discord trannys are now embedding blacked porn in images using scripts to post on blue boards without being noticed and refer to it as using your third eye. do not save images you see in erp threads because it probably has blacked shit embedded in it. just a heads up.
Discord trannys are now embedding blacked porn in images using scripts to post on blue boards without being noticed and...
We should fight back by embeding nikocado avocado's asshole into pics
Can you show an example of this or explain It better?
Fuck discord trans faggots
Imagine being this sad...
Unless you're talking about sneaky tiny spade edits on anime pics idk what the fuck you're talking about
I got banned before for trying to expose it so I cant go into great detail. it happens alot of v in threads for characters like hex from pokemon, zelda, samus and hilda threads, some one will mention using your third eye. you can probably find a direct link to how they do it on git from their threads on trash. its probably happens on other boards that im unaware of. embedding images is against the rules and will result in a ban so im not going to post any and it requires extensions that are probably filled with malware.
no this stuff is invisible unless you "use your third eye" which is a feature on Yea Forums to see which is a embedded file within the picture.
Repking? Is that you?
LARP harder discord tranny.
not a larp. this is what they do. dont shoot the messenger.
to add to my other post. there actually was a screen shot some one else had that showed a actual example but I did not save it. if I find it then ill post it later or make a new thread to show.
Are you talking about like It's dangerous to go alone, take this?
im getting off the internet and coming to your houses.
good luck.
idk I vaguley remember something about that. not sure.
what do you mean by "embedding blacked porn in images using scripts"?
More schizo shit that half this board posts daily about. Literally all they think about is trannies.
I'm so tired of Discord trannies and nigger dicks
im not really tech savy so idk the actual process but saw the blue prints for their plans. some kind of extension like attack monkey or grease monkey etc.
Embedding the data that shows one image inside of the data that is another image. With the correct cryptograph one images pixels are rearranged to create a second image in a compiler sorta thing. Its a bit beyond the scope of my understanding to explain. They used to be used as a supersneaky way of transmitting cp. You could send the legit image and the person had to have the decompiler key like a password, or algorythm and program to rearrange the pixels to display the illegal image.
its some kind of extension that lets you see it on Yea Forums called third eye. if you see people mentioning third eye then they are probably refering to blacked shit.
I don't save images directly from any chan, but I do Gyazo the image. Would that capture anything embedded or since it's basically a screen shot, nothing but the image gets saved?
Theres no meta data in the ones i was describing you would get a specific algorythm sold seperately that would be fed into a program and rearrange the image. So people could trade the png files or even the jpgs if they didnt get too corrupted in the wrong places, and whoever had the keys could just take any copy and get it out from it, so saving the taw image in a different way wouldnt necessarily matter.
If what this third eye is is anything like that but for instance 12 years more advanced program could probable just have the things automattically decompile images and display the hidden image as long as maybe you have the right algorythms in a database or something in the script
Can confirm it's still used to transmit cp
Hey Skittle
But why?
Probably as simple as it makes it thrilling to know that the filthy image you are seeing is being unknowingly spread around by people who have no idea what it really is and may even be opposed to it yet spreading it still.
Discord troons are disgusting bro
00:09 privet pacanam s dvaca
But if people don't know it's there and will most likely not see it...how much of a thrill is it? Or is my understanding off? I've always heard of this but I don't know anything about it.
to post on blue boards without getting banned. what just looks like a simple picture of zelda is actually her getting blacked where as they would get banned and thread deleted if they didnt hide it.
Idk user my mind isnt damaged like theirs, thats just the only thing i can conjecture.
Yeah thats a simpler reason and occams razor
Was this like that one time when i accidentally posted a file in Yea Forums that had a different thumbnail than what it actually was? desuarchive.org
This is a troll thread meant to make you wonder and be a little bit paranoid.
I couldn't tell you. one would have to analyze the image deeply and see if it has the same number of each and every colored pixels. I suppose it is possible, idk why someone would make a clean version of a double image unless they were just flexing on people or a tech demo or something.
not a troll. im just trying to warn people that this is the level of mental illness we are dealing with. these people will go the extra mile becuase they actually hate white people and masturbate to their own demographic replacement. I just hope by exposing it the problem can be dealt with.
I couldn't tell you. one would have to analyze the image deeply and see if it has the same number of each and every colored pixels. I suppose it is possible, idk why someone would make a clean version of a double image unless they were just flexing on people or a tech demo or something.
yes, if only we were joking, user. it's simply undetectable, as I've never heard of someone getting vanned for having algorythms that unlock cp from innocuous images.
what are blue boards
anyone who actually cares and can stomach the disgusting shit then go digging here desuarchive.org
the archived blacked thread on trash look for the post that says remember to open your "eye" that links to another thread that has a link to the actual git project plan. I cant post it directly or else I will get banned.
blue boards like Yea Forums or v on 4channel where you are supposed to only post SFW stuff the non adult version of 4chin.
interesting reading in there, but some of it goes beyond my technical ability to process. im sure as shit not downloading any of that shit.
Holy shit. That's fucked up. But one thing i'll tell you is that Yea Forums has no tolerance for that shit. I literally get banned 16 million times a week from /dbs/. Yea Forums are absolute reportfag jannyniggers. And i stay on there more often because literally any time moeshitting loli furry pedo niggers like the ones i just saw in those /trash/ threads you linked come into our threads we get them BTFOed and 3 days'ed. And it's why i like blue boards. Because people there have morals but they're still funny and racist sometimes.
I have seen plenty of furry raids in my day. desuarchive.org
agreed I prefer blue boards more nowdays especially a. but I feel like v is compromised blatant blacked porn stays up and janitors dont do their job.
yeah I have no interest in any of that as well. I just think that people should know whats going on and hope that mods can do something about it.
15years+ a Newfag on Yea Forums almost exclusively. I've seen a lot and saved almost nothing. I dont code its boring, so Im not one of the hackers on steroids. I dink around with some ugly OCs now and then but I never bothered to develop much my skill as an artist. I miss the oldschool traps and hate what they have become.
Pic related is the man responsible. This is one of his images.
Holy shit
HAHAHAHAHAH I just noticed the shadow outline is a picture of Hideo Kojima
this type of shit?
no it dosent work like that. even if you click on the pictures it will not show up unless you have third eye.
so looking more at it, it looks like a link is embedded. This all can be avoided by just not using the software?
schizos fuck off
no what? it's in the fucking code
Disgusting filth, and fire emojis??? God is dead
No longer possible due to sinkposters as far as i know
thats what all the blacked people say. always blame pol for everything. I never even posted on pol even a single time in my life though...
if you save the file then its still in the file if you are aware or not. you dont need to have third eye for others to see it.
checksteg is still a thing, because the FUCKING MODS USE IT