Are you pro or anti trans?

Are you pro or anti trans?

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Neither. I just wish they'd shut the fuck up

I'm anti trans until you can put your brain in a cyborg body
basically pro trans-human

This. On another note, I'm prepared to adopt the most ridiculous persona I can think of to fuck with trannies and call them bigots if they don't validate me and my nonsensical beliefs.

I am fully in support of supporting the thing needing supporting on the day of it being supported by the supported to support whatever we are supporting.

Short answer: I'm anti.

Long answer: In regular day-to-day life idgaf if youre a crossdressing fag or not. Chances are you wont be in my life, and if you are, it wont be for long - not a threat, meaning that whatever lifestyle youre living will only cross paths with mine shortly i.e. grocery clerk. Your lifestyle doesnt generally affect me.

It does however effect the world around me. It affects schools, which affects my kids. It affects large events like sports, which no I do not care about, but people (specifically women suffer this more) who train their whole life just to be biologically beat. I do not think that is right. Your feelings dont change whats real.

You will never be a real woman. You can play dressup and ask people to call you ma'am, but youll never be a mother or a real woman. // You will never be a real man. You can cut your hair and your tits off, but youll never be a father or a real man.

So yeah. I guess im anti

100% anti trans. they have plagued society, i don't get enough opportunities to use the 2 pronouns and call them their assigned gender cause you can always tell. they ruined society

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Pro, don't see any valid reason why they shouldn't be able to live their lives in peace with the same rights as anyone else. It's disgusting how they are treated.

neither, stfu dennis is trying to get laid

pro trans

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you'd have to be a really angry retard to give a shit about how people want to perceive themselves

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fuck troons

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you'd have to be an even more angry retard to give a shit about people reminding you that your imagination isn't reality tho

i know that got raped and all, but why is "she" trying for a second round?

if there's one thing this place is full of, it's angry retards

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Idk man. I wonder if there are none men who think they are women or more men who think they have a direct line to the magical omniscient skyman.

i mean, if your fake pp can send you to heaven maybe your religion will gain more traction

You only gave us yes or no binary options to answer your question, but real life is more nuanced than that, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

This sentence could have been crafted in no other place in this world than Yea Forums

aint it grand

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these two things are very similar. this whole pronoun and tranny shit is replacing god in a more secular world for many people i think

I'm pro tranny because their presence in society has been a punishment for normalfags. I despise normalfags so much and I enjoy watching their lives be ruined by trannies, they deserve it for being filthy faggot niggercattle who ruined everything I hold dear.

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You are a real woman.
You have no womb.
You have no ovaries.
You have no eggs, but that doesn't matter.
You are a valid human being who is trying to feel comfortable in her body.

All the “validation” you get is pure. Behind your back people love you. Your parents are happy and proud of you, your friends laugh at your jokes behind closed doors, and boys love you, and girls envy you.

Men absolutely love you. Trans folk who “pass” look ordinary and natural to a man. Your bone structure does not matter. Estradiol widens the hips.

You will be happy. You will smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, and deep inside you feel the euphoria creeping up like a weed. It is what defines you, not the transphobes.

Eventually, it’ll be perfect for you - you’ll come out, start HRT, get top surgery, and finally be your ideal self. Your parents will find you, happy and relieved that they finally have a happy daughter. They’ll congratulate you on your hard journey, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a woman is what you are.

unironically yes. Yes it is.

>doesnt even deserve a you

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I like trains, I rode one when I was a kid and it was a fun time.

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And yet I know way more people who would sever relationships with me if I insisted they acknowledge that skyman doesn't exist.


no hormones until after military service is over.

increased risk for heat attacks, step on a trig and the squad is down an "it". doesn't matter what age they get hormones. it was a way out of the draft, now it's unconstitutional. as for brass, they still can't get out of the military no matter what they do to themselves.

this trans movement is basically shocking the gene pool. fools remove their ability to reproduce. 50% are either homosexual and want to be accepted by society so they think that if they were the other gender they would at least be normal. the rest have some other psychological condition, such as body dismorphia. basically a pill might fix it, not hormones and surgery.

are you willing to hedge that bet against all the scum on dating sites who refuse to date people that don't align with their politics?

Not supporting or at least staying out of the way of nonbinary folks is a bad look in 2022.

I mean, live and let live, but I think it’s gonna be kinda ridiculous when the commanding Admiral demands Biden nukes a country because she was called a tranny faggot during negotiations.

I'm against anyone who doesn't treat me as i deserve, if a tranny criticizes me then i don't like them

I spent 13 years in a religious school where we were exhaustively warned against even going on a date with someone who didn't worship the same skyman in the same way.

I figure an adult can do what they want. I'm against propaganda that convinces or confuses them. Let people be themselves. Plus, people change over time, and it's too permanent.

Really don't give a shit, just tired of hearing about them. Why can't they shut the fuck up?

but think of all the prime skyman pussy

Same sky skyman derr duh Der, look I gots a victoria secret modeling gig gggrrr awwwe guh. Dey lik us now playa

This. They infiltrate and cock block everything. They are annoying. Otherwise, don't much care.

u wot m8?

They are mentally ill. So just feed into their delusions? This is why a lot of people hate them and enablers

This is the dumbest comparison I’ve ever read user. You’re a special kind of tard

Why should I be pro trans? Trannies are mentally ill people who need therapy or a straight jacket. They should not be allowed a platform to spread their delusions to the world and force others to take part in their fantasy. In the 1950s, these people would be interned, not paraded around like circus freaks.

Guess you don't like it when people don't entertain or at least politely tolerate you pretending you can talk to skyman?

You cannot prove God isn’t real, but I can damn sure prove a trans woman is nothing but a mentally ill man who cut into his own body

For a vast majority of American history, trans people were successfully treated with anti-psychotics. Often, a few weeks of treatment caused them to permanently stop identifying as a member of the opposite sex.

These people are mental patients who have been told they are perfectly normal so much that they believe it, in a society that has been told it so much that much of that society believes it.

The somewhat sinister cause of this is a progressive political strategy that divides and conquers by identifying and unifying a number of individually weak groups into a larger coalition - a "big tent" strategy for the party makeup.

This unification is achieved by progressives preaching themselves as the saviors with solutions to problems faced by weak groups that they know are largely unsolveable (trans = mentally ill & needs antipsychotics, african americans have fucked up their own culture enough to do plenty of harm to themselves, women - who are unhappy because they [for entirely biological-difference-related reasons] are underrepresented in prestigious and high paying positions, but are suspiciously quiet about being underrepresented as bricklayers, roofers, lumberjacks, and active duty infantry. latinos - similar cultural barriers to success as african americans, just less so, etc etc etc)

Note that I say African Americans and not blacks, because it's not about race. It's not about race because both first-generation and second-generation black African immigrants have substantially higher educational achievement and incomes, substantially fewer interactions with police, and substantially higher self-reported perception of their quality of life.

But that's all besides the point. I'll still fuck a cute 18-22 y.o. feminine tranny, and even use their pronouns, but at no point do I think of them as women, just as emotionally weak mental cases / someone's failed attempt at parenting to use for my own sexual gratification and then discard as I please.

the right's disdain for psychology and other soft sciences is abandoned here where have a new minority to fear monger over

I don't give a fuck about trans folks, but I'm sick of gopfucks trying to shit on everything. Some dude with bolt-ons sitting to piss isn't going to change the world in any significant way for me.
I already sent my girls in pairs to the bathroom because touchy childfucking miscreants don't need to put on a dress and makeup to slide into a bathroom and rape someone. they'll just walk on in and lock the door behind them, same as they ever did.
no one is getting their dick chopped off or have one sewn on just to cause problems for other people.
I can't saw I agree with all their philosophy or even grammar, but I'd rather sit in a room full of trannies for a fucking week than have to listen to some gopshit retard tell me how secret jews are trying to stop trump and putin from combining to form the tardozord, or whatever bullshit they're on these days.
fuck gops.

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Point's going pretty far over your pretty little head.

In a society that tolerates mentally ill people who think they can talk to skyman, I think it's a bit rich not to tolerate most delusions that don't involve actively harming others.

when you're required by law to conform to OTHER PEOPLES delusions, you might have a different stance

neck yourself groomer apologist

when you're bad enough at simple logic to use proving a negative and think you have an earnest point, your opinions in all things are discardable.

I used to be indifferent to them too, but they never shut the fuck up so now I'm anti.

>Are you pro or anti trans?
No such thing. The real question is are you for treating mental illness or for letting it run rampant. That's what trans is, a mental illness.
I want trans people to get the best psychiatric care society can provide so they can get cured of their gender dysphoria and become normal. I think it's sickening that current society not only ignores their psychological problems, but tries to solve them through chemical castration and genital mutilation. Even in dark ages they at least had the compassion to keep it contained to blood letting and leeches.

Most of the stuff about NBs you see here are pol false flags

They think and talk about Trans more than most Trans do

Dicks should not be allowed in the women's bathroom, locker room, etc.

I also object to prisoners transitioning with taxpayer money. Fuck that.

If you want to transition and pay for it all onyour own dime, whatever.

>when you're required by law to conform to OTHER PEOPLES delusions
dude. the gopshits are passing all kinds of anti-gay and anti-abortion laws all over the country right now.
trans laws were like "trannies can piss sitting in a women's room".
gop laws are like "bypass the judiciary with this one simple trick to force pregnant children to give birth to incest rape babies now!"
>neck yourself groomer apologist
go seethe at the tennesse gopfucks passing the anti-gay marriage law that has provisions to make sure guys can still marry 12 year olds. you know, because that makes up for having raped them.
all their justifications for this shit is religious prattle that I don't give a fuck about. none of it is concern for the people involved. just angry seething bullshit.

Naw, pretty much any social media site is over run with them

who the fuck watches women's sports anyways?

I don't care how anyone percieves themselves. I just think it's inhumane we're not getting them the treatment for their mental disorder. This is no different from letting people suffering from Alzheimer's to just go out strolling near a busy highway with no oversight.

I’m pro-truth, and the truth is that a man cannot become a woman.

all trannies must die

where are you guys seeing all this tranny shit?
I only ever hear about what troons are up to from their fucking army of haters that follow their every movement and then run here to seethe about it.
There have been like, five trans guys I've seen on Yea Forums, and all were just quietly reaching out to talk to someone about some heavy shit they were going through.

The only pro-trans thing I support is transatlantic slave trade

>Are you pro or anti trans?
Im a, Its none of my business

Back in the oven with you

It’s called grooming.

>t. reactionary white nigger
what a retard you are, dilate tranny incel.

I won’t play into anyone else’s delusions because no one plays into mine.

I understand your point of view that it doesn't affect you, but you have to understand that it may not affect you now, but it very well could in the future. 10 years from now, you might be put in jail or fined a ridiculous amount for accidentally misgendering someone. Its already happening now, it just hasn't happened to you yet. Foresight is an important quality to have.

I'll play into your delusions user, let's larp