Do you think loli/shota should be banned or do you view it as harmless as long as it stays fictional?
Do you think loli/shota should be banned or do you view it as harmless as long as it stays fictional?
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loli/shota is for career pedophiles to slowly warm up to their desire to molest children
Harmless as long as it stays fictional. Saying it makes people molest kids is just like saying shooting someone in GTA is going to make me do it IRL. You don’t see people telling guro fans “This will make you want to murder real people” so why is it this way with loli and shota.
As long as it stays fictional it’s all good.
How exactly do you propose to ban people from making lines on a piece of paper?
Oops, I'm a criminal now. And so are you.
>comparing a cop Roleplay simulator to a sexual fetish
okay faggot
Canada you ok?
I also compared it to guro. Never have I been told in guro threads or other guro hentai communities that it will make me want to actually hurt others, only in loli threads, but you chose to ignore that but as it didn’t fit your point.
keep dreaming of them little boys poofter faggot
That would be shota, I only mentioned loli. At least know what you’re talking about before you start self projecting.
self crit with a handgun you degenerate
We’re all degenerates here.
Why don’t you go first :)
The problem with child abuse is the children being abused, not the mental state of the person abusing them. Don't lose sight of this.
Is loli pede, hebe or ephebe?
Depends on context. The jap term literally means little girl, so
All porn should be banned and promote healthy relationships instead
It's like weed and fentanyl
That’s hot
>promote healthy relationships instead
I think people should fuck off when it comes to the topic regardless. I think they should be shot dead if they dont. But thats just me.
Harmless as long as it stays fictional
Literally this. Remove porn from a society, lower the age of consent to the age of puberty instead of some arbitrary number like 18, promote marriages and starting happy families, and boom. You have taken the first step towards a utopia.
>the age of puberty
This age is different between individuals.
i think you should be banned for posting that spam thread daily.
No one ever said it would be easy.
The total police state and constant profiling will be worth it once we are able to constantly monitor and predict everyones every thought.
For the children! Because your life is worthless after age devalues it.
Loli/shota porn is a pathway to pedophilia. It gives it a space to form and grow, the pornograpghy depicts children in sexual manners, and/or in sexualized forms that ticks off all the mating desires but now recontextualized in a child. Think about it this way, how many weebs become pedos or lolicons? Why aren't non-weebs like them? It's because of the exposure. Very rarely you'll see a pedophile going to anime or hentai for his desires, but rather they were "awakened" by them.
Harmless? Not really. It doesnt harm real kids, but most likely causes more pedophiles and turns others into deeper and deeper porn addictions which in it's is incredibly harmful.
The arguments that
>she isnt real
>she is actually 100 yrs old
Is bullshit. Because the issue isn't in the drawing, it's in the attraction to the drawing, and in the rationalization.
>What about pedophiles who use it to keep their urges in check?
That doesn't work, and also it's more likely to cause them more frustration. It continues to fuck with their brains to further associate children with sex. And again, it just fuels porn addiction. The urges don't disappear, they'll continue to lust over real and fake kids regardless. As for child molesters or rapists, these people are already fucked up and not due to loli or shota porn.
>So what? Why do you care! Let us jerk off
It becomes an issue of normalization. Communities will form, boundaries will be pushed, and the same people who need professional help will just continue to harm themselves, others, and society as large.
Also, attraction to 15-17 year olds isn't pedophilia, and is not really immoral. It's just societally unethical, because they can be preyed upon and easily abused. Which is a stupid thing to make the attraction a taboo, but completely understandable to make dating or pursuing them a taboo.
Reasonable, but it's not about puberty only. It's about protecting those who can be easily taken advantage of. Also, there is not a set age for puberty, that's why you set the age of consent to the higher end of the spectrum, so that no one can fall through the cracks, and ends up being legal before puberty.
>the issue isn't in the drawing
But that's precisely what any hypothetical law would target.
Yes, so you can't marry a lady that hasn't gone through puberty yet.
Then at most it would be like 13 or 14. 18 is ridiculous and most girls by that age have been led by society to do all kinds of disgusting things.
Yeah, since you cannot ban concepts, you ban the things most associated with them, or place measurements to impede them. The drawings are still an issue, and banning is fine, but the issue would be defining what is allowed or not.
How would you measure puberty exactly?
Kys pedos
Im fine with killing every child on the planet if it makes you feel better. They will never be harmed again. Every child will forever be safe from future harm. The great harm that is what someone somewhere might do because they have zero personal agency.
>The drawings are still an issue
That doesn't square with this quote:
>the issue isn't in the drawing
But anyway you may as well attempt to define what is allowed or not if you're really sold on banning drawings.
>at most it would be 13 or 14
No, that's still young. Puberty is a developmental process. Imagine marrying a 13 year old, how could she possibly be a decent wife? What are her chances of a healthy pregnancy or childbirth? Can she even lactate at that age? Has she developed a maternal instinct?
You need to stop thinking with your dick, and take a look at it more than just sex.
I'm saying that drawings are not the issue when it comes to protecting children. But they are an issue in creating, and normalizing pedophilia and porn addiction.
History long ago answered those questions on a global scale many many times over. Know what youre talking about if youre going to take a condescending stance.
>just own nothing if you are afraid of getting robbed
>just starve if you are afraid of food poisoning
>just kill yourself if you are afraid of being murdered
but what if you only like lolis because you imagine yourself as one during sex, i already am petite and look seriously young for my age
Enlighten me then, instead of acting like a jackass
Okay. I'm more interested now in what precisely this hypothetical law would ban. What would you say regarding loli art which has no nudity?
Breast development, first period, body hair starts growing, idk there's many. It's nature screaming out that she's bloomed.
My dick is right. In all seriousness though, it worked in the past. It's feminists that began to fuck everything up due to their jealousy of happy families.
As long as it's not sexual, nor an innuedo, it should be fine. But an issue arises because loli art has become so sexually ingrained, even the "cute" aspects have become sexually appealing, which is a product of addiction and warped sexuality.
>first period
Interesting. However, nobody with a clue would say that a girl who's had her first period has finished puberty, and it's pretty hard to argue that she's an adult at that point.
You say it worked in the past, but today's culture isn't the same. Marriage isn't as it used to be. We now have hook up culture, dating, etc. People used to marry young, because marriage was the only thing between men and women (other than affairs and mistresses obviously), but that doesn't mean they used to have sex with the children as soon as they married. Infact, child brides were uncommon even in medieval times, and most were wed as teenagers around 16 or so.
How would you propose to fix this issue? Is it fixable at all? I don't believe that there's any concept that exists that can't be sexually appealing to anyone.
I meant when she's DONE with her first period dummy c:
It's just the sad reality. I guess you have to develop a good marriage culture first before marrying young girls.
No need. People who want to learn will naturally do so on their own. People who dont want to learn will persist in their beliefs no matter what others say.
You now know there is more to learn. The path you take is up to you.
It wont involve me though. Good intentions are repaid with slander. I will preemptively spare myself from more of the same. You have a nice day.
I don't know, another user said ban all porn and promote healthy relationships. Which I kinda agree with. But I would guess maybe:
>restrictions on loli/shota porn, softcore or otherwise
>heavier social shaming (petraining to loli porn) even from niche communities
>better education on sex (as in understanding sexual attraction)
>less consumption of porn
>less attempts of sexualizing minors (as dictated by age of consent, for easier aversion)
>lowered age of consent
>deconstruction of modren hook up culture and more value is put into pair bonding and marriage
>acceptance of pedophilia as a condition and normalizing treatments, coping methods, and lessen the stigma
A lot of pedos fall off into the deep end because they have this mentality of "I'm a pervert anyways, fuck it might as well enjoy it". And I've noticed a lot of pedos become pedos due to being social rejects and finding that children might love them or accept them or enjoy them sexually because they are more naive or innocent or tolerant.
>and it's pretty hard to argue that she's an adult at that point.
No one's doing that.
Pre-pubery = child
Post-puberty = young, sexually ready woman who will save herself for the right man when the time comes, whenever that may be.
Simple innit
Regardless of your intentions, I can't help but feel like this is a cop out from you.
just so you know a woman can marry as long as she's not an elderly woman (too old and cannot bear children) or a child (too young and hasn't hit puberty to even bear children).
How do you know when puberty has ended? This may seem pedantic to you, but we're talking about law here, which needs to be precise.
Puberty isn't a "Switch ON" button. It's a development. People go through puberty, not have puberty.
Im aware you would and in a sense it is as im unwilling to concern myself over guiding others who are capable of doing so on their own.
I made a comment. A statement and not a commitment.
> should we censor harmless works of art
Um, no? How is this even is a question? Fucking hell.
Most girls finish it when they are 14, so really the age of consent can be set to that to be safe. Exceptions can be made for girls who finish puberty earlier like 13 or something. How's all that sound? I think it's reasonable.
Not only do it view it as harmless, I think it provides an outlet to those who need it. Banning loli does not make pedophiles stop lusting after children after all, and the gateway to actual children argument seems to be a load of nonsense to me.
It's hard to call an image of Yotsuba porn, but we both know that there are people who find this image sexually appealing. Where do you draw the line?
The obvious problem with that is girls who have not finished puberty by 14. The entire point was to not include them as legal sexual targets, right?
I'd say 15. Jumping right at it at the first sign of finishing puberty is too unreliable and jarring. And you cannot set a law that works per person, people have to meet the criteria not vice versa, so the idea of exceptions given out is not gonna work, and is highly corruptible and easy to abuse. I say 15 as well to account for the late bloomers, and those who haven't finished yet, as well as to account for males too.
This Thread over
>loli porn is "work of art"
>outrage disguised as rational response
this is a pedo cope
Uohhhhhh knees ToT ToT ToT
>outrage disguised as rational response
The line is draw at sexual depictions and innuendos, like I mentioned before. And I also wrote about how people will still find benign stuff sexually desirable. The idea is than it's a preventive method, rather than solution. The post I posted earlier is the closest I can think of.
Everything someone didnt like has had a tyrant attempting to demonize and destroy.
Since long ago when people were knocking limbs and noses off statues up till now with countless and vast amounts of creations being forever destroyed.
It is a mentality of fear and contempt. Hopefully that primitive and foolish nature is something humans will move past one day.
It's harmful, but it's not in a direct manner. It also creates more pedophiles. Obviously some are pedophiles before discovering loli porn, mostly due to environment and upbringing, but others are due to exposure.
Well thats just downright silly.
14 and 15 are both good laws I would say. Here's the thing, by 14 every girl finished most of puberty and I doubt that what's left prevents her from getting married. Idk much on the topic in this regard to be honest. In any case there is no way the age of consent should be anything higher than 15.
The age of consent should also be higher for males though since they start later and that's a fact. You decide an age for this one I have no idea lmao, maybe 17 I guess.
Because the only reason anyone would object to anything is because they are an evil ignorant tyrants who are afraid? Is that what you really think?
>The idea is than it's a preventive method, rather than solution.
That's obvious enough. No law can solve crime. Law does need to be precise, though.
How exactly would you define innuendo in a law regarding banning images?
Is this a question or an accusation?
My comments mean what they say. Neither more or less.
How so?