/cub/ thread

/cub/ thread

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more by this artist?

artist is ketzio

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better mood
better day

time for some pants-free time

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agreed, pants get in the way of the fun bits :3

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there's that, but I just like lounging around in my underwear
if I get cold I'll just hide under a blanket :3

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same, though i wish i had a cute little cub to keep me all nice and warm inside :3

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Not Fink, but I'm finally getting around to doing cub again.

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Fuck, didn't mean to reply to a post.

Good morning /cub/
Glad you’re feeling better
Can’t wait

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but I want to be the cub

you can do me :3

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holy shit that pic makes me diamonds

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i wish i had a body like toriel, i wanna be a soft squishy mommy :3

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>squishy mommy

why gross? i don’t like being skinny and having no butt or tits, nobody wants a skinny mommy :(

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you'd rather be a fat cow than a normal skinny person?

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not fat, i wanna be the thick lady that lives down the street and gives good boys treats :3

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Wait sorry that’s not a cub

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awww, pps are so cute when they're soft and floppy!

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candy is for babbys

I want to hang out with the high school furs that know all the best fortnight tactics and can bypass my parents porn blockers

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you would have loved me back in high school then, cause thats exactly what i was like. tomboy, had a bunch of middle schoolers who followed me around cause they thought i was cool. many fun times were had~

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>pps are so cute when they're soft and floppy!
and being sucked by others boys

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aww, why not mommies? we know exactly what little cubs want!

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>we know exactly what little cubs want!
to stay up late playing vidya, drinking monster?

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that and so much more! kek i had modern warfare 2 on my xbox and so many of the neighborhood boys would come over to play with me, it was so much fun

fuck i cant believe i forgot to post a pic

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what boys really want

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Remember to something or another [female] f-list cubs.

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I’m too uncreative and bad with words to RP

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Why there are two cub threads?

more of the mom

i think this might be the only other one i have of her, there's a blowjob a bit up in the thread too :3

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Git gud
Likely because some anons aren't very keen on how other anons present themselves.

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? :3

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