Cute female coworker went out of her way to seduce me before holidays

>cute female coworker went out of her way to seduce me before holidays
>I took the bait
>we got lunch twice
>good vibes
>end of the second lunch she says she thinks sushi is next
>get her number
>text her "here's the spot, let me know what day works for you"
We come back to work on a Tuesday, she went out of her way to come up and say happy new years, I keep my cool and say happy new years. Asked if she enjoyed the holidays, she said she did then asked me if I did to which I said yeah it was nice having Monday off to recover and watch cobra kai, she started getting weird and tried to nope the fuck out the convo. I just say see you around and walk away. Why the fuck are women like this? I interact with her daily multiple times, why ghost someone you work with and interact with daily? Imo you ghost someone you met at party or off street, maybe even a mutual friend but not like this with a coworker. I've done pretty good getting her to think I don't give a shit but it still hurts

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better get used to it its a fuck ton worse this is why I just throw my tongue down their throat and my hands allover their body the first date.

I know I took things slow, maybe too slow but I just wanted to tread with caution since this was a coworker. In the end it would seem I was plan B, there was another guy

men literally created this civilized society to be cucks and discriminated in it

Idk what you're trying to say

Red flags galore, stay away from this bitch unless she's head down ass up asking to have a meat colonoscopy in which case dump a load... then run

Twilight is the sexiest little mare, my wife ever since i got hooked onto this show 10 years ago

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she's a zoomer and zoomers do not know how to face social interactions and even less face themselves
she doesn't understand why she has social anxiety or is selfish, so she doesn't know how to face that thought with you

This is why people will get sex dolls in the future.

>Red flags galore
If only you knew, when we got lunch first time she told me a story
>her and her sister went to a restaurant that played live music, some guy asked her sister for a dance, the sister rejected, they saw the guy bummed out off to the side, this bitch told the sister to ask him for a dance then NOT dance with him.
I dodged a bullet but it still fucking hurts

Blow your worthless brains out, incels.

Bro same shit happened to me with a 42 year old woman. Four dates. All I got was a hug. Women are retarded. Just go to a brothel or get a "massage". Its cheaper and less stressful than dating.

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You're on to something, there is a bit of an age gap I'm 29 she's 23

Time will heal your hurt long before time would have healed the emotional abuse you would suffer in a relationship with somebody like that

Based. If they dont fuck on the first date or at least kiss, dont bother.

you're late-zoomer/early-millenial
you probably prefer text over call but you aren't having a panic attack at the idea of calling somebody

she's proper zoomer, and most of the time for that generation they are just made of panic and avoidance.

It fucking scares me how much I'd be suffering if we had actually hooked up, I thought she was a good girl that carried herself well, she was very pretty too but turns out she's a shitty person that would've only shaved years off my life. Glad I didn't get too attached even if it's still bothering me

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Kys incel

What's your malfunction?

This, I’m 29 and had a fling with a 21 year old woman. She talked alot about wanting to marry me and have kids and how amazing she thought I was. Then woke up one day and decided to stop talking to me. The zoomer generation is radically fucked though, they have no idea about social interaction and the rules of it

yes but an old retard, which means I don't mind having your mom on the phone before I fuck her brains out and you're forced to call me daddy

Thats just fucking weird my guy.

First off never date in the afternoon or morning. It doesn't give off romantic vibes or imply a chance of fucking typically. Even if you intend to take it slow, you still need to have the what if question built up.

After every date you need to escalate the interaction aswell. That doesn't mean you need to fuck them on second date, but you need to do something builds up to it. Physical touch, kiss, etc.

Odds are she was being cautious aswell, and you didn't escalate so she thinks you aren't interested or aren't worth it. If you want to recover tell her in person you'd still be interested in sushi sometime, and to text you if she is ever interested. Then leave it at that, ignore her mostly and she will probably come back around.

You've made this gay thread like 20 times now aspie

You're pathetic incels trying to pretend you're some social savants who perfectly understand other people, but you're just cringe faggots and sound like the pathetic incels you are.

>cute female coworker went out of her way to seduce me before holidays
Sounds to me like she didn't, else you would've included convincing details in your OP. You really fancy her and you just read too much in her being a nice coworker, plain and simple.
>we got lunch twice
>good vibes
I've lunched 100s of times with coworkers as well as my students. Some of whom are very good looking and very friendly indeed. You're being very vague.
>end of the second lunch she says she thinks sushi is next
You make it sound like she was expecting sushi at your place, made by you. Your response came over as avoiding to her - which is what most men do when she acts that way.

Your OP is very vague. Up to you to decide what went on. I'd just talk to her really. See where I could improve - if not with her, maybe with someone else.

You want me to continue pursuing a woman that ghosted me? I have a little self respect left.
I'm sorry man, this shit is really hard to get over

Fuck off with that faggot shit. Women will escalate it themselves. If they don't give you any hint that they want to fuck, dump them. You trying to rationalize all of it is just plain retarded.

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Blow your worthless brains out, incels.

Kys incel

>Sounds to me like she didn't
She worked here for 6 months before I started talking to her about shit not related to work and it started because one day I'm taking out trash as I usually do on friday, I notice her looking at me as I pass to go outside to throw it out. As in walk back in she's slouched over her desk with ass in the air, she catches me looking but I keep my cool and move on.

Then she started getting super close into my personal space when talking

I'm in break room washing my mug, she walks in and asks how old I am, I say 29 "WOOOOOW user, I THOUGHT YOU WERE LIKE 23" (her age)

I don't care what you do. You made the stupid thread and are sad about it. You can either pick your dick up and try again or move on.

I'm trying to plan a hike with a cousin so that he can take a few pics of me while we're out there, I found a dating app for active women that like hiking/sports/outdoors and I liked the results.

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This fuckin incel lmao

I don't think you know the meaning of that word

Considering all your whining this thread, it's painfully obvious that it's correct.

Dating apps are for chads and hopless incels, but best of luck. You'd do better to learn to talk to women in real life though.

I'm trying to get over a bitch that did me dirty, it's not easy when you're 29 and your friends/cousins you'd usually hang with are married or have kids making them unavailable most of the time. I've never tried dating apps bUT it seems that's my only option left
>no wingman

people still say incel? fuckin fogies

Sounds like you need to get your shit together. Bet your out of shape and dress like a retard. Do you work retail as well?

Sounds like you're an incel to me. And making excuses constantly, definitely incel behavior.
Cry about it.

You could learn to knit. You'll meet a lot of approaching and post wall (30 to 45) pet ladies who are dying for attention and aren't too particular where it comes from.

I'm in really good shape, I love my job we have a gym at job site which i take advantage of during the week and go hiking on weekends.

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you should just keep telling us all about how awesome you are. the more you bullshit, the deeper your sadness will hit when you're in the late night "I am suicidal but I swear Im not looking for help" thread.

I’ll bite the b8
user you need to grow up and then re read this thread. Also chill out on the hormone therapy it’s not doing you any favours in the personality department

I have my flaws, but I have a good job,solid workout routine, and decent diet. I just need to quit fucking around and get good pics of myself to make a dating app, unless you have something else to suggest inb4 kys

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tell me more

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legalize rape

>I'm not an incel
>also everyone I don't like is a tranny
Yeah, definitely an incel.

Dude not him but youre full of shit. 100 bucks says youre fat and ugly.

the only people who call anyone incels still are over-the-hill troons.

My hairline is fucked, check date on the .jpg, it was a bit ago and I've made more progress (abs are way more visible now)

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Sure thing, kid. Trannies sure are everywhere when you pretend everyone you don't like is one.

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Ugly and fat. Just. Like. I said.

so now you're going to try to insult bme from boymode huh? ok, sport.
perhaps you dont realize it, but only troons liek you save those "owned /pol/" memes, to deploy against people that clock you.

Your arms are pathetic.

Post a pic of your body
>you won't

Thank god I got married and don’t have to deal with this bullshit cringe dating scene lmao

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Yeah, I have self respect.

It's not like I've been working out religiously for years, that's 4 months of progress from being chubby. Now it's much better

If you had self respect you wouldn't have bitchtits, now raise your shirt and take a pic

No, plenty of people are tired of you retards crying about imaginary trannies. You really, genuinely think that there are trannies everywhere because you refuse to accept that people are just tired of your delusions. Either end your pathetic life, or seek professional mental health care. Stop letting imaginary trannies run your entire fucking life.

Your problem is you try too hard and reek of desperation.


>thinking being married is better than not

Blow your brains out, larping frogposter.

Youre one to talk.

It’s short attention span and the need for instant gratification.

You didn’t ask her to marry you immediately and you didn’t magically pull babies out of a hat.

What I’ve found with women, if you can’t make their stupid dreamy desires happen right then and there, they lose interest.

Please give examples of said desperation aside from me making this thread to clear my head.
>fat shame someone
>he posts a pic showing she's not fat and is making progress
>cope by calling him fat
>refuse to post pic of myself to btfo him
Many such cases

Was it clear you were on a date? Or did you just get lunch with her and go back to work? Women aren't upfront about things because they can't handle rejection. You gotta man up and make it clear what you want otherwise they will think you aren't interested or feel lucky they don't have to turn you down directly.

You could have brought it up when you talked to her in the office. But really you shouldn't shit where you eat anyways.

Okay, incel

>>text her "here's the spot, let me know what day works for you"
So you treated her like a whore and expected her to throw herself at you?

This. I’m super passive and generally shy and I’ve had plenty of girls just dig in my pants to get the D.

Bro nothing wrong with how you look, it’s all about how you interact. You could look like brad Pitt and give off autistic vibes and not attract anyone but 3/10s. I’m a fat fucker but still netted myself a solid 7/10 who settled down because I know how to spit game and make situations fun. You basically can’t take shit so serious and also have to be willing to be offensive. It might sound weird but works. I usually call people fucking retarded or go out of my way to be a duck during a date and most girls will just giggle and become more invested. Also always go in for a kiss on first date, always. That’s all the pro tip life hacks in dating I got for ya. Good luck out there

lawl I’m married with kids mother fucker.

lessons from this post:
1. call her retarded
2. kiss her

can i do this in reverse order?

Sure thing, incel. That's why you're seething about women not wanting anything to do with you.

After the first lunch I told her this was great and I look forward to getting to know you better, she giggled and turned a little red. She knew my intentions but as I said before I was plan B
No, I just threw it out there and left the ball in her court, if she truly liked me she'd put up with a little retardation.
Thanks, and I know I took things slow and rightfully so because this is a coworker and I love my job, I will learn from this to not date coworkers