Pornography and Gore could be banned from the internet.
There are 13 year old little boys in this website at the moment and there is nothing that can be done to stop this issue. Nothing. Immature kids are watching pornography and maybe even gore every single day on the internet. I really can't think of a way to stop this, but to ban porn and gore.
Kids are here because they just can.
Pornography and Gore could be banned from the internet
Don't care. Nice pic though.
Do you have kids? Don't you want them to grow up the best way they can?
Don't you want to make a son? A child that has some of your characteristics? A younger you?
How can you not care? These kids destroy their lives here. Humans used to run around, feel the sun and wind. Now everything's changed! For the worse!
I'm one pf those boys and I don't give a fuck
Or we could ban the kids instead
Rape them and kill them
Global Rule #2
>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
You dem special folks?
The same 13 year old kids have access to gas and matches. They have access to their parent’s medicine cabinet. They are exposed to loathsome political ideas like censorship. Maybe we should put them in prison for their own good.
But maybe you are right. If we ban porn and gore, porn and gore will cease to exist.
Doesn't work
I'm agree with you but I want to do a different approach. We should punnish the kids in the same way the adults are punished we they see illegal material. Kids below 16 who watch pornografy or real violence must go to jail for years. And the real violence must be banned from internet (murders, raping, torture) as in the same way child porn is.
So, why we ban child porn if it has any effect?
Nice idea
Does not work
i've been wanking since 3 and watching porn way before internet. used to find hardcore porn magazines in paper recycling bins. trying to protect kids is fucking retarded. exposing them to realities of life early on is better anyway
>giving your child unmonitored access to the interwebs
but seriously, it's a parenting issue
Verification not required
Ok, so expose them to raping and torture, because this is the reality. Do you know what means education? To be a kid must imply you cannot do whatever you want and following the instructions of adulte people.
You feel like that?
Maybe jail is to much for kids who watch porn but there should be a way to punish them. It will be a good manner to ttain kids to begin tl follow society rules.
they can educate themselves by watching porn and gore in the internet
Is this serious? And they can be educated on sex fucking with adults, no?
thats illegal
13 year old kids can't legally own an internet connection, nor can they work to produce the funds required to pay for internet access.
The internet is not a "right", it's an earned privilege. Ban retards like you from procreating until you can learn to look after yourself, let alone a child.
And watching porn for kids is illegal too, but the main differnce is that we put the adults wacth cp on jail but we do not put kids who watch porn on jail. Why???
Yes, that's thw point. We have to jail childs who watch porn, or punish them in some way. The same for violent content.
The issue is: why kids can break the law without consequences but adults have to follow the law? I think adults must have more rights than kids.
nah ive been visiting Yea Forums on and off since 2010 when i was 13 and i turned out fi ehh kinda
Embrace it OP, these little retards and their shitty parents don't realize just how damaging it is. I used to feel bad like you but now I don't care, this is the path people choose.
I have kids. I provide and guide them, but ultimately their life is theirs to live. I'm not going to police them after a certain age. Sheltering does more harm than exposure on the internet.
Well then, raise your own kids, don't force everybody to suffer for you.
i agree with op, there are tons of problems that actually did get solved by banning them - alchohol, marijuana, unlicensed firearms, hard drugs, gambling, murder.
Porn addiction is real and can warp our perception, I believe most of us started young and it built up to weird fetishes and corrupts their minds. Kids need to fuck off from Yea Forums, yeah you may think you're cool for going on here, this "secret club" no. If you're under 18 piss off and even some adults can't process this community and needs to go if they're easily impressionable. Oh and Gore is fucked you're watching someone getting tortured and murdered or even suicide, don't engage in that twisted affliction. Yes I understand it can be a way to make newfags leave but it's idiotic to watch that stuff anyway
rolled dubs, dont have to
they should add some kind of warning like this telling kids they cant get on here if they're under 18
dude like stop depleting the earth of copium, i haven't seen like gore in like weeks on Yea Forums
I agree but just like porn sites when they ask if you're over 18 they lie. This isn't some sort of cool going on a notorious forum, it is for adults to vent /relate and join a community instead of being alone and no source of freedom of expression
it is not a crime for a kid to watch porn you dipshit
I wonder what weird fetishes people get in sexually closed societies. Ask the middle east if they don't have perversion since they have big fucking bans over there. Actual rape does worse for society than a bunch of dumb weebs getting tentacle rape hentai.
Also, has the pron ban done anything to cure South Korea? Why can't South Korean women be attracted to real mean, and not the KPop girly men?
But it should be.
you are entitled to your wrong opinion
but if kids ignore the age check, what makes you think they'll listen to your post?
underage b&
I’ll tell you what. Once the collapse of the world happens these type of bitches would be the first over the bbq pit. Think of the shredded meat you could get off those thighs.
I don't know how closed off societies build up a fetish, may be instinct. It's better in south Korea if they've banned porn, now people can experience sexuality the natural way, or they can use a vpn. Doesn't matter people are horny
Fresh bread bun and homemade bbq from ingredients sourced from the garden.
Yum yum
And you're entitled to the shitty world your child will grow up in, that is if you even have any.
no i will never have children
nah fatties are easier targets, and would provide more food/workable material.
only 13. i was jacking off at 12 or sooner
They're kids at the end of the day they'll do whatever they want, even if I give warnings or if Yea Forums puts up you have to be this old to enter. If they aren't tech savvy parents should put in place restrictions so they can't go here or any adult site. Actually I want the government to put blocks on all underage's devices experince
Exactly you fat virgin, this is why you shouldn't share you useless opinion anywhere.
were you NOT jerking your dick to pornography as a 13-year-old? come on now, chomo. we all know you were grooming 12-year-olds last 4th of July you fucking creep
that's because you're a degenerate who's parents didn't give a shit about you. they gave you an internet connection and left you to your own devices because they don't care about you.
>13 year olds
Well those little faggots are breaking the rules then aren't they? Shouldn't fucking be here in the first place. Moron.
>Ban pornography
Literally the most abundant thing any one person can find on the internet. What you mean is, ban the entire internet. Moron.
>Ban gore
So instead of observing the despicable nature of man and vicariously experiencing it, they should engage it themselves and ruin not only their own lives, but the lives of anyone they hurt? Moron.
>Kids are here
Yes, you've made that quite clear kiddo. That doesn't mean you belong here. Go. The. Fuck. Away. Moron.
>Posts a "moronic" piece of bait involving children, gore, and pornography all in the same sentence.
You have a sick fucking mind & you deserve to be a .webm in the next rekt thread. Moron.
i appreciate you ignoring my question and continuing your braindead rant.
a few counterpoints
kids are more tech savy than their parents.
the government doesnt care.
big electronic will never pay extra to put safety measures into their devices.
15 years ago, I came onto this site as a 13 year old and saw tons of guro, porn and tons of other shit a 13 year old shouldnt see.
Things would probably be better if I hadnt come here.
its time turn off the pc bud. i recognize your typing pattern from the ssri thread. schizo.
Damn I want them to fight with their butts over who get to anal vore me
>13 year old boys
>watching porn and gore
So? Include them, make them into more gore and porn.
Murderous pedo rapists exists because they can
>i appreciate you ignoring my question and continuing your braindead rant.
Ok, I'm being sarcastic, I obviously know the internet is fair game for children
>kids are more tech savy than their parents.
Yes if they learn these things from a young age when the parents should've blocked sites for kids entering the internet for the first time
>the government doesnt care.
Again I was being sarcastic, it was an over exaggeration because of web usage
>big electronic will never pay extra to put safety measures into their devices.
Of course not, they're the ones pushing pornography on kids