The Hunger Games Commandments;

The Hunger Games Commandments;

>No Dupes
>No Groups
>The previous host may be afforded a spot if they don't make roster
>First 24 are in
>Hold any swaps till Roster Check
>Please hold samefags till requested.

All are welcome to the Lord's Games.
Grab those capes. It's superhero time.

Attached: 1595562623502.png (828x842, 81.65K)

Carl Brutananadilewski

Attached: Carl_Brutananadilewski.jpg (600x450, 41.09K)


Attached: niko.png (96x96, 718)

a dog

Attached: 1A5E752E-A148-49B5-947A-A7C80C80BC27.jpg (768x1024, 90.36K)

Roxy Glamcock

Attached: roxy megaman.jpg (920x613, 101.66K)

Loony Glamcock

Attached: FD-H1Y9XMAEZolh.jpg (839x1259, 106.36K)


Attached: tetoSeeFileNameExtension.png (960x960, 823.98K)

Black Adam

Attached: 8FF38697-3FDB-45B0-ACBA-D8A2181F64CB.jpg (828x913, 413.11K)

Donald Trump

Attached: super trump.jpg (480x561, 47.85K)


>We all don't wear capes

Attached: border.jpg (945x566, 81.37K)


Attached: y91.png (250x281, 33.17K)

What is Tetos favourite veteran track

Nutella Girl

Attached: Nutella Girl superhero.png (1000x1000, 397.63K)

Rose Lalonde

Attached: 19.jpg (1500x2000, 390.53K)

Human Mae

Attached: bottemless not.jpg (960x720, 57.1K)


Attached: Hi-Jump.png (500x400, 33.74K)


Okay but what kind of cereal are you?

Thanks for playing!

Attached: Yamcha - 122.jpg (765x1045, 264.1K)

My hero academia mae!?

baby im bleeding with rainbox six being a really close second


Attached: bRPSkdK.jpg (911x1130, 167.15K)


Attached: aaaaaagor.jpg (1800x2460, 1.05M)

Max Payne

Attached: WHUT DA.png (268x268, 104.93K)

Doc Ock

Attached: doc ock the sexiest tribute.jpg (899x665, 132.17K)

Diapered Luna

Attached: 1618949850533.png (1600x2915, 1.97M)

Daddy ock


Fag it up. Sames must be transparent.


Attached: jewish superhero ratman.jpg (471x650, 47.82K)

Tickle Monster

Attached: main-qimg-c8f30ef1e1bb7554621f74e7d2550190.png (250x250, 23.18K)


Attached: electro.png (408x612, 175.54K)


Attached: KSS-Marx.png (280x508, 35.24K)


Attached: D.png (937x1016, 505.79K)

Sixty Niggers

Attached: 1410663099240.png (426x458, 185.35K)

That'll do. Hold.

Attached: 2F1A8572-D2E3-4916-8D84-20352294C6A2.jpg (640x637, 88.83K)

go back to electric stefan or I'll kill you

Too late you idiot.

Which one of these assholes was new? Also I hate both of you.

The one staring at gay poster above

He lost that privilege.

I'll pay you to keep this shithead out.

Attached: 4795ED10-7A62-4E81-B7F2-F66E1C57B50D.jpg (300x291, 33K)

Some people have integrity even if it mean including shitheads.

We like?

Attached: 01.png (670x867, 336.71K)

sixty is my same lol

Attached: crayons.jpg (1280x720, 209.52K)

I like!

Attached: q77.jpg (500x500, 44.03K)

In what context is Uiharu even meant to be saying this?

Let's get Loony and Roxy!

Attached: 1645478195.menis_icarus_loon.jpg (1280x1280, 261.95K)

Is that what it is? Looks good.

Attached: stefan5.png (466x624, 267.7K)



Attached: 1648449890981.jpg (819x1024, 127.11K)

I'm ready for whatever awaits me. I'm a messiah already, so how hard can being a superhero be anyway?

Attached: 5.png (1009x1200, 312.93K)

Lets save some people

Attached: WIDE.png (1139x1139, 229.48K)

Fine. Next time.

Attached: let’s go.jpg (706x348, 57.07K)

IDK i found it on Yea Forums years ago

Attached: 1453336875257.jpg (500x458, 27.46K)


Attached: 305F6BFB-6FFB-40EB-BD6A-23E1ACB58A7C.jpg (1000x1000, 82.69K)


Is good enough for me.

Ever go to those Crayola factories and make your own, kind of bullshit they name it for you though.

Attached: Yamcha - 145.jpg (740x767, 251.94K)

Ready for Roxy and Loony!

Attached: 1640958130.madnevil_loona_roxy_drive_starting.jpg (960x760, 180.97K)

No complaints.

Attached: ingrid with remilia.jpg (1181x924, 459.68K)

Mother of God. LIGHT IT UP!

Attached: 02.png (670x2539, 378.99K)

Attached: manchild.jpg (338x384, 39.07K)

I'm stealing that entry image for selfish gain
Baby I'm Bleeding, 1539, and Real Nega are all bangers
No three in a row BB deaths, nice

Attached: stefanmirror.png (441x653, 108.14K)

Attached: 114C929E-D692-427A-84B1-63AE91DDAA6B.jpg (640x646, 56.23K)

Could we get away with saving the day?

Attached: 6251b5b45706ab477b246ec28487306f.jpg (1720x2114, 643.56K)


Attached: 0-welp.png (394x1400, 30.97K)

I'm here, everyone! I also came with a cool dog!
Woah, Mae! What happened to you? You got like... stretched or something!

Attached: 17.png (964x1000, 1.29M)

Took one for the team here

Attached: stefan45.jpg (500x500, 53.93K)

No further questions.

Yeah I'm gay. So how about you stare at my dick going into your ass.

>Luna dropped off by her mom
Cute diaper dork making friends

Attached: 1648471312374.jpg (850x1035, 171.17K)

This ability is underrated

Attached: Hi-Jump2.png (700x771, 288.97K)


Could we get away to save the day?

Attached: 93b43ea12d2f03d47d51340dce3aad60.jpg (480x360, 25.64K)

How can one anime girl create so much seethe?

Jobber speed.

Attached: Yamcha - 87.jpg (759x176, 28.43K)

I hate you Stefan so much

*stares at gay poster above*BROS?!

I love you gayposter

Attached: 28F0353D-0970-4D3B-88BF-EC5D0ED32835.png (579x589, 273.52K)

forget it user, this is drama-town!

I'm intensely curious as to the nature of Ratman's powers.

Attached: ingrid no idea not a fucking clue.png (256x256, 35.03K)

I ain't seething. I just want to go balls deep into some twink's ass.

Index is not here

I HATE little girls, especially little anime girls.

I have attained the light speed ability, I literally can't be defeated now.
Dumb, idiot, stupid.

Attached: 55.gif (650x450, 79.71K)

*stares at gay poster above*
Schroe is asleep

Attached: stefan78.jpg (400x400, 29.99K)

Rose wins MVP on day 1. Nice.
Teto, I can't imagine the weight.
Stef moves on from Doc.
Nut is a real hero. Kinda.
Can y'all motherfuckers just let Shinji win?

Can't get much worse. Eh?

Attached: 03.png (670x2146, 374.31K)

>So is Diego

Anything posted ad nauseum will get old and be mocked.
Deal with it.

U jelly?

Attached: 1642639822095.png (408x500, 156.57K)

How can the little orange slime SCP tear us apart so easily?

Attached: q43.jpg (500x500, 44.35K)

Hmmm, Nut, I'm literally a robot.

Attached: worriedroxy.png (612x456, 298.48K)

That’s the complete opposite Stefan


Attached: 10273020183.jpg (476x544, 37.58K)

Armed and dangerous

Attached: EypjffOWEAAe9Fi.jpg (1080x1920, 195.16K)

Oh, yeah don't worry about that Niko. It is just a bit of photo shop.

Attached: 0-eh.png (442x1400, 31.77K)

You made me do it Teto…

Attached: ock gun.png (632x374, 417.43K)

>This one is Ranger

I friggin hate trees

Attached: trees.jpg (1280x720, 70.01K)

It's not an animal so I'm fine with it
I would say a black man is pretty far from anime children, yeah

Attached: stefancock.png (552x507, 402.5K)

>resisting the urge to post an overused meme

Uh I prefer the term mentality creative.

Attached: YamchaScream.gif (480x270, 1.93M)

I enjoy this ring very much, can I keep it?

Stefan, please.

Attached: 24.jpg (600x555, 65.64K)

the moment I saw the word weight I knew it was doc

Attached: B2836B89-27E0-41AE-99A4-1A4F67D30566.jpg (650x650, 177.2K)

What? Why would I care about that? I don't even know what their name means.
Oh, alright, that's fine! I was just concerned for a second.

Attached: 13.png (651x806, 202.71K)

Wat saved?

I don't think he's into politics

Yamcha the Buck Breaker

>orange slime

this is my favorite ATHF episode

Don't worry about Niko. I am fine.

Attached: 0-stare.png (466x1400, 33.13K)

BITCH you KNOW who you're talking to, show me respect or my feeling and ego are BROKEN.

FUCK you're right

Attached: DECEASED.png (271x267, 63.38K)

and thank you? Homestuck is pretty gay.
my edit?

Attached: stefan555.jpg (750x414, 34.02K)

you just erased all of my regret

Attached: ock plush.jpg (480x544, 70.53K)

Based Shinji.
That's a mighty bark, dog.
Stop littering, you shitheads.
Loona might be invincible.


Your bond isnn't stronk enough.

Yeah, well she's dead now. Say thanks and move on.


More like armored.

Don't do that.

They hate you too.

Attached: 04.png (670x1935, 331.62K)

A terrible loss. A minute's silence.
(snotty sneeze)
Fuck that for a game of soldiers, I'm not starting again. No actual offence intended to you, Trump player.

Attached: say what.jpg (850x721, 165.62K)

I didnt know it was yours i did save it from a thread a while back

That wasn't a death? I'm confused.

Attached: a67.jpg (736x736, 76.87K)

Broken like your buck

Ow! I'm sorry....
Alright. Good that you're doing well!

Attached: 16.jpg (1024x1058, 72.95K)

I want to say thanks but I'm missing my fucking head.

You got this Loo~

Attached: d2f915d30ba4887efc7e.png (1920x1080, 1.2M)

EoE or NGE ending, Shinji? Preference?
This is probably realistic. What kind of art student ends up becoming the figurehead of industrial hip hop?
all good just wanted you to know
made it for my 50th game a while back

Attached: stefan60.jpg (446x600, 38.27K)


Attached: D762E396-A4BA-44A5-9A83-ECF61B080E03.jpg (800x640, 553.74K)

No comment.

Attached: Yamcha - 142.png (656x140, 69.58K)

Why Brazil of all things?

Attached: confused4.png (640x480, 169.43K)

Still haven't watched either in a while. But I'd have to say NGE is what I prefer.

Attached: hh767.jpg (600x450, 35.21K)

Again, mashed potatoes gave me super strength

Attached: Carl_KFC.png (1366x768, 934.95K)

>Homestuck is pretty gay.

Attached: 51.jpg (474x696, 31.22K)

come to brazil

oh nice

kieby pls come ro brazil

We had it coming. On Tuesday nights KFC circulates its specials to users of the KFC app and you ought to see the results in my neighbourhood on fucking Wednesday morning.

Attached: 11488213_p0_master1200.jpg (300x380, 37.63K)

not even gonna TOUCH that haircut. Pixie type shit.
>schizophrenic ending over orange cum wave

Attached: stefan52.jpg (1242x1230, 239.77K)

>Cum to Brazil

Loo is a rat terrier.
Doc, you absolute ass. How would that work with your testicl...tentacles.
Rose is found out. It's not much of a big deal.
SCP are cancer.

I'll give it 2 seconds and then laughter.

Nope. Not torn limb from limb.

That's a $50 fine.

Lab, not prison.

Me either.

I unno.

The strength of your ass queefs smell maybe.

I just don't even know what to say...

Attached: 05.png (670x1951, 318.35K)

>Luna taking pictures
Is the game pretty much forcing her into a child role? Kek

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Attached: low quality anger.jpg (349x303, 18.26K)

This code is shaping up to be an origin story.

Attached: stefanpainted.jpg (640x889, 112.58K)

The enemy of your enemy is not your friend, Ratboy

Attached: tumblr_34eb8ae87925de31464b5ee1ef8fb837_d71db1dc_640.png (640x533, 214.62K)