why did troons have to come and fuck up my favorite political party? they are parasites even more than BLM and fags. no one wants to listen to a sissy boy talk down to people about policies
Why did troons have to come and fuck up my favorite political party? they are parasites even more than BLM and fags...
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It is literally entirely made up and entirely contradictory.
>"Gender is a social construct"
>"Born this way"
>How can you be born this way in a social construct, also, born what way? when does someone become a man and when does someone become a woman?
Because the other party literally wants them dead.
How dare you bigot ? You will always be an incel.
rent free faggot
You are a moron an can't make the distinction between sex and gender. You are very likely a cismale. This means that you present yourself as a man and have a penis. A ciswoman presents herself as a woman and has a vagina. Gender is how you navigate the world and is utterly detached from what is in your pants. So, sex = biology; gender = how you present yourself; and sexual orientation = who you're attracted to. You can mix and match these concepts. For example a transwoman can be a lesbian, ie. a "biological male" who is a woman and is attracted to other women.
"Favourite political party"? you are a fucking retard if you like politics.
>distinction between sex and gender
Those words are synonyms only in the last 10 years has that definition been changed please kys before I kill you
If gender isn't tied to sex why are the main issues with transgenders always showing up around things like trying to compete with females in sports or using pronouns meant for the other sex?
If gender is a social construct you shouldn't even have to care if you're perceived as male or female since it's all made up anyways
Riddle me this and tell me how it can be
If gender is a social construct, why do you need surgery?
It's always been separate.
Because transwomen just want to compete with other women and not with men?
Precisely because of the social aspect of gender, by transitioning, transwomen will be more socially aligned with their actual gender, not with the one assigned at birth.
And yet, still rent free...
Never in our history has gender ever been defined as anything but male and female I have read school dictionaries that list the two as synonyms
>it´s always been seperate
>...aligned with their actual gender, not with the one assigned at birth
if thats seperate, how can it be aligned at birth? this shit doesent make any sense to me.
>Because transwomen just want to compete with other women and not with men?
No one cares if biological males want to compete against other biological males except maybe the trans competitor themselves if they're taking hormones and that makes it harder to retain their muscle mass
That wasn't the question though. I asked why issues come up when they try competing with a different biological sex than their own, why they insist on being referred to using pronouns meant for a different gender than the one normally associated with their sex if they're irrelevant social constructs, and why they'd care about gender at all if it's made up.
I have an actual copy of the Oxford English dictionary and the definition of gender is wouldn't you guess; A person's sex. Never ever has gender and sex been different Mr Burger.
>"biological male" who is a woman and is attracted to other women
top kek
wheres that image from?
the westboro baptist church site?
user you misread other user said 'assigned' not aligned.
the question of gender identity isnt a political question but a philosophical one as how one perceives their would be called something called a "qualia"
You can't use a link to a website as proof you fucking ape, that can be changed at any time which is why I have an actual copy of the Oxford dictionary.
what year?
and that link was to the offical oxford dictionary site. Only authorized people can edit it you tard
Wait until you find out about languages other than English existing. I want you to find out so you 41% ASAP.
You won't change the fact that men like women, something you're not and will never be. And I mean real women, with a vagina that self lubricates and that can produce offspring.
I have a copy from 1998 and my original point was that sex and gender were synonyms until the last 10 years and you haven't proven that wrong by showing a link to a website where the definition of gender had been changed from it's original definition.
Agreed. The left has fucking lost it, now they are supporting pedos over in florida. Fucking hell. I just tell everyone Im Centrist now, I dont want to be considered a tranny pedo.
Gender theory is theory. Why call someone a moron over something that is not fact. There is a big difference between fact and theory. Gender not being intimately linked to biology (minus a few deviations such as gender dysphoria) is still a solid and working theory as it applies to every other species on this planet. If you ask me Gender Theory is a bullshit construct with no evidence to support it.
I think you meant "Gender being intimately linked to biology"
gender theory is pretty bullshit but if ask someone to describe how their gender feels or how they experience its near impossible to explain hence it being a qualia
>If you ask me Gender Theory is a bullshit construct with no evidence to support it.
Correct, there are not non binary deers and transgender bears so why on Earth would people think that humans, who are mammals, would differ in any way to any other mammalian species on this planet?
because we've advanced as a species.
deers and bears dont have the concept of quantum physics either. as a society we've made concepts to make things simpler as our technology and societies became more advanced. There are specimens such as clownfish that change biological sex based on supply and demand of reproduction. A species of fungi called the "splitgill mushroom" has over 23,000 "genders" or sexes each as unique as the next. So although animals may not have a societal concept of gender there are certainly various examples that prove that even biological sex isn't static nor binary.
I realized it was a delusion when I found out about voice training. It's not the sex organs they care about, they just want to be pampered like a little girl.
None of the "examples" you gave were mammals, cells are Asexual and clone themselves, they also don't have genders but that can't be applied to humans because cells aren't mammals.
Basically yeah. They're the foreveralone incel autists that vanished a few years back.
They got tired of failing to get a girlfriend so they decided to either become the girlfriend or groom themselves one from the one type of boys they understand
my main point is we are the most advanced species on earth and as a result we have made many so concepts and we have have nothing to compare them with. Whether or not gender is a concept or not goes into meta-physics, not a fucking sjw owned compilation.
you can't change your dna
You're only saying that because they'll never be YOUR woman!
Well actually there's a fish specie where the inferior males who fail to get selected for mating will pretend to be female in order to sneak their way into impregnating them anyways.
>So although animals may not have a societal concept of gender there are certainly various examples that prove that even biological sex isn't static nor binary.
>my main point is we are the most advanced species on earth and as a result we have made many so concepts and we have have nothing to compare them with
Which one is it retard?
And just because we are the most intellectually superior species on the planet doesn't mean that we suddenly transcend nature. I'm sorry to tell you but like literally every single other mammalian species on the planet there are only two genders.
Wait, those Russian soldiers in Chernobyl weren't just trannies trying to get XX chromosomes?
Ok? Fish aren't mammals
i wonder what percentage of tribe people, or any people not using the internet daily are trans compared to city zoomers
Then why does gender reassignment surgery focus on sex organs if sex and gender don't conflate?
And men aren't women, what's your point?
If bears or dogs could use that strategy they would though
Unfortunately, they didn't evolve the means of hiding their sexual dimorphism like that fish did
Humans, on the other hand, have makeup and clothing so they can obfuscate their true sex and use it
>And men aren't women, what's your point?
Men and Women are the two different genders of the human race which is a mammalian race, believe it or not fish are not mammals therefore they do not do things that mammals do, like have only 2 consistent genders and also give live birth.
but thats the thing.
animals have a concept of sex but only humans have assigned traditional roles and have the concept of roles in society. We may have not transcended sex but at some point the concept of gender has abstracted itself from sex
cause traditionally genetalia is related to gender and the fear that one has of hating oneself due to have a body that's sex doesnt align in with one's gender and the way their peers may view them due to that.
Are you fucking retarded? Where do you think the term alpha male comes from?
also if you want an example of a mammal other than humans deviating from their biological sex
RE5 was the best Resident Evil.
Coined in terminology by someone studying wolves and their hierarchical structure, walked back year later, nomenclature has stuck around in the minds of brainlets.
a study that was proven to be false?
We're saying the same thing. A fish isn't a mammal so their sexual dimorphism tends to be lower. Mammals have higher sexual dimorphism due to possessing organs meant for accommodating a child during and after birth. Humans are special as in we've constructed objects and practices associated with those biological differences.
There's nothing preventing a male from wearing the clothes and doing the things meant to accommodate conditions specific to the female anatomy beyond the lack of utility. That's where most of the disagreement comes from. One side says the the lack of utility matters while the other says it doesn't.
At that point it's mostly just a matter of opinion
I unironically could not agree more friend
> YOU...are a creature
To be completely honest, that article may try to sound optimistic but it generally just describes some freak anomaly while admitting it led to a genetic dead-end and was probably caused by either some kind of chemical contamination or these animal's natural habitat being fucked up in some other way
Ok so what you are saying is that Wolf packs don't exist and that the leader of wolf packs aren't the male wolves and it's not because they are the dominant wolf in the pack?
I'm on your side, dumbass
I was literally saying tr0ns are dudes who wear dresses for no logical reason whatsoever but it doesn't necessarily matter that much
the wolf dominance theory study was performed by putting wolves in a space far too small compared to their natural environment and starving them of food. It's not the way wolves naturally behave in the wild.
There's plenty of anti troon arguments, why are you using one that makes you look like a moron?
Wolf packs do exist but there isnt an alpha wolf nor any advanced hierarchy like that
because everyone who ends up here has to be some level of retarded enough to stay.
Yeah, because the females tend to be the one's that actually do the decision making most of the time. And the pack is governed off of providing a parental and extended family role to ensure the survival of the pups. Now you have a BREEDING PAIR within this, who are at the top of the hierarchical structure, but, as I stated, it's usually the breeding female who has the ultimate authority in the pack.
Also, your notion of 'alpha male', if there is such a thing, is probably envisioned by something which acquires what it wants by brute force. Even in the pack structure, the breeding male isn't that, he's usually the most intelligent and level headed individual.
“Attempting to apply information about the behavior of assemblages of unrelated captive wolves to the familial structure of natural packs has resulted in considerable confusion. Such an approach is analogous to trying to draw inferences about human family dynamics by studying humans in refugee camps.”
source wolf.org
this same guy published a book 30 years prior about wolf dominance theory, then took it back when we got more info and looked deeper into WHY the wolves behaved the way they did.
also it was never an alpha male, it was an alpha PAIR.
I'm not even trying to use a wolf pack as an argument, the retard said that "only humans have assigned traditional roles and have the concept of roles in society" which is just completely and utterly wrong because every single other mammalian species has assigned roles to each gender.
Firstly, you have two genders, which can each be embodied within the two sexes. There aren't more than two genders. You have a masculine gender and a feminine gender. There is nothing more than that, that's it.
Masculine and feminine are not genders they are adjectives.
Not so. Even in human language you see gender usage. The Romantic languages is a prime example of gendered language, with masculine words and feminine words. But, there is nothing beyond masculine or feminine AT THE CORE when you can describe someone, regardless of their sex, which leads me to say that sex and gender are inseparable.
If you were born a man, then you will always be a man
Society outside of your echo chamber doesn't care what you identify as, to normal people you're just a nutjob