Why are Europoors so weak and frail? Is it lack of protein? Lack of testosterone? Lack of work ethic...

Why are Europoors so weak and frail? Is it lack of protein? Lack of testosterone? Lack of work ethic? Or is it just genetics?

When i visit the UK or Germany i notice all the men are little skinny frail albino faggots. They don’t even make eye contact when they speak to an American over there, out of fear i suppose.

Americans are bred for war and violence, it is what we are best at. American people have been at war for 235 years out of the 245 years we have even been a nation. What other nation can boast a ratio like that?

I would do hand to hand combat with any Bong, German, Polish, Swedish, French, Spanish or any Europoor as a matter of fact. I’d have you on your knees begging for mercy before i snapped your neck and ended you right there.

Why are Europeans so small and weak?

I’m badder than 99% of europeans and i don’t even workout i just work a physical job.

>pic related

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they must get less semen intake. you on the other hand, must drink gallons of it daily

pity reply

OPs shitposting aside, it was honestly shicking visiting Europe and seeing how socially awkward they all are. Here in the states, people are way more obligated to use polite language like "please" and "thank you" to eachother whereas in Europe when I was shopping at Tesco for example they barely made eye contact with any of the employees

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So why do American women dream of sucking European dick so much then?

I know this is a bait post but a lot of people feel this way when they travel, regardless of country. It's because most travel destinations are filled with either hipsters or upper class pussies. I've never been to Europe myself, but I imagine the rural areas with farms, the working class areas with laborers and the ghettos have a lot more physically strong people regardless of what country you're in. I can imagine a britbong bricklayer visiting San Francisco or some shit like that would get the same impression.

Cope eurocucks, you know everything i said is true. You guys are little frail faggots who would get tossed around easily by an American white southern man.

I wish the fuck one of you would give me a reason to stomp your little boney asses. Like i said, you pussies are always too scared to even make eye contact while speaking to someone like a man and you pussies don’t even handshake on a deal, you’re all little slimy scheming little cunts and i enjoy cucking you faggots down irl.

The "Italian Stallions" that American women want literally only exist in their fantasies. They don't exist

Because they aren't? We have better healthcare than the US? In the US people will often not go to a doctor or hospital for fear of debt and in cases die because of it.

They are the most overworked people, because they want to eat and be warm in the home, as the US government takes on average 43% of wages for various taxes and including a shit healthcare insurance that doesn't pay for everything if accepted by the hospital you go to.

Americans bred for war? Tell that to the North Korean and Vietnamese farmers who beat you.

Violence? Well yeah, because Americans have to get violent when they get upset, because talking and criticism is difficult for them.

You are so vain and obviously not the person in the picture, that you desperately quick type with your fat stubby fingers to try and project your own failing in life onto others you envy.


Oh look.

Try harder boifat, you aren't fooling anyone.

>Americans are bred for war - 235 years out of 245 years haha

Balkan people have been at constant wars for the past 5000 years.

>Tell that to the North Korean and Vietnamese farmers who beat you.
Vietnam was a military victory you retard. It was just a political failure

>What other nation can boast a ratio like that?
Africanized European makes great claims about violence and physicality. Many such cases.

Shit thread, Jamaldaquan.

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...This whole fucking post is based purely off retarded speculation, jesus this is why you guys are called europoors

How come whenever a European is pissed off online they immediately start ranting about healthcare?

The whole country of USA if a huge failure

How so? How is retreating and letting the Vietnamese capital be taken by communist farmers become a military victory?

>General Giang laughs in Vietnamese.

Europeans are frail and constantly getting sick which is why they had to make healthcare free after having them spend 15 dollars a gallon on gas for the commute

There's a reason northern and Eastern europeans dominate in strength sports when they can be bothered. Powerlifting is blatantly dominated, and boxing has been too even though American think their farming equipment has because their media will cram it down everyone's throats when the occasional nigger has a good run in between decades of Ivan's dominating the heavyweight division

Cope, the United States won the vast majority of battles. The war was lost, but it wasn't because of lack of military strength

OP is the reason why USA is so shitty, they are so convinced that they are superior they refuse to see their flaw and stay in their shithole and never improve it.

And yet the only way you can compete in the Olympics is when you shootup steroids

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Prove me wrong.

How much do you pay per month for your health insurance?
How much for State Tax?
How much for Federal Tax?
How much for Local Tax?
How much for Sales Tax?

Shit how much does it cost to even have a child in your family, to give birth to said child?

Here in the UK I pay this

12% Income Tax - based on my background
10% National Insurance

22% overall from my monthly wage. That I will have a state pension when I retire, that I can claim income based benefits when I lose a job. And the fact I can walk into any doctor's practice or hospital and get treatment free of charge. And also have a child for free.

Whereas you would probably spend about 43% of your monthly wage, on no guaranteed state pension that you have to privately take out, no income based benefit - you get the bottom line if you lose work, you lose out in employer based health insurance, you still can't choose which hospital or doctor to go to at any time, unless they accept whatever shitty insurance provider you have.

So yeah... tell me about this speculation you talk of.

But Americans are fat. When I went to America I was shocked. Obesity is a real problem over there. b

>Lost the war
>Seppo wooden boxes lining the streets
>Relying on tanks and aircraft against an enemy using pointy sticks
>Still retreated in shame
>"It wasn't because of military strength!"
It wasn't because of technological strength, it was absolutely because of being outclassed in fighting spirit and ability

Without resorting to shitposting, there is some truth to this, but neither will necessarily please you.
1) America is a melting pot and the population is genetically very diverse. This helps produce healthy offspring
2) American meat products are chock-full of steroids. Any remnants in foodstuffs add up over the years

Because that is the greatest US failure is your health service.

Shit 80% of your pharmaceuticals is made in Europe and you pay the nose for it, while we pay a normal price.

Fucking KEK.

The only way Americans can win is to have as much black athletes doing Athletic events. Or Asians in gymnastics. Or scandinavians in skiing and alpine events.

you know europe is made up a lot of countries, you should add up all the medals and start crying faggot. plus its athletes in your country winning medals not you, you sit on you oversized chair like you took part in the events.

Its a low hanging fruit and literally the only thing they have to cling onto when backed into a corner

Weird, last I checked that user was specifically talking about Eastern Europe

>Whereas you would probably spend about 43% of your monthly wage
we dont

>Runs, owns the Olympics, bans any country or athlete they don't like, picks and pays the judges in things like gymnastics
>Only country whose population gives a fuck outside of niche circles
>10+ times the population of most other countries who compete
>What next, you also going to brag that you dominate baseball and NFL?

>Americans are bred for war and violence, it is what we are best at.
You're no such thing. All you have is superior material resources. Warfare doesn't depend so much on muscles or bravado as it does on fucking oil and steel.

When you add up all the metals the USA still has the most, its not even close. Europe is being carried by a few countries and most of them have one or two gold metals at most, which is respectable, especially for smaller countries, but lets not get ahead of ourselves

>You guys are little frail faggots who would get tossed around easily by an American white southern man.
All talk is cheap, come over and try it in public. You know you won't, you dumb faggot. All you can do instead is fishing for (You)s by acting like an interwebz tough guy.

I am pretty sure user was talking about per Olympics not all of them. And even then European medals would be higher, much higher.

>10+ times the population of most other countries who compete
what's Chinas excuse for coming in second?

>Americans are bred for war and violence

That’s why you’ve never one a fight by yourselves isn’t it

how much tax do you pay on your wage and how much on your health insurance?

>state tax
Texas, no state tax, what other retard states like California do is up to them
Its 10 to maybe and a huge maybe 37%
Not a fucking blow by any means
>Local tax
Hardly imposed in Texas
> Sales
>Having a child
Dude as long as your not a piece of shit living with a whore in a trailer park, children financially are huge tax breaks and often end up in credits. It pays to be a working family man.
So yeah retard, your shits based off pure speculation

Yeah, you dominate the Olympics full of niche sports and imported athletes, where world champions don't bother going. You can dominate swimming, running and various "sports" that are just dances all you want but the world strength records are consistently held by white Europeans and boxing is still dominated by ivans


Everybody in pro sports shoots up, you ignorant little faggot, what? You thought your boy crush idol was natural? Roids take you beyond your potential, it doesn't mean it's not hard work. Europoors are so dumb.

Chinas excuse is that most non Asian women are considered big, strong men over there

we make money using our brains, for shit tier Jobs we usually use amerifags

>Your athletes are all African
>You know nothing about boxing

In my current income bracket thats just under 10% which includes retirement. My current health insurance plan is less than 10 dollars a month and covers any and all doctor and hospital visits. As far as property taxes, I pay less than 3 grand annually for property tax and utilities. Where I live sales tax is about 5%

you missed out how much your health insurance is, put it in a % of your wage. quite high right?


>Americans are bred for war and violence, it is what we are best at. >American people have been at war for 235 years out of the 245 years we have even been a nation. What other nation can boast a ratio like that?
That's really not something to be proud of, only a person with a severe lack of IQ would think this is something achievable.

Yankfag here, I would like to know how the fuck you manage to pay $10 for your health care and have everything free of charge. That sounds bullshit to me.

>Why are Europoors so weak and frail?
How can they be weak when they've conquered the world and made shitskins their bitches?

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I'm talking specifically about world strength records, not bitch sports that are just glorified dances. OP was talking about strength, every world powerlifting record is consistently held by Europeans. That's just a fact.

And here;

and still, you are gay and your gay wife cheats on you with afroamerican neighbor

Its called living in California where its partially subsidized and I barely use it

They're all held by Slavs, lets not get ahead of ourselves

Not even close. Im an active dude in my 20s. My insurance covers pretty much anything short of acts of god. Im not even what youd consider higher middle class. Again the trick to living here is not being a useless piece of shit

Do you even know who Ivan’s are. In the top 10 of every weight class, there’s like 2, total. If Uysk beats Joshua again, Fury will take the belts off him thereafter also.


Its a form of personal liberty. "You dont disturb me, i wont disturb you." The freedom to be the fuck alone.

Your kneecaps are not that strong, neither is the meat on your throat. Just saying.