Anyone else do this to keep your soda pop carbonated longer?

Anyone else do this to keep your soda pop carbonated longer?

Attached: tired-flat-soda-use-trick-keep-two-liter-bottles-soda-fizzy-longer.w1456.jpg (1456x914, 102.88K)

Other urls found in this thread:ón-CO2-Charger/dp/B077W91Z4B

Wouldn't the carbon just expand and inflate the bottle?

With a tightly sealed cap the bottle won't expand

2/10 trolling effort. All you're doing is creating negative pressure that the excess CO2 can bleed into. Please return to Reddit.

>Anyone else do this to keep your soda pop carbonated longer?
No. It wouldn't be worth the hassle unless it takes you 2 weeks to drink a single liter of soda.

I don't drink soda, only water, juice, milk, chocolate milk, milkshake, coconut water, hot cocoa, in rare occasions, latte.

Retard this shit only works with non-carbonated bottles to keep them fresh longer

this literally makes it less carbonated

wut, nigger?

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>Bleed into
Bleed into the zero airspace? brain let detected

And where oldies the co2 disappear to?
>What is conservation of mass

I tried it a few times, not sure if it actually worked but I dont drink pop that much

this is why cans and smaller bottles exist, poorfag
bottles this size are meant for parties

Well, you see, carbon wants to leave the liquid and become air. With the bottle crushed in, that makes the plastic able to move. So the carbon leaks out of the liquid and pushes the bottle back into its normal shape.

The 2liter bottles go flat in a matter of hours. Unless you decrease the available headspace in the bottle prior to sealing it.

Shake the bottle retard and see what happens. Soda doesn't just stop being fizzy because you screw the top on real hard. The only reason a full bottle maintains fizz is because there is literally no room for the expanding gas so it can't come out of solution.

Bruh how high are you

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Who else remember?

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That's op's stated goal, to keep the coke full of co2

What I do is put the cap in my mouth, suck all the air out of the bottle, then blow into it to fill it with my own co2 from my lungs.

Well, whether it was intentional or not, you misunderstood the point I made. Get a smaller bottle or introduce positive pressure to keep the CO2 dissolved in the liquid. Even thinking about OP's galaxy brain power play for 3 seconds should be enough to tip you off that it's a retarded idea. Like this isn't even something up for debate, just go and get a coke bottle, crush it like OP with soda left in it, then shake it or just leave it out and the CO2 will come out of solution and fill the bottle, making the soda less fizzy. Not really sure how much more simply this phenomenon can be stated, go back to school.

No. I'm an adult. I drink adult drinks.


Are you suggesting the water will phase change? please think before you post again.

Imagine thinking being adult is not drinking soda. What a fucking loser

With ops trick it doesn't even matter. If there is no air void space, then the CO2 has to stay in the liquid because there is nowhere else for it to be. Genius!

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It's not water, it's carbonic acid with caramel flavourings added. The dissolved gas wants to come out of solution to maximise entropy. Try harder.

>The dissolved gas wants to come out of solution to maximise entropy.
...but there is no air so it can't and the carbonated bev remains as such

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OK Timmy. Make sure your mother doesn't forget it when she goes shopping

OP must be hinting at the Bernoulli Effect

Ok either you're legitimately this retarded or this is kind of just a boring troll thread. Mfw someone doesn't understand negative pressure. Legitimately thinks that gases need to expand into air or they are trapped. Ok buddy.

how the fuck people dont know something like this, you guys always drank a 2 liter bottle in one swing and never saw this happen?


Looks something like you would post...this you?

The CO2 pressure will equalize regardless of what the ambient pressure is dummy. If no airspace no CO2 to equalize with. This is an easy concept.

I have heard anything so stupid since I last spoke with my wife.

Try charging your phone in the microwave next.

I'm so pissed. I just spent like 10 minutes putting g together a sophisticated answer to why the trick should work and why the bottle doesn't just inflate itself with co2. I typed the whole long ass thing out, checked for typos, corrected shit and when I was satisfied I put a ":)" at the end, did the captcha, hit post, and the thing looked like it got posted but it's not fucking there. I'm not spending 10 more minutes typing it out if the site decides to do this shit to me again. Fuck you, Yea Forums

cool, you could have done all that time to do a little experiment to see how fucking wrong you are .

Sometimes /b lags behind a post. Like you user, we have to allow for slow.

>>you guys always drank a 2 liter bottle in one swing
Yes in fact I do.

The mentos doser!

To cut a long story short, thermodynamics says no.
There's a state of equalibrium between the co2 in the air and the co2 in the liquid, the less air there is in the bottle with the same amount of liquid, the more gas stays in the liquid. This works as long as you don't shake the bottle, applying the additional energy required to make more co2 leave the coke (and inflate the bottle).

Ok, now I know I'm being trolled. Is as easy as pv=nrt and the 3rd law of thermo

Are you actually retarded? It's not an equilibrium between abitrary ratios of air and water. It's to do with how much pressure is keeping in the co2 from coming out of solution with the water. It is also has nothing to do with phase changes of CO2 or water. The co2 gets dissolved into the water. In the same way that oxygen is dissolved into water.

Carbonated water is literally the first ingredient of almost any soda

Pro tip: leave it room temperature and it won't lose as much gas, don't know the science, didn't believe it until I did it, I'm just sharing the knowledge it's not true until you actually do it.

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assuming his name is Timmy is pretty random, he could be named Richard for all we know

Fucking whatever, the point was that the bottle doesn't just pop back into normal shape and the liquid stays carbonated

True. Either way, he hasn't the capability to buy his own soda.

wouldn't work, c02 is still mixing with the beverage every time you open the cap so therefore it gets flatter each time you open it

the only solution is to never open it and suck cock

Stupid… soda is just flavored water that has CO2 forced into the solution, the reason it goes flat is because of the available space in the container allows the CO2 to come out of the solution. Soda isn’t good for long after it’s open.

You admit then, that you married a stupid woman. She was all you were capable of getting. Sucks to be you.

Are you serious? Haven't you ever read the science behind doing this? You create a vacuum when squeezing the bottle and putting the lid on. This means that the bubbles will expand more quickly and hence leave the soda flatter. It actually has opposite effect than the initial intention

Okay maybe you're right after all. I was just making shit up apparently lol, haven't been reading books on fucking thermodynamics of carbonated drinks. At this point I don't know. Tho I have one thing to nitpick: it's not a vacuum but slight underpressure.

It's a slight vacuum, not a slight underpressure. That's a song by Queen and David Bowie.

'underpressurized' in a sealed vessel would mean its under a vacuum
Negative pressure is always a vacuum

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The slight under pressure has a negligible effect on anything as long as no other forces are introduced. The CO2 is still dissolved in the soda. As this guy keeps saying, if you shake an unopened soda bottle you dislodge the CO2 as gas bubbles but they are disolved very quickly back into the soda. The limited to no head space gives no CO2 up to the prevailing atmosphere (which is immediately lost upon opening the bottle

From someone with a coke/pepsi/soda addiction, this doesn't work.

I find that blowing into it and capping before the air can escape is the best method.

>negative pressure
Nigger, that's a term used in astrophysics and it's related to dark energy. Not what you mean

the real reason to do this is to minimize contact with atmosphere.

>carbonation comes from the air outside the fluid

Soda pop? Northern faggot

buy this shit and close this fucking thread
you have a good dayón-CO2-Charger/dp/B077W91Z4B