Do I pass as a woman?

Do I pass as a woman?

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You again, I forget are you actually this person or are you just making threads with their images?

no, fag

Yes now shove your cock down my throat


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If you want their cock, you're really saying no they don't pass.

post tits


>Do I pass as a woman
Hmmm I wonder who asks this? Is it MTF people by any chance? Ones that have dicks?

The only people who pass as women are actual women though, just like people who pass as men are actual men, everyone else is playing dress up.

I have trouble getting it up...embarassing...

thanks hun

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Don't care, just means I gotta suck it for longer

"Passing" as something usually implies actually not "being" what you "pass" as. Are you retarded or something?


You look pretty, I think you pass

Passing is a euphemism for looking dedicated enough in playing a role that people feel pity on you and oblige you by addressing you with the gender you are trying to imitate.
So nobody passes really, because that implies not being found out, when passing is in reality people being polite.

An ugly one yeah, be happy, you’re in the top 5-10%. You actually try so I hope you aren’t a part of the 53%

You're really cute.
Can I have a picture of your manicured hands? :)


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answer me this first, do you have a uterus?

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You pass as a hoe. Fuck gender, all my homies identify with derogatory terms.

Post butthole.
Butthole is the ultimate judge.

close enough

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Stellt eine ungeküsste Jungfrau wie ich auch nur irgendeinen Nutzen für dich dar Hannah?
Ich würde alles für dich tun.
Solange es dich glücklich macht.
Deinen Rücken nach 'nen hatten Arbeitstag massieren, für dich kochen und einkaufen gehen...
Wirklich alles.
Du bist so unnormal hübsch :(

your make up is effective at distracting from your male features (outside of your wide nasal bridge)
you on HRT yet?

ich bin ja selber eher devot...aber danke...

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thanks I watched a lot of makeup tutorials on youtube
I hope I can get it right

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>Solange es dich glücklich macht.

Ich weiß...
Deswegen würd ich vermutlich ja sowieso nie eine Chance bei dir haben o.o
Aber deswegen frag ich ja...
Tolles makeup übrigens! :)

jaws pretty masculine & to be realistic to pass to laymen even on HRT you'll probably need your jawline reworked
your philtrum marked in green here is also pretty wide which looks really more uncanny than masculine
your bangs are a little too high to serve to cover your browbone here, having them just over the eyebrows would work best for the shape of your forehead
how tall are you? age?

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early 30s
5,6 feet if I can trust my phone to conert into feet

was dagegen?
lass ihn doch..

danke ^^

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Very pretty. Don’t listen to the haters

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Being a simp isn't healthy.
If you enable him in it, you're enabling his parasocial relationship with you, where he uses the idea of you as a proxy for an actual relationship.
Unless you're willing to take him in and date him, don't encourage his simp behavior.

Na endlich. Zeigst Du heut wieder Deine geilen Hängetitten? Ich würd Dich dermaßen fertig machen

I bet you are very pretty as well

maybe you are right but I cant stop him from posting anyway
are you german as well?

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Eh you pass. But seriously wtf is with that haircut wtf lmao

kkkkann sein...wer bist du von gestern? Bernard?

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Nah I'm Danish, I'm just able to read German.
You can't stop him, but you can let him know that abasing himself and proclaiming his willing slave mentality isn't sexy to you. Unless it is of course, but it didn't seem like it.

> I bet you are very pretty as well
I’m a manly man

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Ich war der, der die Titten abbinden und versohlen wollte. Ich glaube, das hat Dich ziemlich geil gemacht. Stehst bestimmt auf ältere Kerle, hmm?

vvielleicht....warst du auch mal bei einem meiner Vorträge?...
wie findest du meine Glocken denn?

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I don't know I am not biologist

Huh, op is an actual chick?

Ich steh total auf die geilen Dinger. Bis jetzt noch nich, aber hätte Bock, Dich nach nem Vortrag mal so richtig durchzunehmen. Bist ja bestimmt immer schon nass danach.

Jedem das Seine.

hatte schon mal einen anal plug beim vortrag drin...das war aufregend...

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>"Wait a moment, is that guy over there peeling off his own face with a dull paring knife?"
>"Sure, Jedem das Seine"
I can't stop people from hurting themselves, but I can let them know that that is in fact what they are doing.
Sure user can be a simp if he wants, I still feel compelled to let him know that he is hurting himself.

So gefällt mir das. Radfem und so schwanzgeil, dass bei der Arbeit schon die Rosette gedehnt werden muss. Danach würd ich Dir gern schon mein Patriarchat in alle Löcher drücken, so wie Du's brauchst. Wie alt bist Du?

Why do you care so much?

hhier kann ichs ja offen zugeben aber ich bin da auch nicht die einzige RadFem aus dem rechtsantideutschen Kreis die sowas geil findet...

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hmm schöne handliche titten

Bring doch die andere Sau auch mit. Naida heißt sie? Ich verhur euch beiden die Löcher, bis ihr nich mehr gehen könnt

I seriously doubt thats her

Because I've been there and I know how fucked up being in a parasocial relationship can be.
It's empathy on my part user, I see myself in other anons and feel compelled to help or sort of protect them.

no, you're still an ugly faggot

Hm, yeah understandable probably.
I think more like, you're digging your own hole you know? If you do something retarded, and it is out of your own motivation, then you also have to deal with it by yourself.
God, I fucking hate these captchas sometimes.

Naida hat einen stärkeren Willen als ich...aber manchmal...fuck das darf ich hier nicht verraten haha sonst versolt sie mir richtig den Hintern

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wenn du schon anfängst dann erzähl auch weiter

Well it's not like I'm taking responsibility for the other anons beyond pointing out that they're treading on thin ice.
I had to get my own way out of simping too, but I was prompted along by other anons pointing out that getting dependent on proxy for affection has diminishing returns and that I should aim for real life relationships instead.

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These are definitely not the same tits

würd gern sehen wie du den hinteren versohlt bekommst

waren mal zusammen in einem strip club..naja..keine Ahnung ob ichs erzählen darf fuck...wenn hier emand aus DMNV mitliest...

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Wenn die meinen nassen Riemen sieht, ist es mit dem starken Willen vorbei. Und wenn sie sieht, wie ich Dein Maul damit ficke, bis die Rotze auf Deine Schlauchtitten tropft, erst recht. Na komm, wir sind doch unter uns. Erzähl. Den Arsch kriegste so oder so versohlt.

the shower pic aint me even though I used to be this hairy

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Post butthole.
A set of balls attached and it's a dead giveaway is you pass or not.

egal wer mitliest - erzähl :)

Maybe, sometimes people need a "push" into the right direction, that's understandable. But then again, if someone is ignorant and just does it, there isn't much to give advice or something. Some people have to experience shit by themselves, so they won't do it again. That's life.

show penis

No your a biological white male who was born with a penis and now gives free head to niggers you do not pass you look male I noticed you were a tranny before I even read what you said

lets see then

Eh, I'll try to help either way and if they don't want to accept it, that's on them.