Any anti-trump conservatives on this board? How can we pivot the platform away from trump and his acolytes...

Any anti-trump conservatives on this board? How can we pivot the platform away from trump and his acolytes? I used to be proud to be a conservative, but this guy and his room-temp-IQ supporters - who make up a majority of conservative voters at this point - find a way to turn every discussion into a disinformation campaign.

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I used to be, now I’m liberal on every issue except for guns

No you CAN'T, don't even try. Best to form a new party and purge the filth, start afresh.

HA!!! too late for that!!!!

>used to be proud
>who make up a majority of conservative voters at this point
>disinformation campaign
The guys that write the scripts know that nobody talk likes this, right? Nobody inserts talking points in their normal speech this way. Don't forget the blatant self identification and appeal to respectability politic.

It's not just trump

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were all those words really necessary? just say you're retarded. suicide is the answer

Don’t know how you deradicalize these people but as a liberal democrat, I’m glad people like you exist. Outgoing congressman Adam Kinzinger started a pac to try to de Trump the GOP. Not sure where they’re at with that.

A huge proportion of people who tend to vote Republican are anti Trump.

And it grows almost daily with his regular spewing of idiocy.

Fake and gay. You are not a conservative and you like cock.

Yea , I feel this.

Never identified as conservative but my family does ... since Trump their talking points have gotten... dumber. I'm libertarian... but the same problem is in that bunch , so I don't tend to tell people my leanings.

Seriously guys stop polarizing everything so we can meet in the middle on these topics and have some common sense reform.

Otherwise no one wins.

>turn every discussion into a disinformation campaign.

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Centrism is like asking someone if they want to live or die then chopping their arm off as a compromise.

you can't meet in the middle with people who disagree with the fundamental principles of the country and actively try to dismantle it

Jesus, no it’s not. Chill. I live in an area run by people on the opposite end of the political spectrum. I want to change that, but on a day to day basis, I have to work work, compromise with, and get along with people who disagree with me.

Touch grass.

Democrats have already noticed that conservatives are Nazis, don't worry

Remember when we had a chance?

Remember when we had 2 chances?

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He was libertarian though and would not even pass the litmus test anymore

and those "real republican" conservatives voted for mittens

Never met a republican who wasn't an insecure little faggot parroting what his daddy told him about the world.

Try challenging your own foundational beliefs sometime, you'll quickly realize that most of them are implanted by others because you have no critical faculties and see that as a strength.

Also, your religion is programming you to be susceptible to authority. That's the entire point of religion and it has been working like a charm forever.

>I used to be proud to be a conservative, but this guy and his room-temp-IQ supporters - who make up a majority of conservative voters at this point - find a way to turn every discussion into a disinformation campaign.

nah. its game over. The republican party is fucked in that regard. They tapped into something when Palin ran as VP and instead of assessing where it would go they went balls-deep in crazy. You can't unfuck it.

Maybe set up a centre-right christian party that could attract rep and dem voters who haven't been completely mindfucked by social media At some point people must realise that the government can't operate with such a polarised electorate. Divisions of power in the american government require diplomacy and give-and-take to function.

... And ushered in one of the great eras of prosperity for America...

Sounds like you don't get out much.

>Any anti-trump conservatives on this board?

If Dems became pro gun, could we get you on board?

>give up now, don't even bother

you have to be over 18 years old to post here son

>Adam Kinzinger started a pac to try to de Trump the GOP
>interest rises

This is my problem with people who hate trump. You can hate trump, i don't care but for some reason their programming doesn't let them JUST hate trump, they have to become activists to and make sure that everyone hates trump.
You're a faggot, accept that your choice had made this country even worse and accept that only trump is your lord and savior at this point.
I only voted for him because it pissed off all the right people

>Try challenging your own foundational beliefs sometime
Do you believe cognitive ability is homogeneously distributed among the various races of man? Why or why not?

Try it out sometime. It's an easy question. Run your own poll. I've done mine, maybe yours will have different results.

>what are your political beliefs?

>what are your parent's political beliefs?

Republicans will have a nearly complete overlap with whatever daddy's beliefs are.

It's just male insecurity, the rest of us can smell it on you.

>Seriously guys stop polarizing everything so we can meet in the middle on these topics and have some common sense reform.
>Otherwise no one wins.
>only "anti-centrist" replies
Didn't the fucking brits figure this out by having like 300 fucking parties?


It's the overreaching idea that a massive federal government is the answer to the world problems- personal liberty be damned-that I will never ever agree with.

The problem with pithy quotes like that is they can be used by both sides.

It really highlights how there is no discourse but just a bunch of idiots saying "no you!"

>asking someone if they want to live or die then chopping their arm off as a compromise.
so what would you choose?

My dad was a die hard southern democrat.

I'm a centrist Republican.

My daughter is a lefty and running further left weekly.

>My daughter is a lefty and running further left weekly

Yup. The current republicans offer nothing if you aren't an angry. The entire platform is built on making sure people you don't like suffer. It's not going to get better. The GOP wants kids to be scared an unhappy.

If I'm arguing in good faith, I couldn't answer that question, user. Neither could you.

There is no way to ethically study race and cognitive ability without bias, and without the influence of the entire history of the human race.

I wouldn't say that underdeveloped cultures are inherently dumber than mine, because my culture developed under entirely different circumstances and with a different set of geographic strengths and weaknesses.

Do you think that there is any indication that race has an affect on cognitive ability, without falling for the obvious fallacy that correlation=causation?

That's fucking retarded. People on both sides of the aisle share their parent's politics. If you want to make that a talking point, bring up some valid research that shows Republicans are more likely to follow in their parent's political footsteps than Democrats. And if you've ever lived in a blue state, you know that's laughably false.

>Any anti-trump conservatives on this board?

when you say southern democrat, you mean a classic liberal right? As in, someone who is right leaning economically?

Also, of course your daughter is a lefty, I'm making the point that leftists don't care as much about what their daddy thinks when they are developing their own beliefs.

You think the current climate from the far left in America is interested in making middle America- "the deplorables in flyover country" comfortable?

FUCK off with that shit.

>I only voted for him because it pissed off all the right people
>vote for whatever pisses off the most
>contempt infesting politics
I hope the younger generations can do this better once we get rid of the boomers.

>Republicans will have a nearly complete overlap with whatever daddy's beliefs are.
why do you spread blatant lies?

She's a lefty primarily because she's a kid who has no perspective on how the world really works- like many on this board .

If your are the poster above, you were stating that Republicans are products of only Republican fathers

That is wrong.

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I do mean classic liberal- which these days tends to be a centrist conservative.

My dad was as big Kennedy Democrat.

He would never stop vomiting if he could see what that party has become.

>The entire platform is built on making sure people you don't like suffer. It's not going to get better. The GOP wants kids to be scared an unhappy.
You're confusing boomers and conservatives.

Yeah the election and COVID conspiracy have made me realize that we cant accomplish anything until both sides come together and tell all the internet politics nerds to take a fucking hike. Politics nerds are the true enemy of the people

>Do you think that there is any indication that race has an affect on cognitive ability, without falling for the obvious fallacy that correlation=causation?
Of course. Intelligence is largely determined by genetics, just like all aspects of the human body.
And you can see this quite clearly in the modern world. Africans, who never invented the wheel, a system of writing, or extensive agriculture, perform significantly lower than whites, who flew rocket ships to the moon. Of course there's a difference. Why wouldn't there be? Why would two groups who evolved in very different places magically have the same cognitive abilities?

>dad was right by today's standards
>you are right

What am I missing here? You're trying to prove me wrong by telling me exactly what I am arguing.

You are right leaning, daddy was right leaning (by today's standards), daughter is less concerned with daddy's beliefs and has gone to the left.

This is common. That is my point.


The GOP has meetings with topics such as "kids- how can we makes them more miserable" and "they just are not sad enough- using your political power to make kids even more unhappy"

FUCK you must live in a bizzare echo chamber.

"Hey guys, i know im going to get downvoted for this but i just wanted to say that Trump is bad, gays are people and rape is wrong" -OP

Agreed- but that's not what you were saying- unless you are one of those types that equate conservatism with republicanism and true liberalism with Democrats.

You stated that "Republican dads yield Republican sons"

Parties and ideologies are different concepts.

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>Any anti-trump conservatives on this board?
Nazi here, whats up?

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Do you think intelligence is measurable by scientific achievement and a western idea of progress?

I'd argue that the average African has intelligence about a great many number of things that are more crucial for their day to day survival than getting to the moon.

My correlation vs. causation point is that you can't look at the modern world and assume that because there are differences in culture, industrialization, and "progress", that it is simply down to human genetics. You are forgetting the geographic advantages that are inherent to specific places in the world.

OP is a wigger whom got TDR. Grow up.

There is " crucial for survival" and " crucial for growth and development"

Guess which one is dominated by Western Judeo-Christian culture and which is from Africa?

And guess which one has propelled mankind forward past living on dirt floors and shitting in a hole?

>Do you think intelligence is measurable by scientific achievement and a western idea of progress?
Of course. IQ tests aren't perfect, but they're phenomenally accurate in predicting social and economic success in the west. Place an African in a European society, and he generally fails to meet standards of education and attainment. There are exceptions to this rule, of course, but even with affirmative action in education, scholarships, loan disbursement, and job hiring, Africans underperform not just whites, but every other race that lives in the west. This is because they are the least intelligent, by far.

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>You are forgetting the geographic advantages that are inherent to specific places in the world.
Africa is a resource rich continent. Europe is relatively resource poor. Yet Europeans conquered the globe and have invented 90% of anything that has brought good to humanity. Why the difference? It must be intelligence.

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Reagan gave amnesty to spic invaders destroying wages and inflating housing costs, you retard.

which laws did they pass to bring about that result? can you be more specific please?

God you're a fucking retard. Kill yourself.

And you and your meme are blaming the Reagan economy for that?

I could put Jimmy Carters face on there and it would still be true