Conservative faggots: democrats and liberals are baby eating pedophiles!
Also conservative faggots: we love paying for sex with underage girls and eliminating age requirements for marriage!
Conservative faggots: democrats and liberals are baby eating pedophiles!
Also conservative faggots: we love paying for sex with underage girls and eliminating age requirements for marriage!
Other urls found in this thread:
Nobody gets married anymore, doesn't matter.
Literally don’t do shit.
This is done in the name of diversity in solidarity with muslims. Strong, white racially conscious aryans support raising the legal age of consent to 21.
Your Jpg can say anything you like OP. Source it.
So you admit that Republicans are just like Muslims? Would the average Kentuckian want Sharia Law to be implemented and submit to Allah Almighty
In Tennessee they call that jail bait
Do you actually not believe this shit is happening(and apparently don't care enough about CHILD RAPE to look it up) or are you just damage controlling for republipedos?
Nooooo stop making it easier for people to actually follow the bible! That old book can't be normalized!
It's just manufactured outrage over some kind of meaningless legal wording technicality or something like that.
Any accusations made by the republicans should be treated as a confession.
>women becoming whores at younger and younger ages due to liberal agendas
>rich conservachads devise brilliant 200-IQ play to arrange marriages with girls before they become whores
>liberals seethe and scream
friendly reminder in the 1600s the age of consent for girls was 12 and 14 for boys
women on average married from 24-29 until the late-18th century
In other words, people are finding more evidence of our pedophilia tendencies, do what we always do "deny and deflect!"
You can look up the victims of these laws sharing how they were raped and abused for years essentially under the authority of the government with no legal recourse for protection.
The efforts to undo/block these laws are largely driven by such victims begging conservatives to end these laws, or in many cases simply stand aside and not actively fight to enshrine these loopholes and protect pedos.
Even conservative rags like fox cover this although they leave out how it's almost entirely an issue just amoung conservatives.
So, again, are you just so uncaring about child rape that you don't care about the truth or are you TRYING to protect pedos?
>omg le libs are pedos
>but also it's actually totally based to fuck little kids as long as conservatives do it!
Yes and we need more diversity from muslims right? So we must need more Republicans!
you're a prime example of irony
those who have tunnel-vision on political spectrums
because you're on the spectrum
Meanwhile on the forefront of liberalism
literally just some made up sob stories lmao. saging your gay clickbait thread
>le autism! Stop pointing out inconvenient facts!!!
So where are all the libs supporting these child marriage loopholes and ignoring the child rape vitims begging them to save others from sharing their fate?
>child rape victims are just lying little whiney whores! It's only true when the accusation is against someone I dislike!
Conservative "morality" on full display.
Liberal Democrat pedos rape kids on their rape islands and exploit their gaping assholes on Netflix with shows like Cuties.
Liberal faggots on Yea Forums:
Conservative Republicans trying to return to religious institution that protected bride innocence for 1000 years with spiritual union to a single adult male provider.
Same liberal faggots on Yea Forums:
California has no minimum age for marriage and hasn't for a long time.
so out of RGB are you devoid of the color green in your vision or... I don't get it? there's like 5 actual articles linked for pedolibs in the comments already anyways
couldn't imagine how you have Reddit diction down to a T lol
>some literally who comment saying childen the have "sexuality", like how some masturbate at early ages, but not actually calling for any change to age of consent
>vs. republicans on a party-wide level in multiple states actually talking action to legally enshrine protection for child rapists, both blocking old loopholes from being closed and creating new ones like the Op case
Hmmmmmm... really makes you think?
Still waiting on any of you admitting if you just don't care about child rape or are deliberately defending it.
You know 4chna is anonymous, right? You can be honest.
>ignore all these pedopublicans and their pedo laws whatabout netflix triggering me?! Whatabout epstein!
Republicans are actively fighting to bring the values of epstein's island to the mainland as evidenced by the multiple examples you can only ignore and deflect from.
I think everyone involved in the epstein cabal should go down lib, con, clintons, whoever but I've literally talked to /pol/tards who go as for as defending epstein himself and saying everything about him is lies becuase of how him and his association reflect on trump.
>Conservative Republicans trying to return to religious institution that protected bride innocence for 1000 years with spiritual union to a single adult male provider
So these victims saying how they were raped and threatened and beaten and fled as soon as they could to protect their daughters are bad for not just letting their rapists have a go at their kids too? They should be happy but le libs just brainwashed them into thinking pedo rape is bad?
>there's like 5 actual articles linked for pedolibs in the comments already anyways
conservative pedos
conservative pedos
conservative pedos
Literally every link in this thread is about conservative pedos using the law to protect other conservative pedos.
I even looked through the comments on those articles in case you were gonna cope that that's what you meant but the only comment with a link to some other case was about a pastor in florida
Something I was somewhat surprised to find in the comments, though I suppose I should have expected it, was multiple people on the second fox news article speaking out to defend child marrriage and even a 14 year old being raped while passed out.
You think you could find just ONE example of libs pulling this shit but instead all you can do is lie.
"Le reddit" strawman projection is not argumnet or evidence to defens your pedo BS.
But children are sexual, it feels good touching yourself down there no matter how old you are. Does not mean adults should go diddling kids, but demonizing those things isn't exactly healthy either.
So while you're all to cowardly to directly answer if you just don't care about child rape(despite vaguely projecting it on the left) or actually defend it I think we got our answer anyway since, like clockwork, you have unsurprisingly started shifting from merely deflecting to suggesting that maybe actually this is based and trad and good for the little girls?>Conservative Republicans trying to return to religious institution that protected bride innocence for 1000 years with spiritual union to a single adult male provider.
No you don't understand. Conservatives live in a binary, black and white world. They can't comprehend nuance.
Yeah but how else are they gonna whatabouthis deflect from how they defend actual pedo shit?
Admitting the documented phenomena of kids masturbating and getting crushes is just as bad or even worse than saying these prepubescent girls are just dirty little sluts asking for it who need a based adult pedo to guide them.
The comments on the second fox article really are that bad lol
>what is Jeffrey Epstein
>what political affiliation were most his guests
sorry you're too fucking stupid to formulate a complex thought aside from RED BAD BLUE GOOD my dude, better luck next life
hopefully it's got less brainwash
>complete silence from all the conservapedos that have lied and deflected throughout the thread
Guess you switched to just hoping the thread will just 404 faster?
Again, republicans are the ones trying to bring epstein ethics to the mainland .
You can cherrypick pedos who happen to be a part of any group or ideology but it's conservatives/republicans who are actively on a systemic level passing and defending laws to protect pedos.
One of you copers tried to lie that there are tons of counter examples posted but unfortunately for you we have eyes and can see that every example itt is conservapedos.
>whatabout epstein? We must take down everyone involved, anyone who ever partied with him or did business with him to support the pedos cabal!
>.... except for trump and any conservatives lol
lol here you go again
Fuck the clintons, I'd be completely fine with them going down with the whole epstein cabal.
Deflect more pedo.
Hans, get the Luger
IIRC, there was only one underage girl at his trial, she was 17 at the time of the alleged sex
says the type to obsessively lurk Yea Forums for pedo threads
projection is cute
this place isn't a moral high-ground
maybe lighten up faggot
Of course like fucking clockwork
>le libs are pedos!
>but all these pedo-protecting laws and defense of child marriage is from cons?
>well actually that's super based and it's not bad when we rape kids also whatabout epstein?! all libs are guilty by association!
>fuck epstein, he and his accomplices should all go down, lib or con
>oh really? Well actually nevermind then, all the bad stuff about epstein is just lies
Lmao like christians haven't been diddling kids for decade.
Also keep in mind: pedophilia is never called out as a sin in the Holy Bible. In fact, in some passages, pedophilia is encouraged and/or praised.
So christians actually have zero moral superiority, as opposed to the Temple of Satan, which actually punishes pedos found amongst them. As opposed to protecting pedos, which seems to be the "christian" option, seeing how many church leaders are complicit in the disgusting acts.
You don’t
I imagine your room is dark, you're wavering between unfiltered rage and manic depression, no one wants you around, your entire life is in shambles
jk I don't need to imagine it
you're exactly that
you pathetic fuck
get off the internet lol
Republitards have been the boy who cried Clinton for over 30 years. I just don't believe republicans after all their lies. It's dumb to lump them in there.
>says the type to obsessively lurk Yea Forums for pedo threads
That's the most pathetic cope yet from you pedos.
I happen to see and click on a thread within a minute of going on Yea Forums and because I dare mention facts that are inconvient for pedo-protecting conservapedos that must mean I spend every waking moment sitting around just waiting for a thread about pedophilia?
Nevermind that if we apply the same idea to you about obsessively lurking Yea Forums for pedo threads to DEFEND pedos it's way worse lol
>le internet tough guy all a joke so cool deflection
Except that irl actual pedopublicans take actual action that harms actual child victims you pedo retard.
It's also a little late to play the "who cares" card after a thread full of cons pretending to care about kids so they can project on libs.
everyone of your responses is rage
lol stop projecting your pedophilia on people
>desperate projection
Also "my room"? I have a whole house of rooms that are all mine you pathetic retard. What are you, some basement dweller who hasn't moved out of mommys house yet and can't imagine doing so?
>get off the internet lol
Says the guy playing defense for pedos lol
>y-you're just mad!
Cope and seethe.
All these examples of cons enshrining pedophilia in the law and all you can do is deflect like a deceptive kike.
Maybe don't go out of your way to defend pedos if you don't want to be lumped together with them?
You faggots should meet up and paralleljerk to children.
The bill literally doesn't say anything, it's a bunch of lawyer bullshit. I imagine this is another case of the "don't say gay" bill that also has nothing to do with what libtards say it does.
Libtards have to hunt for these republican Boogeymen to blame, meanwhile Democrats actively campaign to sexualize children.
>have to hunt
You don't have to hunt, some of them blatantly brag about it
still obsessed
Fruitfly memory
The bill is only two pages long. Can you cite the part that you think legalizes underage marriage?
Yeah... I didn't think so faggot.
Wasn't responding to that retard, learn to read. God damn republicans are stupid.
Cope and seethe libtard.
Rest assured there hasn't been a single day in the last 365 that you haven't mentioned Trump. I'd rather be a fruitfly than you lol
Weak response
>I'd rather be a fruitfly
Join the republican party and you can have the intelligence of one.
Liberals deserve the rope for no other reason that chronic inability to fucking read.
and yet still have more cognitive capabilities than you lol