Why don't you own a gun, Yea Forums?
Why don't you own a gun, Yea Forums?
I can't afford one
There are guns as cheap as $150, you can easily make that much money even if you're a worthless NEET. Sell drugs, blood, runescape gold, it doesn't matter.
As I've told you a million times OP, I'll just take one off of a corpse like in video games if shit ever hits the fan. Thank you for your concern but I'll be ok
True but keep in mind that my state has pretty troony ass gun laws, so getting a gun is harder than getting out of jail
There is no state where a normal law abiding citizen can't easily get a basic pistol or shotgun.
I used to be a hardcore 2A supported, owned a bunch of guns, had a concealed carry permit. I stuck to that mentality for way too long, even when my (now ex) fiancee felt really unsafe with me owning any since she had problems with depression.
Eventually I grew up and got rid of them. I live in one of the safest neighborhoods in the city, and work at a medical center. What do I need a gun for?
Naw, you won't.
The 2nd amendment was written for one reason and one reason only.
It doesn't have anything to do with how safe your neighborhood is.
gr8 b8 m8
Just take one off a corpse now for the tutorial first, i recommended it, more fun than the main game
>gave up guns for the girl
>she still left
lol lmao cuck
I also don't have any unrealistic expectations of "standing up to a tyrannical government" or any shit like that. I'm never going to be part of any kind of militia. It was fun to go shooting paper once in a while, and I used to buy into the whole self-defense idea, but I legitimately don't see a need to own a gun now.
Not that I'm against firearms, I just see no need for one in my life.
I got rid of them after she left.
Same. I used to have a bunch of guns. Eventually grew up and gave most of them away to the neighborhood kids.
my family never owned one when i was growing up. Never needed it either.
Because the uk is a cuckstate that wont let its people have guns. If it did there would be a lot less retards on our streets
I have a hunting slingshot. Ammo is free, it's perfectly legal to own and carry without a license, it's silent to use, and at close range it's just as accurate and deadly as a small calibre handgun. I mostly use mine for enhancing privacy in areas with excessive monitoring.
dude..is this a rage and lose thread.
and as stated by other posters. in a real shit situation there will be more guns than people willing to use them,.
yeah thats why the usa has so few retards killing eachother in the streets
If you don't have guns then how did the nigger lives matter sheboon get shot?
Democide is the largest cause of unnatural death in the past 100 years worldwide by a huge margin.
>I don't see a need to own a gun
You don't have a basic understanding of modern western history
I'm glad your disarmed. I'm glad you depend on police for protection. So did the hundred of millions slaughtered by police in the last human lifetime.
You dense fuck.
would kill myself on a random night
i'm a pussy
White America is armed at more than 4 times the average of EU citizens.
120 guns per 100 citizens in US
20 guns per 100 citizens in EU
4 guns per 100 citizens in UK.
Yet gun violence in white American is on par with average eu countries.
People don't care that blacks slaughter each other.
If anyone cared, the news would be plastered with the mass shootings every. Single. Weekend. In every Democrat run city.
But they aren't.
im a pacifist and have to wait for my rifle
There's no reason to own a gun in a first world country. We have laws and the police.
One first world citizens are armed.
Second world citizens are disarmed.
If it gets to the point that the government starts rounding people up and executing them, life's fucked anyway.
If you really think you can fight off the government if they come after you, well, good for you, I guess.
The US government has lost more wars than its won since ww2.
Resisted by populations with rifles.
The US military couldn't even lock down a single large city in the US, let alone the entire country. It's logistically impossible.
American logic at work. We have guns, so we need to have guns to protect ourselves from people that may shoot us. You're not a first world country.
You're disarmed. Your overlords have guns, you do not.
Your second world logic at work.
>this machine kills nazis
Except not in the silly way a tumblr mod would say so about their car
Luckily for most prosperous, growing nations (aka not Amuttfrica) government is small, benign, and not owned by amoral corporations. Our police aren't PTSD addled vets either.
Why not just go out shooting people on a random night, then you dont have to worry about killing yourself the government will do it for you
>Luckily for most prosperous, growing nations (aka not Amuttfrica) government is small, benign, and not owned by amoral corporations
This, I know it's true because their propaganda told me so.
The police are the reason to own guns in a first world country you faggot, they aren't there to protect you they are there to control you
If you're talking about EU, those nations have only been granted the ability to grow since ww2 because of US protection.
The US will not be there to protect you for very much longer. Then what?
You certainly can't defend yourselves..
Also, no, you government isn't small or benign. You depend on them for your Healthcare, your food, your defense, your everything.
And you can't say no to anything they say.
I'm sure everything will be so great when your country can't defend itself.
Mostly just niggers killing each other in usa so doesnt matter
Whaaat? No, bad things only happen on TV. It's not real. War can't happen in Europe, it's not real. Balkans? Never heard of it. Ukraine? Not real. Russia? Totally harmless. Owning guns is bad.
If we all just pretend bad things don't happen, they won't happen.
Such an amazing shift by the leftists lately.
Utter disregard for the Supreme Court acknowledging individual right to keep arms in DC v heller, then magically for arming individuals in Ukraine. So disingenuous.
Shit... my GUN owns a gun.
Seems like USI is the main antagonist in most cases so erm it's no problem if you aren't by to protect us from yourselves...
External threats are only a portion of Europe's worries. Remember ww2? Those were internal threats. Such a short time ago, too. Amazing that Europeans forgot so quickly.
Right. Western Europe isn't know for producing authoritarians in extremely modern history or anything...
Oh wait..
Yes after Israel has destroyed Europe and installed the very autocrats you are afraid of now... Remember when you fixed China how is that working out for you lol
>your country can't defend itself.
germany has been given a wakeup call and is re arming, the russian army couldnt even take poland without nukes and there is pretty much no situation where america is ever going to just let russia nuke its way through europe
>there is pretty much no situation where america is ever going to just let russia nuke its way through europe
So in other words your very survival depends on America.
Got em
I'm satisfied with the size of my penis
China has 0 modern carriers... the US, 11.
China MUST sell to the US, or it dies instantly.
Seems like it's working out just fine.
Why would I be afraid of autocrats in Europe? They're your problem, not mine.
You still think number of boats is how the world operates. China owns more of burgerland than some of your states do. And it may surprise you to find out that country which has the products has the leverage of who to sell them to. Many other country buys Chinese goods.
>China owns more of burgerland than some of your states do.
No, they don't.
>And it may surprise you to find out that country which has the products has the leverage of who to sell them to.
How is that working for Russia right now?
or in other words all of our survival depends on russia
Sure, if you're Mongolian. Otherwise, no.
Well, it's not nukes. People start nuking and the world ends for everyone.
So yeah it is about navy..
China can "own" whatever they like. As soon as hostilities start, that ownership is nullified instantly. What are they gonna do? Come set up on their little plots? No. Of course they aren't.
They buyer has the money. The seller wants the money.
We print fake money, then exchange it for real goods.
See how the scam works now?
>We have laws and the police.
Spoken like a true cuck. Call the popo and wait ~10 minutes for them to show up. Great idea bud!
>what do I need a gun for?
you know what a nigger is?
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shap'd at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next design'd;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Fill'd it with vice, and call'd the thing a NIGGER.
Mainly just Europe's survival.
Isn't it funny that Europe's future is entirely in the hands of Russia and the US?
Like Europe doesn't even matter...
The continent is irrelevant. The countries as individuals are entirely irrelevant.
Found the massive faggot
Not a sling in sight
I'm in Alabama, I own more guns than I could name off the top of my head
Neither of these are my go-to rifles, don't need them slung at all times.