waifu thread
>don't steal
>don't lead
>no rp
Waifu thread
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But youre not, how is liking a fictional character bad to your health?
Ah, yeah that sounds bad, lets hope youre right in trusting this time.
Good luck on that, I cant imagine how much of things youre feeling, I can only hope the best for you.
That's a classic, you playing it on an emulator or original hardware?
The only board game I've been good at is Battletech. I wanna play the irl version, but I'll have to get a 3d printer so I can make the figures. I think painting them would be a fun hobby. The Battletech universe is super underrated.
Wow, I got it? Thanks user!
Not sure but one can't be too careful when it comes to health. What do the leading experts say on waifuism?
Not the game, the poster, he might even be in this very thread.
Funny sounding frog.
Cute poster.
Claiming Twilight Suzuka!
Hi Anzu.
Hello there. How are you? Sorry, was afk again.
Hello Yui. Always nice to see K-ON! waifus.
It depends upon the flavor, really. The fruit punch is actuallybquite good, and I prefer it over Hawaiian Punch (don't know if you have that there). The "grape" really doesn't taste like grape but I sometimes enjoy it. I always use only 75% of the sugar the directions state; regular is too sweet for me.
Hi Relm.
2D > 3D
Remember: you don't choose your waifu, your waifu chooses you.
Thanks Painter, I hope your project goes well for you too.
RIP how was I supposed to know that? xD
Youre not breaking your connection to reality, I dont see how, again, liking a character would be bad, its not diferent than liking another person.
Hello Suzuka.
I dont think I have started yet, so I dont know how it will turn out.
Sleepy frog.
G'night, you.
Well hello there Suzuka claimer, have you been lazy today?
Good question, I didn't think about that. Maybe you could play with us next time.
If you say so I'll trust you on this one.
>its not diferent than liking another person
Are you sure about that?
Sleep tight Froggerino
Going to bed? Goodnight.
Actually no, but I wish I were. It's just too hot to be working in my shop today. But at least I'm making a lot of progress in it.
What about you?
As long as you keep enjoying your work, it will turn out alright.
I can try. I haven't been on voice much. My leg has been bothering me something fierce.
Of course not, but why wouldnt be? You have feelings towards an entity that might as well ignore it, in this case tho you just have an idealized version of that entity.
Mm, perhaps.
I agree with that.
I wish as well, but I was lazy all weekend so I guess some work is in order. Probably finish up some gardening tonight after the sun goes down a bit since it's getting too hot for comfort here as well.
Shit, sorry for you. Must make concentrating on anything a pain. We've been playing every other Sunday mostly if you're looking to join in.
Sounds like something crazy people would do, maybe you're just telling me it's normal because you're crazy too.
I might be busy this weekend. I was supposed to get out of the house last weekend but the people I was supposed to go with bailed.
What kinda games have ya'll been playing?
That's the one game I always forget to buy when it's on sale. My uncle and cousin were big fans and had a bunch of miniatures.
Not sure what they ended up doing with them though, they moved around a few times.
End my team's suffering.
Oh nice, what are you growing?
Are you talking about the PC game or the actual board game when it goes on sale? It's like 10$ on g2a with all DLC.
Make sure you get Rougetech mod, it converts it to be 'almost' identical to the real board game. Also adds a mind numbing amount of content. I've never seen a game engine more abused into submission. =w= they made it an mmo.
I agree with that too! Awoo~
Well we've played red dragon inn and Root so far, Root being far more complex but still lots of fun.
Stop playing bad games.
Tomatoes, carrots, onions, garlic have all been put down so far, still need to plant the cucumbers, peppers, and sunflowers but before that I have to weed the area.. So much work.. Then I have to remember to keep it all watered.
Oof as long as the games aren't too complex. I barely know how to play Uno lol
Ah, I meant the PC game. I'm afraid that I'm not familiar with the board game.
He says as he continue to play runescape.
It's basically Warhammer + DND but with big stompy robots. Figures are way cheaper and rules much more simple. One day I'll make a table and paint figures.
Getting attached to characters that doesnt exist its normal, if not, nobody would care when a character dies or when a character succeeds.
so flat
Jeez, you're going all out! I grew cherry tomatoes, once. One time was enough.
I just found a beautiful gif of my waifu and it's even within file size limit!
I'm sure you could pick it up fine with a bit of explaining. If my dumb brain was capable you should be fine.
>posts best bro
>has worst takes
What did he mean by this?
Yah but do those same people collect hundreds of pictures of said characters and then post them on the internet professing their love for them?
You underestimate how mush my brain is. I'll give it a try.
If you posted Faris you could come here and I would be able to identify you without you having to make a dumb 'haha flat joke'.
No, but a lot of them feel strong feelings for those characters, even if they dont demonstrate it.
It will be my first serious attempt at growing anything in several years so I'm really hoping it goes well and everything takes.
That's the spirit.
How do you know all of this? Are you a wizard?
Sounds good.
It isn't Warhammer if it doesn't have stupidly expensive models. I haven't read any books Battletech related, but I'd like to at some point.
Just reeeing internally.
joke? but its true she's so flat
I haven't read any books either, but I do like listening to the lore on youtube. It's insanely dense, I feel like there's more content than Warhammer and Starwars combined.
Clan Diamond Shark for life.
Not really, no.
I dont give a flying fuck.
I dont see you posting Faris.
Cant you just save one image and use it? Not even having to save 9999, just one.
I sometimes wonder if someone would eat all the eggs for me.
Did you see Getzlaf is retiring? Also the sharks better fucking win tonight.
So are you just making stuff up that sounds good to make me feel better about my own failing sanity and slow slide into waifu delusion?
you should, its kinda sexy
I'll think about it
You wonder weird things.
No not really, no, I seem like a normal guy outside and Im here, and that same can apply for the majority of posters here, and if you take into consideration that more and more people are becoming 'weirdos' that like anime and games you can safely assume that a lot of them have or have had one waifu.
Your thinking too much.
What the hell.
Do it.
Its just one image.
You are an egg.
Did you know coconuts are slightly stronger than skulls?
I could show you.
So my feelings are perfectly normal within a community of 'weirdos' that also have feelings for anime waifus. Makes sense actually.
Probably, they don't pay me enough to think.
So you could break a coconut with skull.
Correct, stop worrying about what other people think so much, just enjoy your love.
I always found the dynastic politics entertaining as well.
Oh no, you like the Clans. Kidding, but they're invaders.
I didn't, just looked it up. Inb4 he unretires like Brady.
I wish they would, but they've been inconsistent as fuck.
Look up a lore vid on DS, you'll see why they are by far the best faction. The other clan's got jelly that they wanted to return to the Inner Sphere to spread their warez. Also they have harjel :p
oh yeah
like I said I'll think about it
you just want to erp don't you...
But I'm not worried about what other people think just whether or not it's healthy behavior.
>just enjoy your love
Good advice.
I don't think we'll have to worry about that.
Hey now, they've been consistently bad if anything.
What does have to do posting images with RP.
You know what would be NOT healthy? Supressing those feelings.
You got it wrong. Your skull must be soft as fuck.
Of course it is, Im an anemic piece of shit.
Dont go out there killing people with cocos.
Why do you say that? Would it really be so unhealthy if I got rid of every single Anzu related thing and stopped posting here?
No, but I doubt pretty much that those feelings do you have will dissappear by just deleting the images and dissappearing from this place.
I don't know you tell me
Hiya Rory how are uuuu~?
Nobody is RPing here, dont be stupid.
Steve jobs lmao gottem.
Not on this phone
Perhaps. Only one way to find out really.
Tired, coughing
Eggs dee ell em ayy oh
thats a r00d
Always falling apart huh? That's a mood.
So are you going to leave?
Why yes of course.
Why are you coughing.
I'll look it up and also, never forget the Battle of Tukayyid. I don't actually hate the clans that much, they're definitely a step above the Capellan scum.
Give borgar.
Probably not, but it would be funny for shits and giggles.
Hey now, that's true, but at least we're not the Canadiens. I guess that's not really saying much though.
Stand under the coconut palm.
No, of course not, don't be ridiculous. You're stuck with me.
I think someone said he just didn't want to get traded and have to move his chickens.
Wow, rood.
Well I recently got over the coof
See above
I got the shakes that make ya quake
I got the fries that cross ya eyes
yeah I'm not falling for that one again buddy
well go get it
lmao literally no one likes Capellans. I've been digging the Word of Blake spectral LAMS. They have some insane tech.
That's good to hear, how be the knees?
No thanks mate.
Then how are you going to find out?
So you DID use to post images?
You dumb fuck, how dumb have you to be to get the coof.