What’s the single most expensive thing you own?
What’s the single most expensive thing you own?
Beta black lotus
Probs the violin or the pc
my kidneys
Agh, fuck you! I wanted to make that joke! Lmao, I guess the most expensive things I own are my lungs.
Your mom
My car.
At the moment? My house.
Bought it 10 years ago, paid off the mortgage recently due to inheritance. Now it's mine and it's "value" is rising from year to year (until the bubble collapses).
My college education. $250,000 sticker price for some fancy liberal arts achool
Shit... I mean, I got a house and property... but the bank owns that... I guess my speedboat which is about 60k? Only expensive thing which is paid in full I think.. which is a little funny now that I think of it.
i have a steelbook copy of the movie elf
My oven.
And 5k€ in cash.
>steelbook copy
Wtf is a steal book copy?
3 kilos of uranium ore.
Car is paid off
But the kikes still own my house for another 15 years or so
Too bad "expensive" and "valuable" are not synonyms.
Well I filled up my car this morning..
Right now it’s my apartment. Eventually it’ll probably be my late grandpa’s Porsche 959 that my dad currently owns and I will inherit. Hoping to pass it on to my own kid one day…
Not counting things with a loan/mortgage I'd say my NeXTCube computer with a NeXTDimension add-on card. In it's current condition I can reasonably ask $3k for it.
How much do those sell for now?
My position
House, $1.5m.
Business, $200k
Porsche, $50k
Stingray, $45k
Steadicam M2 rig
$1k BMW xD
Or my organs…
I own a gaming laptop worth 1500 canadian dollars new (18 months ago).
That is my most valuable object.
my time
The house, followed by my collection of Nazi war memorobilia which my grandad looted on his trip to Germany in his younger years.
A 10 acre farm in Texas. I bought it for $190K 12 years ago. Now worth $1.6 -$1.8M
Insane anybody thinks this is how an economy should work.
Unless you mean the business grew, I aussme you just mean the land went up in value
An alien FTL engine schematic. No troll. No schiz.
Ever heard of Google, dumb bitch
jar of cheese dip worth 2 dollar
I don't really rightly know tbqh... Possibly either my Hagström vintage swede or my 60 yr anniversary Fender mexi strat...
Damn it! Was all ready to post that!
A wife.
And ownership isn't even clearly guaranteed. Worst purchase I've ever made by far.
My house. Paid in full without resorting to loans.
Same as this guy.
My house, free and clear.
Plus California so I guess I'm rich too.
>Whinge, whinge, whinge! I'm a loser who can't afford to buy property.
Cry more, poor.
House: 350 million
Cars: 150 million
Wife: 200k
Concubines: 400k
My house is worth $750k, so probably that.
I also have a fairly expensive collection of art
When my dad died I got his business. It's been valued at $56m. I was a happy poor artist and now I have all this wealth and properties and stuff. It's been 2 years and I still dont know what I'm supposed to do.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 256GB model.
Fucked-out and bred women aren't worth much.
You'll never own it. Don't pay tax and it is gone. Need government permission slip to improve your house.
My virginity
All the shit encrusted in my throat by His Logginess
You're leasing her from The State, her one true owner.
that's worth 0, whether real or not
Had an $1100 computer but the hard drive died.
Does crypto count? If yes then I have $1000 in BTC and $500 in ether
Physical goods uhh..probably my PS4
My kidneys
Autoblow a.i.
I'll give you 350 for it
OOF! I was going to post that, lmao lol silly goose
Do some meditation on the impermanence of literally everything, brotendo.
Lol, expensive but has next to no value. Fucking kek
Larp: The post
I thought there was housing crisis going on. Despite that, somehow autistic Yea Forumstards all live in mansions. I know they would never lie on the internet...
Nothing cause I am broke
Anything less than $10k in BTC is retarded, even if it reaches $100k by next halving you're only gonna 2x from here. Put in a low cap that could 100x and thank me later
You know what, I don’t really have anything valuable. I own my house but it’s a mortgage so I don’t really own it. My car is leased so I don’t own that either.
I have a guitar maybe worth a couple of hundred dollars. That’s it really.
But am I happy?
I wish I understood what the fuck that all means