Keeping the hype going, we need to brainstorm ideas to launch another trolling operation

keeping the hype going, we need to brainstorm ideas to launch another trolling operation
we managed to actually get our act together for operation sneed and bigyot, but now we need something else

Attached: 603.png (334x389, 9.27K)

Other urls found in this thread:

the half body one we did before this one was the best....RIP

we did our best, and in the end we ended up in the final 8k image

Attached: Reddit.jpg (724x1596, 299.79K)

Seriously need a discord

too easy to get term'd

I think /maybe/ we could get a limited-size limited-time Yea Forums only place replica going maybe?
The toughest part is advertising without an someone on the global mod team.

Best part about a Yea Forums specific place is you wouldn't have flags taking up 80% of the canvas, streamers wouldn't dare go near it and it might inspire some OC or at least coordination.

Anyone has the pic of full bigyot template
Would be pretty nice, I can see every board getting some representation... except /lgbt/ for obvious reasons kek

Yea Forumsros help me out on this one
lets sabotage the Rock of Ages musical in Omaha

Attached: Rock.png (1157x641, 252.35K)

stay on reddit you fucking dumb retard

An actual good idea, maybe on pixel canvas?

But how

No we'll want our own site, something Yea Forums specific with a limited timespan and canvas size.

lets find out the details of the event first, see how easy it would be to get in without a ticket (if it isnt free) then do something stupid like try to get a speaker hooked up to play something retarded
I request Nigger Nigger be played on a speaker

Since /pol/ has been the biggest board for multiple years now, they would just oberwrite everything with swastikas and dumb provocations. Smaller and slower baords would have no chance at representation without bigger ones helping them out.

but we literally still would have flags- /pol/ and places like that are crazy about the american flag and fascist while /tttt/ would bring back our own trans flag.

we could get a bunch of high powered strobe lights to shine from the outside
got the details for Rock of Ages

Attached: rock of ages details.png (1200x348, 47.91K)

interior, the strobe light strategy is looking promising

Attached: interior.png (775x499, 803.87K)

fuck the festival, a tranny wrote about us, lets ruin his life

Attached: New Target.png (1107x597, 89.7K)

kek, its go time

Attached: Tranny writer.png (760x269, 47.83K)

KEK this can't be real. The absolute state

/pol/ may be the biggest in terms of straight numbers, but it's split between multiple groups who don't work together
you really think bots, falseflaggers, trannies and commies are going to work with the main demographic of /pol/, infact they might even grief eachother and balance out

talialavinwrites@gmail dot com
porn website time?

>4channers attempted to stage a virtual false-flag operation by making it seem like the trans community had raided the UK’s flag, in order to foment disorder.

these guys really think we are the boogeyman?
not our fault that angloids hate troons

>(I used up my few pixels defending the trans flag from random incursions.)

Attached: bigyot.png (1747x849, 78.28K)

Thank you user!

we could try matrix. last time i checked they dont nuke servers like discord does

Is there an archive of this raid?
First time on Yea Forums for a while, I'm glad it's still a shitshow

gotta get to the archive website then type in r/place or sneed from april 1st to today


GUARENTEED if Yea Forums did a version of place it would have more trans flags than reddit. Like, literally we hate ourselves more than r/transplace hates us.

>trolling operation
You guys are children if you think drawing a picture of sneed and yatsuba was trolling, nobody is offended by the simpsons or an anime girl. The swastikas that were drawn were cool but few people actually contributed to this. Instead you guys contributed to a reddit art project

The fact you think this was a raid tells me your a new fag

Attached: le epic troll.png (404x618, 120.46K)

>launch another trolling operation

this was a trolling operation?

who did we troll by drawing our memes...?

same fag. nobody cares about your step dad's musical in nebraska. keep the revenge fantasies in ur head faggot lmao

I mean, the idea WAS there, but nothing really happened

I think any assumption Yea Forums is anything like the past has to be washed. The internet changed. People who grew out of that are farming instead of larping like racists and troonhaters.

>The internet changed
Raiding and trolling will never change. Contributing to a reddit light bright project with sfw memes is not trolling. This "operation" was reddit tier cringe. The new fags need to understand this if they ever hope of creating a actually successful raid

Attached: lets make sneed.jpg (488x488, 59.46K)

>brainstorm ideas to launch another trolling operation

Attached: 1634389520157.png (600x642, 42.15K)

We tried to put swastikas and anti trans shit man we tried but we didnt have enough people so at the last moments we just put random shit on the map so we could at least have done something in the event.

You guys tried to fuck with the trans flags and when that failed you moved onto yotsuba and sneed. Few anons tried to make actual swastikas

there cannot be a raid when mods have ability to wash the canvas.

And everyone using bots. We took most of the tranny flag at the start before people started botting

You can if you could stealthily make penis, swastikas, tits, racial slurs and ect

There are millions and millions of users placing shit down, do you really think no one would notice?

People who are calling this a raid or trolling are retarded we just put down 3 random arts because we had jack shit else to do, there were probably 20 - 40 anons actually putting down pixels, all other info on bigger numbers was a lie, we just got shit done in the end because some random dude dropped an easy bot program.

Is the discord still up?

Good shit

Attached: template.png (982x755, 13.23K)

>do you really think no one would notice?
If you organize to do this on the last day and use bots. Yes

They look like a super cute couple

I'm all for Yea Forums making a comeback on raids and global trolls.

idk, this is the most recent link in the archives: gg/xJTzwuWe

Who is we
you stupid fat little kid

The reddit jannies would just delete it like they did with other sexual art

this wasn't trolling. you literally just did what was the point of r/place after you faggot failed to ruin the trans flag.

Done gg/hB2nPBFz

subtly is key

why not irc or matrix?


Nigger just left because he was the first one. TF you expect?

Little surprise

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Let's get a VC going, someone's go to be first.

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The new fag reddit "raid" of 2022. It will go down as the most pathetic raid in history

Attached: SNEEEED.jpg (210x240, 9.44K)

My GF's masturbating in the background in the discord

I fixed that red eyeball pixel right there at the time I swear.