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Waz saves the thread.
i know u will
doing okay
had some talks with shorty
kind of relaxing now
They go well?
Dang. That sucks.
Probably for the better, would mess my sleep up too much
just decided to remain as friends since that seems to work better for us
Thats far from flexing - just a webserver with a bit extra.
Just your usual linux running ye olde apache2 with mysql.
Then fail2ban + flood protection and apparmor on top to get rid of bots and to limit any damage.
Everything is searchable on google.
If you're interested in breaking things, look for some CTF / capiture the flag competitions.
Its fun and helps you understanding what you're doing in a fun way.
I'm super tired but can't go asleep. If I lay down right now, I'm gonna be out and its too early for that.
As long as you don't sleep too long it should be okay.
Heya Opros!
how be cutie?
how are you doing?
Oof. I know that feel. My sleep schedule is so messed up.
Just got up from a nap. Relaxing and watching YouTube videos in bed.
oh, well if that's what you wanted I'm glad you talked to him about it
it's too late for that, I'm now back to being awake
i decided. ordered mcnuggies.
Hey Snarf, how's you?
Did you know del peeled his nuggies as a kid?
And mysql is really burning away ressources just for simple things. Or it is me being stupid.
Doing good.
Had a funny day where everyone i spoke with had to mention balls. No clue wether thats some insider or just random.
How are you and shorty doing?
>Did you know del peeled his nuggies as a kid?
that's privileged information sir
First to say first!
You can't just drop knowledge like that and be mad I was dipping them in ketchup while you did that
yes huh i can and i will
Same. The return to consciousness. Pain.
Ketchup dipping is perfectly fine
They are good where ever you are.
Deldel! Hi
Well that privileged info gets shared then >:l
He peeled his nuggies and thought I was lying about dipping mine in ketchup
>Did you know del peeled his nuggies as a kid?
When i was bored as kid, i ate everything around first and then ate the meat last, lol
>He peeled his nuggies and thought I was lying about dipping mine in ketchup
i can't with you guys jfc
hi scalyboi Ketchup dipping is perfectly fine
no it isnt unless as a last resort because no other sauces
I'm pretty sure I've done that too at some point but was never something I would do every time
as long as he is happy thats what I care about
Glad we got to talk about that stuff
sounds like fun!
im not allowed to take naps since I just sleep
sounds like a fun day!
we went back to being friends.
i am actually developing permenant wrinkles from how screwed up in confusion my face is rn
Well are you happy about it?
I might be from laughing
I cannot wrap my head around any of this.
Nugget PEELERS don't get to have any say in the matter
Ketchup is fine and normal and there is no debate to that
Why does everyone's food opinions get so extreme?
>Ketchup is fine and normal and there is no debate to that
it's not ketchup is what you use if you dont know what bbq sauce or honey mustard is
I'm sorry del I didn't know it would be this bad :(
fuckin thumper over here apparently
grrrrrrrr grrrrrrrr i only did as a kid for a little while i dont anymore
actually i avoid spongechicken wherever possible
what's worse is we're talking about mcdonalds chicken nuggets, like we all already lost
I need a seeing eye twink.
Because there are some things you just don't do like put ketchup on a steak
You don't get to be a sauce snob when you were peeling nuggets. No sir. Go back to your corner where you belong.
Chikfila is where it's at.
strange boi
One of the few times someone has made a comment to make me laugh. That was good.
They aren't the worst ones, think that'd be burger king nuggies
I thought your eyes were getting better?
I don't really care but it is funny to me
I thought you were one of the rad ones as well.
I feel shit over getting a patch of white hair. Getting older sucks
So just like oreos.
Fighting is bad so thats good news.
>Ketchup is fine
True. You cant go wrong with ketchup.
But i haven't eaten any sauce ketchup or majo in a decade - pure is best.
yuh i love chikfil i love their waffle fries
i couldve told you that, figured it'd be obvious by now :)
ive had burger king like once in my life
I broke my glasses and my new ones haven't arrived yet.
true :p
well i'm sorry if not peeling my nuggies means i can't be a radical frot advocate i guess im just not cool
I am meh about it right now.
dunno what to think.
but I think it will be better for the both of us
now time to flood this bread with random bullshit
Mostly funny I'm not really serious I'm just messing with him
The last time I had it was when I had burgers and hot dogs. Rarely touch the stuff.
Reminds me one time I had it delivered and they gave me a chicken sandwich with no fucking bun so I used the waffle fries instead lmao
Aw how'd you do that?
Butnaps are good for you
This is golden lol
My naps lasts for 4 hours >.
it's really cheap but not good
Ah, well hope you get a seeing eye twink even if you get the new glasses
ok, well if you ever want to talk about it just message me
Well it's not really a nap anymore then lol. I get it though that's how I am.
>hey gave me a chicken sandwich with no fucking bun so I used the waffle fries instead
i was there
i witnessed this
the waffle fry bun was my idea
I know what I'm ordering today now.
that sounds kinda good
Fast food is called fast food because you aren't meant to eat it
i bet it was but he still got inexplicably stiffed a bun lol
I shall, we are still gonna talk and game when we can and such.
I appreciate it wazman
who needs naps when you can just sleep all day
I lost a lens and have no idea where it went.
Please be careful with this I jerked off to it twice today
>so I used the waffle fries instead lmao
sounds like the better option tbh
cutie! grrr
my oreo strat was to twist the two halves. if white stayed together on one side it was a good oreo. then id try to lick off the white part in one lick. if it came off it was a perfect oreo. otherwise id lick it until it was gone. then id eat the black part
also apparently "hydrox" is a better oreo and the original design