you actually voted for this???
You actually voted for this???
Other urls found in this thread:
I am a felon i cant vote
And don't you forget it, criminal scum!
You say you're looking for pedos?
I want to be president so I can grab all the pussy!
all of this shit taken WILDLY out of context by the nazis and racists of the alt-right, and it STILL looks completely normal
trump lost cletus. cope.
Boomers need to die off already. Let the next generation clean up their mess. Gates, Biden, Soros, Fauci, all of them, please get ran over by a car or have a heart attack. There will be a lot of work that needs to be done to fix everything. No need to cling to power and drag everyone down as you go.
End the left with bullets
what do you disagree with, specifically?
Fuck off trumpturd
You’re just a stupid stormfag piece of crap, I’d watch you get kicked
there's a willing and able faggot. what shall we debate?
Except those boomers are actually trying to change society for the good, bad example dip shit
what would you like to discuss this thread, o noble and articulate adversary?
What debate? Trump proved just how stupid your side is, and now MTG and Lauren Bobo are taking up the slack
No and never would
Trump lost seethe more
I’d like to discuss printing off those stormfag charts and making you eat them
eh, i'm not crazy about trump. does your paycheck require you to stick with party politics?
what's stormfaggy about accurate statistics? does reality trigger you?
Trump is the embodiment of the modern conservative doesn’t matter whether you supported or not, it’s what you are if you call yourself a conservative. It’s worthless.
Not even triggered, I support full social diversity. You’re going out of your way to post hate speech basically because you can’t handle social evolution
i don't call myself a conservative. what do you call yourself?
>hate speech
that implies that they are inaccurate. are they inaccurate? what about them is false?
Then why do you appear to agree with all the right wing bullshit in here? Are you the OP
Because blacks aren’t the evil stupid criminals your “data “make them out to be. You’re just afraid of them
>Then why do you appear to agree with all the right wing bullshit in here?
where did you get that? and yes i am.
checked, by the way kek
>Because blacks aren’t the evil stupid criminals your “data “make them out to be. You’re just afraid of them
again, what about the data is inaccurate? can you tackle anything specifically?
Then you’re a conservative. Stop trying to hide behind some other ideology
sure did, buttercup. deal with it. assuming you're a trumper you made this happen. how's that feel, fucknuts?
im not hiding behind any ideology. the world is not divided into simple and clean categories, despite what the limits of your teenage brain tell you.
now, would you like to discuss a specific issue? or just hurl insults at someone you know nothing about?
I don’t know I’m not even reading it, I just reject it because you sound like a stupid racist dip shit
>you sound like a stupid racist dip shit
ok, i'll treat you with kid gloves.
do you believe that the average intelligence is the same for all races?
If you are maintaining that somehow people of color are inferior to whites, there’s nothing to discuss. You just need a good punch because you’re a fucking Nazi
they are. they latch onto anything - even a reddt post - that supports their preconceived notions of the world.
You voted for the pedo with a cult of personality? At least the dem pedo isn't trying to undermine our entire democracy.
You're obviously a child if you don't know you ALWAYS choose between two evils.
hourly seething trumptards posting antibiden shit
libtard person bad
You already posted that and the other thread. I remarked that you must think your dick looks that big when you put it under a blanket
They do it because they know their time has passed. They will never win again, we’ll never let them
And Asians surpass whites. This won't mean shit in 50 years when we start rewriting genomes and race is literally a cosmetic choice. Race is a NOW issue, its not a future one.
i'm not maintaining that. i'm asking a simple question: do you believe that all races have the same average intelligence? yes or no.
are you able to answer the question?
a lot of "migrants" sure "voted" for that
As far as using statistics goes, this is actually pretty intellectually dishonest. Assuming that the graphs are accurate (which can't be taken for granted, considering who is posting and where), it's still a pretty obvious cherrypick -- you have to cross-reference multiple variables simultaneously.
You seem rather obsessed with your collection of stormfag bullshit js
Every fucking post bitch
What kind of fucking dip shit thinks that different races have lower IQs? Oh right
a storm fag does
High IQ isn't always a good thing, either.. They could have high IQ and low EQ. Some people who are overly smart aren't necessarily happier, in fact it's often the opposite.
>muh stormfront
>facts are racism
yeah we know commie
>you have to cross-reference multiple variables simultaneously.
no you don't, they are correlation coefficients between two variables. ever take stats? pretty basic stuff.
again, can you answer the question? do you really think that we all evolved with magically equal intelligence levels?
again, can you answer the question? do you really think that we all evolved with magically equal intelligence levels?
>yeah we know commie
You don't even know what communism is, do you.
So you can’t even admit that you’re a racist?
I did answer the question you fucking dense fuck. There is no difference in any of the races in terms of mental or physical abilities. You’re a storm shit. Just admit it
This.. I had a friend in middle school who was a fucking genius, 140+ IQ etc. He committed suicide a few years back. Dude was in mensa and all that.
That takes an IQ higher than 100
Neither do you, clearly. You’d be the first one put up against the wall and shot.
He knows how to stick the Hitler dildo up his ass that’s about it
Yeah, if we keep letting republishits take over
Your infallible god emperor chosen by christ himself lost to this guy. That's pretty funny to me.
Just admit it, nigger. Nature isn't a nice guy.
>You’d be the first one put up against the wall and shot.
What fucked up shithole hellish reality are you fabricating in your deformed brain?
Chill dude, or end it, stop making yourself suffer.
>Some people who are overly smart aren't necessarily happier
absolutely true. intelligence is not all that is important.
intelligence does not make you a good father, does not make you a hard worker, does not make you honest or honorable or anything other than intelligent.
but what intelligence does do is explain a wide array of socio-economic outcomes, far better than any other factor.
>There is no difference in any of the races in terms of mental or physical abilities.
really? then why is the NBA mostly black? and why are jews and asians so phenomenally successful in western societies?
all neo communists do is gaslight and change the definition of words to fit their needs so I doubt you could actually define it yourself
fags don't even want to try to define what a woman is because basic fucking biology and cold hard facts run completely against all you stand for
So you are racist
>but what intelligence does do is explain a wide array of socio-economic outcomes
Exactly, that's why there are billions of asians with higher than white IQ living in absolute poverty.
user, all you do is just spout cringe worthy stereotypes
Yes. Gonna cry?
and all any of the "we're all the same" retards do is generalize to the point of absurdity when it suits them and statistics and science flatly disagrees
Or maybe, just maybe, conservacucks immediately jump to ad hominems and insults they know literally nothing about, but are conditioned to hate. I'm not advocating for communism, It's just hilarious they would just jump to it without using any logic at all... Then again, the right thinks in emotions, so that makes sense.
Finally. It took, what, two or three posts for you to admit it?
3 times for 60 years.
There is literally no “science” which justifies your cringeworthy racism
More likely you’re just arguing with a stupid kid who lives with mommy
lolol rekt
>Exactly, that's why there are billions of asians with higher than white IQ living in absolute poverty.
there aren't billions of asians with higher than white IQ living in absolute poverty. there might be hundreds of thousands, or even a million or two, but not billions.
here's a different perspective: both asians and africans were introduced to european technology. the asians took to it like white on rice (kek) and took off running, and now the asian tigers are tech powerhouses. the africans went nowhere with it.
why the difference?
adults do not resort to ad hominem arguments, user. let's debate the ideas and the facts themselves. what proof do you have the all races have magically evolved the same cognitive abilities?
So, ironically, he lives in a commune?
I'm a different user. Please, try to keep track of things.
>jump to ad hominems and insults they know literally nothing about, but are conditioned to hate
that's your own ignorant assumption, and it's wrong
if you can't understand why I'd call someone a commie who pretends race and biology aren't real then you don't deserve me taking the time to explain it to your dumb ass
Yes, I have. Many. And yes, it is "pretty basic stuff" that you're using, which is why it's basically useless in context. You're a fucking idiot.
Holy shit I almost forgot how stunning Melania was/is
It’s called reality. Your made up hate speech is not reality
you can identify race and sex with bone structure
there are innate physical differences in the races
you can deny this but you're wrong and retarded
Maybe don’t act like other stupid and you won’t get lumped in with it
>there aren't billions of asians with higher than white IQ living in absolute poverty.
There literally are, China has only about 200M in the middle class area and more than a billion in poverty.
>The asians took to it like white on rice (racist kek)
Of course they did, they were ahead of the west throughout most of their history. War can fuck up progress relatively quickly.
Bitch has fucked up looking eyes
There are very little differences user, you’re just a dumb racist dip shit
what do you disagree with, specifically? did they calculate the correlation coefficients incorrectly?
>It’s called reality.
again, what specific proof do you have? are test scores the same between all races? are IQs the same? are levels of high school graduation the same? levels of incarceration? anything that can be explained by intelligence the same? can you rise above the high school level "you're an evil racist" and defend your beliefs like an adult?
>commies can't be racist
Oh, that's your logic.. I mean emotional thinking. Yet, I'd be the first shot? Sounds like if we had a commie take over, you'd be shot really fast.
He also had donnie's name in the black book. Nobody especially donnie did anything about Epstein's assassination.
I know because racists like you go out of your way to fabricate “evidence “when equality is pushed as the norm
THREADS, NEED A REPORT FUNCTION! They get banned there for this shit and come straight here.
Holy fuck stop posting that fucking cringe worthy shit nobody’s clicking on it
You are not a mod. You do not have the right or the means to dictate contact on this board.
>Oh, that's your logic.. I mean emotional thinking
the commies of today certainly pretend they can't be racist
the user saying you'd be shot wasn't me but it's probably true
Obama being bad doesn't automatically make trump good.
>Donnie donowrong
>He dindu nuffin
Maybe you should go back to plebbit if this board structure is too confusing for you.
The broneis got a report function and you all are 10000000000000000000x worse than bronies.
>China has only about 200M in the middle class area and more than a billion in poverty.
and their average IQ is something around 105, so just a tad more than half is above the average of 100 for whites. again, not a billion, not even close.
so here's what's happening. you've been taught that all races are magically equal in abilities. when reality comes knocking, and hard evidence proves otherwise, you refuse to admit it, or even look at it, because it contradicts what you've been taught. instead of debating facts and looking at data like an adult, you resort to name calling and petty denial.
and any halfway intelligent user reading these threads sees the difference, and follows the arguments to their logical conclusion: different races have different abilities.
>cringe worthy shit
again, you're resorting to popular appeal and unable to deal with facts themselves.