>game takes place in an alternate reality
Game takes place in an alternate reality
>game is immeasurable worse
the whole world would benefit without the bongs
french world i guess
god imagine how much better the world would be
>substitutes bong women with even more ugly ones
>game is so bad it turns right back around to being good
imagine the racemixing...
aw she just needs thousands worth of plastic surgery
Wish the US could have cities like Japan does
They seem a lot safer. Would love to live on the outskirts of one like that here
Is there a British isles off the coast of China in this one?
im actually more interested in what happens to ireland in this reality
there’s a reason why japans suicide rate is much higher then ours
So brutian is niw in the pacific?
Wts opium
This. There'd be a bunch of Jap-Irish people running around because of Japan kidnapping women/children as comfort girlss
nippers would just be even more irrelevant seeing as they won’t have a backwards china to compare and compete against
I give it till the 1060s and France perms ass rapes them to oblivion
Whites would have colonized and erased the Japanese ethnic identity.
god I wish this happened in our reality
>be American
>get shot
>be Japanese
>kill yourself
it's not fair bros
Left is much more wife material then jawless egghead on the right.
And you figure it's the clean and put together cities or is it the lack of niggers?
>Ireland/UK join the axis in WW2
Would Churchill bomb Pearl Harbour?
why the fuck are people killing them selves in France?
he wanted to bomb the russians so yes
Really? Enjoy living in the stone age.
>the UK being this close to NK , Russia and China
It's like throwing a lamb to a pack of wolves.
But there would be 0 good vidya in that reality
All of those fantasy settings where the main continent is just the Japanese islands, but with different names and different climates.
In terms of safety I would agree. In terms of the actual layout, fuck that. I need lawns and wide open streets and I barely even get that in my American city. Japs live shoulder to should if you’re not filthy rich
because they dont live in the alternative timeline where britain was replaced with japan
They can't cope with how little migrants they have.
never been there i take it
We French are already massive weebs, imagine if Japan was next door.
quick recommend me some games with alternate realities / alternate history settings
she also got professional dressing and makeup to make it appear even better on the "after" pic.
Because they have to live with the horrible unbearable burden of being French.
Pls be nice to them.
If the UK was next to China, the Chinese would have been completely fucked
NK Russia and China doesn't stand a chance
like what you bongs were doing before the romans got involved?
retard take
vidya would be astronomically better seeing as it wouldn’t need to ponder off 25% of its reasoutces to shitty uninspired some a dozen jrpgs
>game takes place in modern earth
>japan is nuked though
How many other games do this, just glass a specific location
final Streets of Rage 4 patch is taking too long
agreed, I would marry and have kids with left. She fucked it up real bad
Remember when Spain and France were super powers? Having the UK that close to them would be like..
Oh, wait no.
*throwing a wolf into a heard of lambs
I can't blame them. Imagine being french.
2000 years in the past? Wow good argument. You've really shown everyone.
its full of french people
>MMA in this reality is a combination Sambo, Tae Kwon Do and Drunken Irish Brawling.
The opposite. UK would wreck them all.
Not really since the rest of the west produces nothing but shit nowadays. 100% would be shit compared to 25%
exactly, you bongs were 2000 years behind everyone else
brits only came to power because the rest of Europe either didn’t have a navy or weren’t good enough to stand up to the British navy. They got their resources from other countries like Africa and the us for a bit. Putting them far from both would turn them into weak bitches
What being manc does to a nigga
He looks like he can suck a mean dick.
No industrial revolution. And no computers. Enjoy.
I'd list the entirety of what wouldn't exist, but there is a character limit.
Also, no USA, so it's not all bad.
Maybe all the niggers destroying what was once white france
This makes more sense considering the Netherlands relationship with Japan a long time ago.
>No industrial revolution. And no computers. Enjoy.
and no jews in power, thank goodness for that.
Every time you call someone a frog a Frenchman kills themselves
I don't recall russia china or korean being known for their naval prowess
Cope. They currently suck more black dick than America does.
oh fuck off, we literally don't do anything and at least learn the language
>No industrial revolution.
Taking the surrender meme to it's ultimate conclusion
Your reading comprehension is extremely poor
No. The rest of Europe tried to crush us on many occasions. And we got our resources by robbing the Spanish (during our rise as a major power).
If you think the British had it easy then the educational system in your country is pretty poor.
Granted my only exposure to this was AC5 but I thought the world was interesting.
Vote for Hokkaido independence!
Some elements from the final build hint that this was once a considered location for Japan, specially Christianity and the Netherlands connection, not to mention the direct involvement in WW2 but I think they felt the culture was way too out of place so they slid it next to China at some point during development.
Anyone heard the theory that Jesus went to Japan after he resurrected and had some family there?
Doggerland was real not too long ago
>game is about WW2 in alternative reality
Full map
I remember a game where a team of scientists go back in time in syberia to extract some precious material and put it on american land,so that in the future it would belong in america instead of russia,fuck it was old but i don't remember the name it was a good lore
Except not really because their contributions to world history over the last two hundred years has been immeasurable.
Most of your medicines, universal time framework, music from the 50's onwards, the fucking internet itself. They are all bong inventions sadly.
>Wish the US could have cities like Japan does
They used to, but your Western brain willingly allow your politician to destroy that advantage you had decades ago.
The Anschluss train has no brakes
>game devs have clear disdain for a particular country
But I'm white, not Japanese.
the 36753th turn based zerostratagey jrpg will always be worse then snoy walking tranny simulators
nippers did even more damage by pushing the cancerous idea that ever game needs a shoehorned “narrative “
we had those cities
and then they were bulldozed for the car and here we are today
the benefits came at the cost of corrupt corporations and democracy taking over.
Yeah, we have to go back
holding my groin
>music from the 50's onwards
>music from the 50's onwards
????? the beatles didnt invent music
assuming the evolution of the english language is still the same, where the japs get taken over vikangz and then ruled by french-normans, it would probably be such a clusterfuck of a language. it would be like the philippines but european version
>Russia on paper, random tribes and a couple of ports in reality
>Best Korea's nukes are the only threat and implying Bongs wouldn't trade with the Norks t begin with to undercut
>China, the actual threat, 100 years of humiliation, HK and 2 Opium wars and now on China's doorstop, yeah not good, expect RoI to get lots of Chinese weapons "accidentally" wash up on shore, vastly increased American military precence
>Litteraly uncilised horsefuckers and frost until the railroad
>Chinese vassal or Independent political entity but totaly culturaly dominated by China anyway, Nihongland pirates raid the coast occasionally shouting football chants
>Ten Billion Chinese colonise Britan in the late neolithic, Little changes historically except Nihongland has better quality weapons and armor due to decent iron and coal and the home counties have cherry blossoms
Imagine how good things would be, continental bros
Were you born yesterday or something?
Correct, yet you still don't get the point. Imagine if no nip vidya, with all their good and bad influence existed, you would literally have nothing to play. The west would still get to this point and make the same shootershit but this time their heavily nip inspired indie industry would be shit as well
>you will never arrive at the port of Rhinemouth to start your adventure in the untamed mammoth steppe wilderness of the Netherlands
It's not fair bros
I remember there being a mod for EU4 that switched places with korea and denmark
In the modern day yes most likely. Years ago? All of East Asia would be a British colony
Enjoy getting rabies faggot!
Who would win the rape off, Japan or Scandinavia?
>Face cap model
>Uncanny valley video game character
Now imagine the 100 years war with the other side being Ming China
>Countries like Africa
Oh say can you see...
Africa was a victory lap for the european empires that survived and a dump for the excess of young men with a penchant for facial hair and nationalism, what happend immiately after the scramble for Africa? The Europeans got resources from east and south Asia, Oceania and the Americas
Japan because they do the raping
Who would have the better navy?
I’m content with that as long as I still get my rome total war and pc kinos
I’d mostly be looking forward to fire emblem no longer being a thing
Japan already got x100 bonus for what they did to China.
it wouldnt happen because the japanese will be moonsoon-babbies again once an invasion happens
Realistically what if Japan replaced Brittain in the 15th century?
how would the other countries react towards japan?
Too much salt in the food
Other nations be like, bro did God replace that mass of land with another mass of land?
>No industrial revolution. Enjoy.
Thanks! I will!
Best frens
imagine how much alcohol would be traded between the South Koreans and Irish
Japan was still an ungabunga feudal state
no compition, the Spanish rape them
Imperial Japan being destroyed and rebuilt is proof that some cultures should not exist.
You're ass is the one that brought up the stone. Stupid nigger
>gets raped by the celts in 600b.c
>posts a chink
>posts a gook
inb4 arr rook same
>cars bad
I wish my country was like the US. Owning a car here is expensive. Public transport is somewhat less expensive but far more unreliable and takes longer. At least in the US, you are not reliant on someone else to go somewhere.
*blocks your path*
Great we got moved to the shit pile.
yeah i love driving 30+ minutes to do something as simple getting groceries
dumb faggot
that would be /trash/
So basically everything white conquerors said about black and native people.
>not using an accurate geographical comparison
japan either becomes the major superpower in europe or becomes scandinavia 2.0
>TFW The UK are just a bunch of Italians
Why would you assume the Brits are gone, and haven't just swapped with Japan?
Yuu got a problem wit a li'l swamp divin bruv?
America's suicide rate just exceeded Japan's suicide rate recently
Alrigt but what if this happens right now, UK and Japan simply switch places in the blink of an eye.
lol the absolute state
>Implying life was only good agter industrial revolution.
>Implying the capitalist slavery that ensued didn't just imprison everyone.
>Implying it wouldn't have just happened somewhere else.
>Implying computers are even a good thing.
Those of us old enough to remember life before the internet would like you to know computers absolutely ruined everything for everyone. If they stayed some industry and commercial thing it would have been fine, but commercial home computing? Especially when social media got around? Holy shit dude. Shit went downhill like overnight
Ah yes, last time china went to war with uk over some leaves and opium it nearly destroyed the bongs
fuck you trash is good
actually hot shit gets posted there
I haven't been on Yea Forums for ages, are you still making vans explode?