Why is everything shit?
Why is everything shit?
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Recession user. Get ur money out the bank now
Because life on this planet started after an alien bathroom break.
Because right now the lunatics are running the asylum, and making up new rules as they go along.
Because nobody takes responsibility.
All your fault.
Dunno, but there's a song about it.
But at least there are wenches.
systems collapse. as our modern systems get more and more sophisticated, fewer and fewer people understand how the whole thing works. over time the knowledge and skills to maintain the systems are lost, or degrade in quality, until one day you're being overran by the sea peoples.
no worries user, it'll take another century for that to play out (assuming something catastrophic doesn't happen) so enjoy your bit of life before the next cataclysm
Depends on your perspective, but everything sure is shit
Bro it's 2022 already, this is going to be a great year. Bidens impeachment and removal from office is imminent at the end of the year.
Just 2 more weeks times 20, trust the plan.
It's not, you just lack imagination.
Things are shit because not enough of us have been standing up to the things that are in opposition to nature the natural course God has set upon Earth, it's thrown us into a continual state of pure chaos pure chaos the Degeneracy a downfall of humanity around the world.
We are able to stand up and be undefeatable that was beautiful but this is only if we accept the spirit of Christ that is inside all of us if we allow that Holy Spirit to burn with a hot bright fire allows to be stoic in the most chaotic of situations just like Kyle rittenhouse.
Christ is clear in The Bible to one of his followers and pulls his sword and cuts off the Romans ear you're that you should only fight when you have something to gain then to gain and it's fine to use your life for a cause but not without purpose if all you do is act out of emotion and die what good what goal have you worked towards you're towards your entire life
Imagination is the worse it makes you realize all the things that aren't actually possible and how limited your experience really is, its the ignorant people with no imagination that are just happy to see the sun come up again and again over and over.
Aka marxist kikery. Maybe boomers shouldve listened to grandpa and his racist rambles!
This. Nobody wants to believe in Jesus anymore. When you remove Jesus from things, this is the result.
Imagination is one of the reasons it is shit, you live in it while you sit on your ass and jerk off, play vidya, fuck rando whores. its all a complete waste your over emotional feelings and escapism is the way you are taken out of the game and the destructive downward force will win if you continuously stay there unable to pull your self out without Christ and self reflection and living in this reality in Gods presence.
No, just the tendency of systems even marxism and kikery to break down over time and gradually succumb to disorder.
It’s not, the shit is inside of you.
I often say nature for those that are not comfortable yet when i speak in person, God will lead us too him when we seek and choose a force to align with the rest will be autopilot. it is out own heart that will condemn us to judgement if we dont give up on judging our self God will show us he is the true Judge. Guilt and all that shit are tools of satan, ties that bind us to an action and a way of life we hate, hate is another binding. Stoicism from God through christ within is how we do what is required of us. they may take our lives but they will never take our souls, Gott mit uns
partly true!
You're just angry and lack good things in life because you've never done anything to improve your situation. You've never taken responsibility for your actions. You need Jesus. You need to listen to him when he talks to you. You need to do what he says and your life will improve. I met a 20 year old today and I'm 38. I made her laugh. There was chemistry. It was nice to know that I can feel that way still. It was nice to share in that purity. To make someone truly beautiful, laugh and smile. You need to learn how to be happy and how to spread that joy to others. Only then can you truly understand happiness. I did it in front of my wife. Not as a sexual thing. Just to spark joy and happiness in others.
good question
Jews are simply one of the dealers of chaos
the drugs they offer and their use is a symptom
Stoicism is truly the way. Joy, making jokes, being pure, staying true. Then when others are left smiling, don't overstay your welcome.
>user why are you always so happy?
>I have Jesus in my heart.
I don't preach for hours upon hours. I tell people
>Just read the Bible and do what it says and you'll have this unending joy.
It's incredibly simple but people overcomplicate it.
You are inside earth's atmosphere, you are the shit of the earth.
That is an appeal to authority, not taking responsibility for one's own actions and it proves why everything is shit in your worldview because there is only one path to happiness while there are many people.
Naw man, you're the greatest creation of the most high. Don't be so negative all the time. It's time to start acting like a king instead of a slave.
But the vaccines, microchips, microplastics, lithium mining, hyper surveillance, porn, epsteins and unconscious consumerist lifestyle. Yea the feelings are all inside our body but you cant help but to feel helpless as you watch all this unnatural stuff slowly become a part of your life and how family and friends are turning into npcs
The path to happiness is through Christ our savior and king. When you develop kind and lovingness toward others, only then can your situation I'm improve. Until then you're just a sour grape. Nothing will get better for you.
We are alive in the greatest time of human civilization ever and just crying all day.
All that stuff is to get your eyes off of Jesus.
Having some kind of spiritual fulfillment doesn't cancel out all the shit constantly being heaped on our lives.
That is not stoicism, that is is altruism.
Sure, go to your local court, start dictating all the rule to them, take whatever you want from them, and explain they have to listen and submit to your whims because you are their king.
When greatness surrounds you, it's hard to imagine better so people imagine worse. They can't accept that things are alright. I stopped watching media because of all the LGBT and my life improved.
Will your kids be able to say the same or their grandkids? Let me guess your answer be along the lines of you not caring as long as you’re not alive
Its not really my situation that is bad, it is the people around me who have a shitty situation that drags me down, how many times are you suppose to pay for one kids rehab and not expect him to just come home and fuck your shit up again like usually and get dragged back to jail?
transgenders and gays ruined society i promise you
You can't have stoicism without altruism. They go hand in hand.
As for the court thing? I take it you're in trouble and that's why you're making this thread? You're angry that your actions landed you in hot water. It's insane how right I tend to be because of the holy spirit. When you're in jail, and you have nothing left to do, read your Bible.
Matthew Harwood & Scott Cresswell
Stand Your Ground
A faded memory
A staring picture left behind
And rewrite
Once we're told
Strangers in the strange land
Walking dead on a red line
We resource
Broken minds
Back into a corner
There's nowhere left to hide
Reach inside
Find the strength to
Stand your ground
Don't back down
Said I
Sometimes you know what it's like
When there's nothing left to do but
Stand your ground
Don't back down
Said I
Sometimes you know what it's like
When there's nothing left to do but hide
Desperate breathing
Like a nun dead brought to life
For my eyes
Memories on me
On faces of the time
Dead and I
There's no turning back now
Back into a corner
There's nowhere left to hide
Reach inside
Find the strength to
Stand your ground
Don't back down
Said I
Sometimes you know what it's like
When there's nothing left to do but
Stand your ground
Don't back down
Said I
Sometimes you know what it's like
When there's nothing left to do but hide
Ah you're surrounding yourself with shitty people. Make new friends and let him fall. Some people need to hit rock bottom before they get better. Don't be his pillow. For the poor you'll always have with you. Stop casting your money before swine. They'll just take and take and take and take. It's time to cut your losses and move on. Teach them how to make the money you have instead of being the source of their money. Always punch up, never strike down unless it's to shake dead weight off of you. The ones above your wealth will recognize your position and share knowledge with you.
>You can't have stoicism without altruism.
Yes you can, monks just sitting in their castle reading to themselves in silence is stoicism without altruism.
The court things proves you are a slave to the system and no king, it doesn't matter if you are in trouble what matters is that the court can make trouble for you if it so desires because you are not in control of society.
You sound like a retard, you guesses are all wrong, your spirit for phony holiness is misleading you to be a retarded pretentious asshole who makes wrong assumptions about almost everything and very little power to change the world around you.
never assume anything, its just people trying to be fortune tellers. Discernment is from God assumptions are for frauds.
Sure only friends are bad people, family can never do wrong, it is easy to just replace your family, and its skills that matter for your children to be successful rather than accreditation and connections.
God is a fraud
Continued thought.
Jesus was rich. Like really really rich. He owned land and had enough money to feed thousands of people. But when he did, he always taught them how to fish. He just had no house on any of it. Everything he had he left to his disciples to build the first Church. He was buried in a plot of land that cost in today's money 2.7 million dollars, just to lay there for 3 days before rising again. He looked at the plot of land and said it wasn't enough for him and he's still alive today. Stop selling yourself for dead people who don't want life.
You are the fraud, you assume to know everything about the universe because some retard brought you up to believe that some mythological book of metaphor is the literal truth.
last line if fight not hide, this was a copy paste but song is definitely saying fight. Faith and hope for one day having heaven physically manifest on earth is what we can hold onto for hope.
because if it was good you wouldn't CONSUME
Because you don't work hard enough.
>He (Jesus) owned land
>He just had no house on any of it.
Then he must have been a really shitty carpenter if he never built himself a house on all that land he totally owned.
I also need a source that Jesus owned the land he was entombed in.
i dont know but facebook has absolutely nothing to do with it
Hard workers are the first people to commit suicide when their bodies break down at an early age. Hard workers are the people falling off of ladders and roofs, paralyzing themselves and making their lives much more difficult and shitty in the long run.
What i have discovered is from inside of me not from without. you can have people point you in the right direction, you could be pagan or something and as long as you understand downward force / destruction vs an upward force of ascension and betterment of all things I side with you and walk a similar path outwardly. You again assume too much. stop being angry at what others have. if you want more understanding find it from within and stop being a dick. you project and expect nothing but a negative if thats what you want fine, go kill your self and see how it goes. suffer and die.
Jesus wasn't a carpenter. His mother's husband was a stonemason. Stop assuming you know everything.
The happiest, most fulfilled guy I know is a trust fund baby that has never worked a day in his life.
I like you. We may disagree on finer points but, that golden light you carry as well, keep shining it into the darkness. Never give up friend.
You don't have anything except a bunch of hot air in your belly, and impossible dream to hope for, and some material possessions and connections that are slowly rotting and breaking down.
No. Those “in power” will retain power then pass it on to descendants, other entities, etc. Blackrock.
There are definitely days that if could “press the button” and destroy the ball, I would. Tell me why I should care?
again im speaking of the spirit within any "history" or "knowledge" you think you have that you think isnt a subversion if up for debate within your self or at others. nothing to do with a spirit inside of us. Be a human instead of an animal that kills its self slowly. live forever. its an option. youtube.com
It is not an assumption it is straight from Matthew 13:54-55.
It's not all shit. There's oceans of piss as well.
Is that all you are willing to settle for?
I want to ask do you hate your self and want to die?
Hierarchy lets people at the top of it to create dumpster fires and walk away from them while they burn, leaving minnows to pick up the pieces.
>pass it
That is a euphemism for taking a shit, they don't pass it on exactly, they can only pass it on in a broken down state of increasing entropy.
It depends. Are you me?
>suffer and die
bitch shut the fuck up
Gott mit uns
never nigger
I must not fear
Fear is the mind killer
Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration
I will face my fear
I will permit it to pass over me and through me
And when it has gone pass, I will turn the inner eye to see its path
And where the fear has gone, there will be nothing
Only I will remain
I live by every word of God. You don't have to be poor to be a Christian. Jesus owned like 2 houses and tons of land. He let other people live in those houses rent free. The houses had upper rooms, and they used a barn as the first church. People from all over the world came to hear Paul preach. They had enough money eventually to buy the Church of Ephesians which used to be the temple that split in two pieces from the Romans. It's just sad that they beheaded Paul for his crimes but the church continued on for 19 generations. It kept growing and it's now called the Vatican. You have no clue who you're talking to.
damn sucks for you
Everything is a reflection of you, why are you shit?
take your meds
got a better question for you, why would God make anyone shit in the first place?
In English, "carpenters son" not "carpenter" and the Greek word τέκτονος translates to mason, not carpenter. Stand down before you hurt yourself.
>Knowing bible history = mental illness?
You're arguing with someone who knows their craft son.
how many children did Jesus have?
ὁ τοῦ τέκτονος υἱός οὐχ
Is this not the son of the mason?
None. He had brothers who had children though.
this point still stands He was still a shitty mason if he couldn't build his own house and it wasn't an assumption it was that your precious unassailable holy book is mistranslated and wrong by your own claims.
Please die. Or go drink a cup of diarrhea. Whichever.
That can only be answered by asking why would god make himself shit, and then looking in the mirror.
It's not my fault you can't read Greek sand Hebrew. And a few meaningless words that don't change the meaning at all doesn't detract from the truth. The subject remains unchanged.