I enjoy vandalising rental propertys like apartment buildings for a hobby.
Its pretty easy to just sneak in after someone else during daylight.
Then I start ripping fixtures out of the walls in hallways. If there is an office and its closed I try to smash a window or piss through any mail slots.
One time i found a toolbox and smashed an entire 10 foot section of drywall by an elevator before bailing.
I hate landlords.
I enjoy vandalising rental propertys like apartment buildings for a hobby
Too bad cameras only exist in movies.
I pour used cooking oil and bacon grease down the sink.
Not my pro lem land lord
If I was a landlord and caught you I’d shoot your ass and get away with it. I don’t own rental property but I would enjoy blasting a sad destructive little man like you. The world would be better
>protecting rabbi landlords while they make him lick their boots for so little pay he cant even afford a house
What a sad little man you are
>judging others
>on Yea Forums
I have some tips for you. Put needles or pins in locks and squirt superglue in them. Every single one has to be changed, each one is $50-$200 depending on quality, and locksmiths are $200+ an hour.
Gathering up bedbugs and cockroaches and ants into plastic bags and releasing them in the building also works quite well and is costly to deal with.
What do you expect? Praise for somehow pretending to fight the system?
>Only people I hate own rental properties
Literally every wealthy person I know of every race and religion has a rental property
You're hurting your parents, friends and neighbors
Please kill yourself, for your family's sake, of course
No one I know is a scumbag landlord parasite, and if they were they'd deserve everything they get. Whenever Nestor Makhno, the great Ukrainian anarchist, liberated a town, the first thing he'd do is have all the landlords dragged out into the street and shot. By the age of 17 he was already an experienced killer, and used to assassinate landlords for a hobby.
My brother's a landlord and rakes in enough from rent to pay the mortgage. When that's paid, he's getting 3k a month from the place. Sneed
shitting up the places where people live doesn't necessarily stick it to the landlords, mostly you're just causing suffering for your fellow prawns
at least try to have some precision with your anarchist rage
Boo hoo. You can't be neutral on a moving train.
Do you want someone to piss in your mail slot? how would that help anything?
Thanm you based user this is gold
>is mad at someone who uses their own money and takes a risk buying a piece of property
>is mad at them renting it out to people who need somewhere to live, who couldn't afford to buy said property immediately
>is mad for no reason basically
I know you're larping/baiting but people who hate landlords and not the banks, are the smallest minded individuals. You are laughable. Lmao.
Oy vey
This pic is hilarious
Do you not read? Op clearly said the mailslot for the office dumb fuck
Landlording is the worst kind of parasitism. Because I know you're a mouth-breathing, low-functioning Fox News imbecile, I will have to explain that even Adam fucking Smith hated landlords and what is called "passive rent," which means using your superior capital to cause wealth to trickle upward into your pockets for no greater reason than that you have more capital than the people you're oppressing.
these. you have smooth brain and woefully misdirected hate. get castrated post-haste.
Vandalism is hilarious imo
wow. you're pathetic.
>work all your life
>take a risk, rent out property
>gets to live happily without much stress anymore
I know its easy to get jealous of others, and you're a prime example. Focus on yourself. Also no one watches news on the tv anymore. Time to move on with your life, bud.
>piss through any mail slots
get bend, buddy. op's little piss wand doesn't seem particularly discerning. at any rate we had moved beyond specifics and into a higher level of discussion (see )
None of those were REAL capitalism though
holy shit batman the amount of stupid in the post is baffling
You cant oppress people who NEED somewhere to live WHO CANT AFFORD a house, you dumb fucking cuck.
Ah, Dunning-Kruger, we meet again.
Op here, i meant pissing theough the mail slot on the office doors.
Almost every office has one and its easy to just shove your dick in and unload
Fun fact you can douse cars with brake fluid or paint remover
People need a place to exist. Charging people rent to exist is called "slavery." I am not at all surprised that a white overprivileged Yea Forums idiot living in his mommy's and daddy's basement has no fucking clue how the world works or the source of his privileged lifestyle, so all I can say is I live for the day when people like you are twitching weakly on spikes up and down the streets, dying and still baffled at why people are so gosh-darn *mad*.
Those are expensive. Just use slices of baloney. It will discolour the paint and leave polka-dots everywhere.
>People need a place to exist. Charging people rent to exist is called "slavery."
lol.. what if somebody spends their time building and fixing a building so that people have a home? shouldn't they be compensated for that?
I thought this was a myth but apparently it works. It takes a lonngg time though
Do you really want a lesson in the difference between usufruct and propertarianism? Even if I had the patience to explain it to you, I suspect you're too dumb to understand, and too invested in your privilege to accept it even if you weren't.
If you really give a fuck (spoiler: you don't) read Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's "What Is Property?"
>"rent is... LE BAD!"
kys fatass
Go to a doctor and ask for a lithium prescription you fucking psycho bitch.
>thinking the landlord doesn't already have 50 $25 locks ready to replace
>thinking this does anything other than make the maintenance guy work overtime for $12/hr
I'm a lot more up on things than you would believe. Honestly chill out a touch.
Yes, fuck the system in so many ways.
I'm just suggesting that it is possible to be a landlord without being a scumbag slave owner. People need a place to exist. So, how does a place to exist come to exist? People have to make it. If you put time/energy/resources into that, should you not at least be compensated for that? Meanwhile somebody else spends their time/energy/resources elsewhere.... say, growing food. They should be compensated for that.
Simplified? Yes. But I'm just trying to make a point that being a landlord does not immediately equal profiteering.
Only somewhat related but when I see beggars at intersections I hold money out of my car window and when they come to get it I spray them with pepper spray and drive off.
OP also wants a steaming log slide down his throat
>white overprivileged Yea Forums idiot living in his mommy's and daddy's
Lol of course, you're a nigger from a trash family who has problems with every landlord you have to deal with because you apes always stop paying the rent or refuse to stop your ghetto bullshit
Also you do realize that not everyone wants to own a house right? Doubtful because again, you're a nigger
this is the kind of world OP condones
So in reality youre helping the working class who gets more overtime and taking money from the ruling class at the same time.
A few hours. But you can just walk down the street flipping slices of baloney as you go.
What's more effective, though, and what I do, is poke roofing nails through the sleeve of my jacket and just brush up against SUVs and F-150s as I pass them. You can't even see it happening on camera. I've been doing it for years and never been caught.
just what the working class needs - more work...
Yes goy, put in an extra 12 hours for $144 dollars. Ignore your family so you can afford a single dinner out.
go ahead and do that, but know it isn't doing a fucking thing other than making people's lives worse and our society more fractured
Okay, I'm going to give you a quick lesson in mutualism. If you build a house, you are entitled to live in that house. It is your house. It does not belong to a boss or the bank or The People. It's yours. You own it. It is not, however, your *property*. You only own the labour you invested into it. If you move somewhere else, you do not get to continue to own the house.
If someone wants to *pay* you to build them a house, you and they are free to work out a payment you both consider fair. But neither of you get to have property. You own the labour you put into the building, and they own the building when it's paid for -- for as long as they live in it.
What NO ONE is allowed to do is take more than they can personally use and enslave people who don't have the capital to buy a piece of land.
Get it?
Holy shit are you me?
I go to black neighborhoods and do this in my city
Are you a nigger? You behave like one.
youre doing gods work
I like the cut of your jib, my guy
People like you are why we will never make meaningful advances as a species. I'm not even chastising you. A large enough percentage of the population exist to just fuck things up for everyone else.
So you make life worse on the people living there while the owner doesn't give a shit?
The tenants are parasites who should buy land