How did this happen Yea Forums?

How did this happen Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread: dembo

This happened before. History is repeating itself. Atlantis "Sunk" in intelligence because of monkey cross breeding. Oh no! Its too late! Its starting!

that dude straight up looks like a monkey

I thought he was just an ordinary Brazilian tbh

Is this why white people smell like wet dogs?

>monkey cross breeding
You mean nigger cross breeding

The average apefrican nigger

Niggers lol

How is it crossbreeding?
They have different genetic makeup, different bone structure
They resemble chimps more than actual humans

That fucker looks 100% human chimp hybrid, holy fuck.

How smart is he, though? I'm deeply fascinated with this now.

Found the nigger.

probably a little smarter than the average nigger

the mother fucked this.

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Send it to the field. The cotton ain't gonna pick itself

this is fake

I found a full body picture of him. His name is Augusto Dembo.

It is possible for a chimpanzee to impregnate a human. This has already been proven by scientists in the late 1800s. Several women were artificially inseminated, BUT. They all mismarried multiple times.

However, all of the women experimented on where white. Dembo's mother is black, and sex with chimps is common in the region.

This little mother fucker is a chimp hybrid. lol

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>However, all of the women experimented on where white.
The same issue would be there if they were black though, they're just as far from the chimps as white women are.


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Uh, they're not, though.

While it is true that humans share 99% of their DNA witch each other, variations in whites, Asians, and Sub-Saharan Africans different as much as 0.75%. (Which is fucking massive in the genetics world.)

You share over 60% of your DNA with a pineapple. It's the little shit that is important.

So you feel comfortable enough to claim that some black people are related enough to chimps to have offspring with them?
Because that was what you were implying.

All humans are.

And yes, niggers are basically chimps themselves. So why shouldn't they be able to have nigger babies with chimps?

Are you fucking dense or something? Go play on your phone, or something, the grown ups are talking.

>They all mismarried multiple times.

They married the priest?

I've been looking it up and it doesn't look like fucking an ape reliably ends up in pregnancy and the birth of a hybrid.
Also no, black people as part of the human race are closer to the rest of us than they are to chimps. It isn't reasonable to assume that they would be more likely to hybridize with a chimp than white people would. dembo


I think he's just ugly. Is sex with chimps really that common in Angola? They're absurdly strong and dangerous, if they get mad they tend to rip off human faces, hands, and genitals. Chimp attack victims have been among the first to receive face or hand transplants. Also chimps have really small penises compared to humans, the size of most men's penises is an aberration among great apes.

Reliably does not mean infallibly.

There are several more examples of human-chimp hybrids in the past. Especially this creepy fucker named Oliver.

And another named Maria de Jesus.

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This is Maria de Jesus.

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Has their genome been checked and has the hybridization been proven?
I tried looking this one up, but I couldn't find her.

No, because he died like seventy years ago.

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>Maria de Jesus
you sure you got that right?
im finding some brazilian author

Learn biology fucktards, you are all so dumb.

So the only examples to corroborate your point you have, does in fact not corroborate that point?

Oh, maybe it's Mary. But it still comes up for me.

Anyone has that webm of a hideous latino guy eating some disgusting meat?

this. This board is pure retard.


Do your own fucking research you lazy shitting nigger.

Africans have genetic markers that other humans don't. They're significantly different because they descended from an entirely different pre-human primate. This is what Africans look like when they retain the genes from that uncommon ancestor. Look up photos of Robert Mugabe for another good example.

hello DEBOONKERS!!! working early eh?

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>This board is pure retard.
STFU and GTFO my Yea Forums

we got aids from a african fucking a monkey why cant we get a monkey from a monkey fucking a monkey?

yeah I work for the government. They pay me handsomely to call retards RETARDS.

>monkey from a monkey fucking a monkey?

That's offensive. George Floyd was murdered.

This is the result of the best genetic mutations possible. It is "end game" for niggers.

HOW DARE YOU?!? PRESUMING MY GENDER!! Who’s your manager?

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>you're retarded
What kind of argument is this

He knew too much about monkey sex and the totally possible ability to have a human get pregnant by a chimp. He was going to blab. Our agent Chauvin had to teach him a lesson. Those monkey-men were meant to be a secret weapon against Russia.

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It's very reasonable given that one moved to a place without chimps to interbreed with while the other probably kept fucking monkeys. Africans being closer to whatever monkeys they kept fucking after what would become white people left is pretty reasonable. It's not necessarily true but given how much more similar to monkeys black people act I'd say it's likely.

Africans are 18% monkey

i don't think monkey mutants are a good idea but i wouldn't be surprised if secret laboratories have tried to mix other animals with human. super hearing is stupid, but a human that can see infrared or ultraviolet, or energy from a distance would be useful. there might be lots of science that hasn't been released about seeing other energies using secret technology, but that shit is either too expensive or too sensitive to deploy. mutants in a plane simply looking down could achieve interesting surveillance if they could literally see through the ground.

user, you don't seem to know the difference between a monkey and an ape, so forgive me but I'm dismissing your opinion out of hand based on you being dumb.

All humans are 100% monkey you fuckin idiot

>Anons getting btfo'd by one guy with a brain.
Love to see it.

The amount copium this guy needs. He worships niggers, has holidays dedicated to niggers, watches netflix niggers, votes for niggers.

Nah user, considering black people fellow humans, doesn't mean I worship them. You're projecting your own white pride worship onto me in the inverse.
I find it kinda funny that you compare me to yourself and condemn me for it.

My fellow humans

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Some humans are broken, violent and rapist sure, but those individuals exist in all of the human groups we can think of.

>but a human that can see infrared or ultraviolet, or energy from a distance would be useful.
Yeah. And that's why we have machines that do all that shit. You don't need monkey-men for that.

why not?
>i dont have a nose