant "urethral bulb" but they're medically illiterate or dyslexic.
Penises have urethral bulbs at the base, it's where cum starts to collect when you ejaculate, I assume they can't (always?) get rid of those with bottom surgery.
Yeah thats a load of bullshit
I makes me feel like someone is lying. OP I meant you. You are lying.
If it looks ugly, ask it's pronouns
Menards has 11% cash back on everything in store. This includes rope. Just sayin'
imagine living in a generic midwestern shit suburb that has a menards. you'd basically need to kill yourself.
Where are you from that makes you such an arrogant faggot?
I own a 2800sq ft house on 5 acres of land. It also has a 3 car detached garage/workshop.
Bought it in 2015 for just $135,000
How does that make you feel?
It's some self hating fag that thinks only living in his little bubble makes him smart and cool. Best to ignore useless faggots like that.
directed by ridley scott
Hahaha no it's not.
Maybe some day but not today
Not because we're Yea Forumstards though. Everybody can tell the difference. Smell the difference too
hahahahaha oh wait it's a repost.
infinite levels of fail
Good. More bitches to fuck. In reality, I have my doubts but if that was the case and It wanted to have sex, sure. I don't care if it was a man. Reality however is often times disappointing and such a situation would be pure speculation when you consider the most common outcomes, or for that matter, even the better ones.
pedo tranny
> Conceptualize the odor
> Hint: It's poo
only serial killers would stick their dick in an open wound. Which is a good thing, less troons around
decent post. please keep it on, preferably on plebbit. We can easily make that 41% into like 70%
apparently the trans-obsessed incels are the easiest group to bait, using this thread as the metric
Maybe he's just angry he can't save 11% on rope.
This is a trans wo--ACK!
Lol, probably. I'm just glad the old white haired guy that did the Menard's commercials is dead.
Like you're a liar, and a faggot
incorrect good sir.
underrated dubs
wow, bottom surgery makes your thighs really gross, that must be because of transness
≥they decide to throw on the gender equivolant of blackface and sing "Swing low sweet chariot".
My fucking sides
(Also, stealing this. Fucking brilliant mate.
yes, and you cant say shit is icky because I could bake shit into a chocolate cake and you'd like it without knowing theres shit in it.
I'm stupid but not THAT MUCH
Kek, God i used to hate him so fucking much!
>literally an open wound that has not been allowed to heal
totally not a mental illness guys
>but does it look normal?
Transcunt is realcunt!!!
>BIGOTS!!!!!! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
All trans folx are ALWAYS welcome on Yea Forums
>cum to daddy