Is manual better than automatic?

Is manual better than automatic?

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No, manual elitist are fags

trips confirm

No. Manuals are fun and that's about it. Automatics are gay as fuck and only non-car people prefer them. Sequentials is where it's at you can't beat a sequential.

If you aren't in traffic a lot. Sure. Other than that fuck that bullshit.

It is good to know how to drive a manual, but I prefer automatic, less shit to think about while driving.

They can be better on gas, they're cheaper to maintain, they're typically a few bucks cheaper to insure, less likely to be stolen and more fun to drive unless you're stuck in traffic.

No links given. No fucks given. Dont care what you believe. Do your own research or dont.

for fun, probably
for daily driving, you will get tired of it especially in stop and go traffic.
A good quick automatic with autostick or paddleshifters is a good middleground. I recommend VWs DSG transmission. Its shifts FAST.

maybe back then when manuals were more fuel efficient and autos were thought to be for the disabled. nowadays automatics are just about fuel efficient if not more so, plus more people around the world are driving automatic. manual driving is becoming a dying art that's only useful for driving trucks and race cars.

Every day commuter car can be more fun with a stick. Changes the driving dynamic. I’m to the point that I drive a decent bit to and from work and don’t necessarily want to have to row gears anymore on my commute, especially when I hit traffic and early in the morning when I’m working on my coffee. A second car or sports car you definitely want the manual

Depends on what you wanna do with your car.
Commute? Go with automatic
Long distance traveling or traveling with heavy or sensitive equipment or granny? Automatic is better.

Auto for daily driver. Manual for weekend fun car.

Last 3 words should be
> Manual is better.
I got too much beer in me. Fuck.

Automatic > manual 95% of the time.

Manuals are fun for nice winding, quiet roads where you can race a little but that makes up such a small part of driving.

>They can be better on gas
Hasn’t been true in decades. Stop repeating shit boomers told you.

if you cant drive a stick shift, you are NOT a good driver. no matter what you think

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Only reason to get a manual is for more fun. My daily is a manual and my weekend car is also a manual. I live in NYC too and could give two shits about the traffic arguments.
Also, manuals haven't had better fuel mileage than automatic versions in quite a while now, so that advantage isn't really there anymore.

Young niggas don't know what a continuously variable transmission is. Better on fuel and most cars with CVT were slightly faster than their manual counterparts.

CVT is the wave of the future, young niggas. Forget what your 80 year old dad told you.

Most modern auto trans cars can be manually shifted, so it's really the best of both worlds. You get to be lazy when you want to, or control your shift points without wearing out your knee. It's fantastic if you spend any amount of time in traffic. It's less effort to downshift than brake.

>no shift jolt
>no turbo lag
and this is why the car culture is dying

not since paddle/sport shifters

>Can't rollstart - needs a new battery

Changing gear is incredibly cool.

for daily driving, you really have no use for a manual unless you like to drive like an asshole (i do). the average commuter who doesnt work on their car should have an auto b/c they really dont need a manual. i do find that road trips are less boring when i have to shift manually. gives me something to do more often than zone out i guess.

if you offroad at all, it really helps to have the extra control over your gearing, but its not that much of an improvement.

The Nissan CVT has artificial shift points that give you a little jolt as it adjusts. It's actually pretty nice. Had a recent Altima as a rental. Other CVT trannies are kind of shit tho

Automatics are part of the reason Americans are incredibly fat. The lengths Americans go to, to avoid physical exertion is breath taking, thru do it with literally everything as well

car culture is dying because they won't make affordable sports cars anymore
>b-but no one buys them but geezers and richfags
they literally spearhead EV and other pussy shit because it gets government grants to do so
that's IT

Not him but I'm quite excited for the 400z. Seems pretty affordable for what you get.

I have CVT. My VTEC gives your wife a jolt when it kicks in. Also, car culture isn't dying. You're just getting old. It happens to the best of us. Except me. I'm still 21 in spirit, boomer.

Bruh, city traffic will give you tendonitis in your knee from the clutch

No... just no.

But man, there are a shitload of affordable sport cars out there with manual options. what are you on about? The new MX5, the Supra, the BRZ, which are almost all under 40k. And from these the spin-offs like Fiat 128 Spyder which is based on the MX5 and so on. The fiat is only 28k and it's basically a rebranded Mazda.

The Mustang GT Premium is pretty affordable for what it comes with

I'd say not really, and manual is pretty much only better if you personally enjoy that experience more.

I learned manual years after learning automatic and kinda just grew to prefer it, so that's what I own and daily drive now.

I will say that I go back and forth on whether I think some of the features in newer manuals like hill start assist are annoying or not.

Manual is for driving, automatic is for commuting. A manual is very fun to drive when you're doing it for pleasure, like across the countryside or along the beach. It sucks when you have to sit in bumper to bumper traffic, stop and go or

Eh, the Altima was actually better than I expected. I prefer bigger cars than those you mentioned. Got my eye on the Kia Stinger currently.

>Imagine giving your car a handjob everytime you shift gears

It's definitely more fun and controllable but I can 100% attest to there being some snobbishness on the manual side me included, I know that I can smoke anything automatic with close specs to whatever stick shift I'm but I also know that's because I can drop a gear and fucking go which an automatic just can't do. Though fuck every single person here professing cvts they are the most boring shit to drive and fake being a normal transmission get an automatic if you can shit fire

So you're actually interested in sport sedans, not actual sport cars, which are mainly coupes. That's hard... Maybe some M5 or something, but those are far from affordable. Or some AMG, but again, same problem with affordability.


Manuals are more fun, but if you live in a mountainous area they are also way better.
You won‘t be able to drive reasonable if you live in the alps for example.

Hehe car go vroooom

>better mileage (sometimes as much as 5 mpg)
>better acceleration
>cheaper maintenance
>cheaper insurance
>cheaper price
Ignore all the faggots in the thread that believe manual is only about fun


Certain cars I'd rather have manual, certain cars a dual clutch auto is just superior. Fuck cvt though.

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Checked. Yeah, that's why I like the stinger. Great specs for the price, and I can be totally warrantied while I lease it and write it off. Only question is if I want to shell out for the GT2

>better mileage
>better acceleration

I don't know about the rest of them.

>is manual better?


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>>better acceleration
What are you even on about? Automatics came a long way since the old days. They put down power way way more efficiently than you. Remember one thing, people still can't beat computers when it comes to instantaneous calculations. And this comes from a guy who loves manuals lol.

Kia... No... just no... I mean idk man, it feels like the only cars from the Kia line-up that actually resemble a car, and not some soviet shitbox. I wouldn't really trust a company like that for a sport sedan tbh.

If you can drive stick properly, the acceleration is of course better.
>cheaper maintenance
Just use your brain and you can figure that one out by yourself. Hint: Which needs less parts?

did my mexican neighbor just leave? I swear I just heard his custom shitbox in this post

>muuuuh computers controlling my cars
>I can‘t fix shit by myself because my cars uses all these compuuuutars so cool!

more fun and cheaper to buy
t. eurofag

lol you're mad because you know it's true. also ironically, I can fix it, because I own the license to the software. and have an interface to play with, because I actually work on those type of cars.

sometimes there is a delay in gear change and you can just tell
the higher rpms, the loud reving without gear change
sometimes i do wonder if a manual would be better

Automatics have been faster than manuals longer than you've been alive, junior


ITT: Americans coping.

Ah ok, so that‘s why racing cars use automatic. Alright, got it.

I hear ya, but I took the kiapill and leased an Optima a couple years ago. No complaints, and it's just powerful enough in sport mode to be fun. Price was killer too. Stinger goes vroom tho

>is actually crying on the other side of his monitor because 1982 is the newest car he's ever been able to afford

I guess we can't fox our own PCs either, huh? If it has a computer in it, are you afraid to open it up and work on it? Are you only afraid of your car, or would never attempt to open your cellphone and replace a bad charger port or something either? Why are you afraid of a computer? It can't hurt you.

Many of them use cvt these days, junior

>that one non-american who thinks he actually drives cars

If you care about petty shit that won't change your depression, yes.

Just had a google search to see the current line-up of Kia's. They all seem to me like BMW and Maserati wannabe's tbh. But that's just what I saw from some google pics. This is what I meant by the car culture going dead. There is no individuality to each car model and make, they're like clones of each other brand.

Welcome to reality newfag

>under 40k.
I bought a '14 SS (the holden) for 26k two years ago that smokes most shit on the road
they need to do better than that

Manual is better if your car doesn't start in the winter, just get your gf to push and pop the clutch and you're good to go.

I like my cars how I like my chicks, with sticks

>unless you're stuck in traffic
That and getting stuck at a light on a hill it's just a pain in the ass

>toyota cororlla now tries to look like a sports car

This dumb-ass nigga can't tell the difference between a Model 3 and a FUSO diesel

It also costs 7k to fix if it goes bad.

I can throw you a better one. They even tried to make it agressive and gave it red racing stripes... on a 1 liter engine.

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