Beautiful white women that were built to please and service Big Black Cocks

Beautiful white women that were built to please and service Big Black Cocks

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Being gay wasn't enough, now you gotta fantasize about black cocks specifically? kys

is your reading homosexuality into other anons a form of wishful thinking?

Fuck off kike

get help

Here comes the kid with the mental illness


Pretty much every white teen is into bbc now since it's taboo or whatever. Not sure why they fetishize bbc so much but us whyte folk truly do not stand a chance anymore

You’re fucking retarded. Do you talk to women?

the left one

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Why not both?

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other one is boring af

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more left

Would breed her

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Fair enough, think she's been niggered?

Nice ass

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Nice asian white combo on that nigger cock

I know she has. I was the nigger

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How small is your dick?

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Shouldve made her pregnant

Wow her body is so juicy

average tbh
nah, thats not hot at all

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I dream of both of them getting railed by a gang of BBC

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Well move over for BWC
Would destroy

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Has she been blacked?

Whit girls being ruined with black babies is hot

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Little sister. She might break tho

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i dont share that fetish

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Got more or kik?

nigger cringe

Would you love seeing your cute little sister with a black man?

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of course

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Tell me more about her

She’s my little sis, never dated anyone I don’t think

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Would you love to come home one day to hear her moan from her room?

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shes my cousin. married. cheated with bbc

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Black cock queen

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Wow that's amazing, I'm jealous of her husband.

Cute, has she been with a nigger?

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