Looks like it is the end of my 8 year marriage...

Looks like it is the end of my 8 year marriage. I have no friends or any support and my soon to be ex wife has all her family and friends to tell her that i am a bad guy.

So i honestly need some advice. Basically, without going into too much detail i slept with her best friend. Ironically, she is still friends with her which really pissed me off and my wifes like "she didnt make you sleep with her" shes being really cold and because theyve been friends since primary they arent going to end their friendship.

3 weeks now i have been ghosted. I bust my arse off at Amazon to come home to see them two having a drink to music (she works part time). Me and my wife have an argument and her friend texts me nicely saying i shouldnt talk to her like that. This bullshit happens where i confide all my problems in her like i dont like how she doesnt help round the house, how shes not slim or doesnt make an effort to look nice or give me sex more than once a fortnite.

Then she starts this weird slut shit, texting me "hey xxx" at midnight. I took the bate. Started sending each other dirty pics, few weeks later we fucked while my wife wasnt home and instantly regretted it. The insane witch blabbed straight away and i got chucked out my wife didnt even care what she did it was all my fault apparently and nothing i say even matters i fucking hate it.

Any advice? This is the bitch i slept with, hardly even worth it. Yes i am still madly in love with my wife.

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Bruh I never even held hands with a girl I'm not qualified to give advice

Haha you fuck't up


>Yes i am still madly in love with my wife.
WELL, clearly you weren't if you cheated on her instead of talking your problems with her, dumbass

Fair enough. I only slept with 2 women hence the reason i fell for it. My met my wife through volunteering before i got my role at amazon. We hooked up a short time after and been married ever since

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You've been cucked by a woman son. It happens. Lawyer up, maybe you won't get straight up ass-fucked.

This is entirely your fault. Reflect on it, Accept it, and maybe you won't cast 8 years of your life away for a slightly different moist hole next time.

You dun goofed. Your wife pretty much set up your friend to sleep with you so she could have an excuse to divorce and take half your shit.

Hahaha, you can't unfuck her best friend, congratulations, you played yourself. Say bye to your life.

>she is still friends with her which really pissed me off and my wifes like "she didnt make you sleep with her"
Two possibilities.
>1.Your wife hates her like a mortal enemy now. Doesn't matter how long they've known each other. She's only pretending it doesn't bother her because she would look more defeated.
>2. Your wife put her up to it in order to give her an out. Females do this more often than men realize. They're always looking to trade up. And when they're ready to monkey branch from one resource to another, they'll do anything necessary to make it happen. Even if she couldn't entrap you into giving her an excuse to end it, she would've eventually just cheated on you and blamed you for being too nice. I'm not joking.

Listen to youtuber Donovan Sharpe and other manosphere influences. A woman will forgive just about anything, lying, cheating, drugs, debt, gambling, porn addiction, criminal record and even physical abuse; but she will never forgive a man for being boring.

Her and her BFF sound like a bitch and a drag. Sorry for your loss but you will do better.

Move back in. Don't get kicked out of ur own house. If she doesn't want to be around YOU, then SHE can move out.

Hate to say it but you claim you love your wife but still cheat on her and expect everything to be okay? Sure every relationship ship has problems but you weren't man enough to not cheat. Good for her for sticking up for herself and ghosting you. I do however thi k she's dumb for giving her friend the pass though so technically you're both stupid

I cant let it go, im so used to life and now im at my mothers house drinking on my days off and working when im not. It fucking hurts, that bitch was saying everything i wanted to hear. She lied and said shed tell my wife to sleep with me more and make an effort and she never did i dont know i fell for her just for a little while and now i fucked my life up

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Show us the bitch you fucked

They sat your ass up m8

I forgot.

Doesn't matter which one it was. You don't take a woman off the market, she does. And she's not your girl, it's just your turn. And no, not even marriage or children can change that. If your turn is over just move on because there is a 100% chance someone else's sperm is swimming inside her already.


I do find it odd her best friend fucks you and to your wife that's okay. No matter how you spin it I just don't get why she would still be friends with a girl that slept with her husband. Pussy will make you do crazy things op.

Like I said above. High possibility that the wife put the friend up to it to give the wife an excuse to exit the marriage. She's bored and looking for new dicks to ride. That really is the easiest explanation for this.

I guess so but they could have just used the texting as an out. Idk.. I know you love her but just try and focus on what you need to do to better your situation right now. You will eventually get some new pussy or hell just be single and do whatever the fuck you want without someone nagging at you

It's gonna be OK OP. But, you did fuck up and this is a consequence of your poor decision.
People don't cheat when they are super satisfied with how their relationships are going, and even though I believe you when you say that you didn't want this to happen/you wish you could undo it/ it was a mistake/whatever. You still made the choice (really you both did, your wife not being mad at her friend is really weird) which reveals some problems you had with the relationship, or some problems you had with yourself.

Go to therapy, you'll make it through the divorce and ultimately you can be happy again.

You got a pic of the wife's friend?

Well probably the best thing to do is uhhhhhhh post some of the dirty pictures her friend sent you

You done goofed
Stopped reading when you said you slept with her friend.

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My thoughts exactly!! Come on op!!

Finally got a reply, yes this is the shit that's happening I am so fucking angry. I think some of you may be right I'm set up this isn't like her it's like she wants me to hurt for no reason like a fucking demon.

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this was a test and you failed. your response should have been "yea you fat bitch, i slept with your friend and i'll do it again". instead you acted like a little soyboy in front of your wife

On the rare chance that this isn't pasta you need to take this as an opportunity to self actualize and change the course of the rest of your life. You clearly aren't educated in the nature of women and men. You have been following your instincts and they led you to this point. You are going to have to fight those instincts and your emotions if you want to save future you from repeating the same mistakes over and over all the way to the grave.

Your relationship with your wife is over, don't even think of trying to save it. Because it wasn't worth it before you cheated. You were mentally looking for an out for a long time. You did a bad thing and you need to pay for it but you were driven to taking that bad choice by a long series of mistakes that most men make because they don't understand the rules of the game, they don't understand their own nature or the nature of women. They don't understand how things have changed due to the onset of technology.

There isn't enough time here to even begin to discuss those topics and I doubt you would be interested but I'll drop a few links to men who taught me a lot of valuable lessons. It's a good starting point to waking yourself up, you don't have to become a new label, just take what information you want from them to better yourself that is all anyone should do.


Good luck brother I hope you can find a true purpose one day.

Trips speak truth

Fuck dude. Keep that picture and frame it!! I don't know the laws that we'll but that text does show that she's complicit in her friend sleeping with you. Also...sell your house? It's gone now no matter what!

Good god that's pathetic. If you give her the house without a fight you're a gigantic cuck boy.

Unethical protip: Bug the house. Find a way to get proof that they set you up. Find somebody to fuck her and get proof of that. You won't keep the house, but you won't lose your whole ass either, this should wind you in a no fault situation instead of all your fault.

Its not the cheating, she wants out of the relationship without having to confront you, but also she wants to maintain the comfort level of her life. Probably planned it with her friend.

Yeah it seems that this was planned. Op should sell the house! That way at least he might get a quarter of the money from it rather than her living in it

> that text does show that she's complicit in her friend sleeping with you.
wut? it doesn't show that at all. It shows that the wife knew the friend kind of liked OP, and that's it. It's a long jump from that to she set her husband up to gain full ownership of the house.

But, fuck, I'm no lawyer... I'm sure they can do magical lawyer fuckery...

Give her the house OP. It's only fair.

Nudes of wife's friend please!

>i am a bad guy.
>i slept with her best friend
>she is still friends with her
youre an idiet, your wife is a whore and had another man before she got her friend to fuck you. now you lose half your shit.
if you and whorebag dont have kids, never talk or text her again. let your lawyer handle the comms. i know its hard as youre an idiot, but trust me it works out better for your gullible ass in the end. you did get a lawyer right?

but seriously this. we gotta know what you lost your ass over.

She's insane. I don't want to sell the house I want her out of it, this isn't like her I wonder if her friend is making her do this.

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>My met my wife through volunteering before i got my role at amazon
>8 year marriage
larp detected. Amazon didn't exist 8 years ago. nice try op

Unless you have a bunch of other assets, it would be worth it to go ahead and lawyer up. Judge will rule in her favor with what you've presented, but it will likely be a division of assets skewed in her favor, but not all of them. Also you're likely to be paying alimony here since you've been subsidizing her lifestyle already.

>The insane witch blabbed straight away
Almost sounds like a set up to have you divorced by using her friend to fuck you.

>moist hole


Ill use that next time people challenge my life choices. I just happen to prefer spending my money on recreational drugs instead of giving it away chasing a moist hole

yeah no, women's motives are far more complicated.

you're not helping yourself by placing blame on her friend. did you apologize?

Op I know you don't want to sell the house but the deeds already done and it's 100 percent going to be her's the best option for you is to sell at and hope to get a quarter ish back. I say quarter because sure the wife gets half but the legal fees...yeahhhh sell your fucking house before she gets to take it from you which is what she will do! It's already not your house anymore!

>this isn't like her
You don't know her, you don't know women, you don't know yourself. This is why you will keep being blindsided and fucked over. You were together 8 years and you never put a baby in her. You weren't married you were friends with benefits. You marry a girl to start a family, you just wanted sex and companionship. You need to take some time after this shit ends to re evaluate yourself and your life. Go watch those videos I linked earlier. Or at least bookmark them to watch later when you are in a better head state.

But in the short term get a fucking lawyer TODAY. Right the fuck now, get off this website and start protecting yourself before you lose what little you have left.

It's normal to be frustrated but damn sleeping with her friend that's asking for trouble but they aren't clean either. That's kinda bullshit her pussy baiting you like that and facing no consequences.

>Started sending each other dirty pics,

TL/DR: OP is a degenerate coomer who got busted in a sting operation, not once, but twice! Imagine some narc selling you drugs, he arrests you, and then a week later he texts you "hey bb want sum meth?" And you're like "heyyy wait a minute....actually yeah gimme that meth".

And you got narc'd on twice by the same detective you stupid fucking nigger lol I'm LMAO@ your life.

amazon existed since the 90's

That thought crossed my mind too.

>t text does show that she's complicit in her friend sleeping with you
don't be dumb, no it doesn't. saying she knew her friend liked him =/= being complicit

>proof that they set you up
jesus, OP thinking with his cock is not being "set up"
>waaa entrapment

This this this. Stop blabbering to dunce retards who have never had a healthy relationship a minute of their lives and take care of business. In short: grow up.

I vow to not re post the wife's friends dirty pics but please just show us her pussy!

>It's your job to say no
>I want the house it's the least you can do
you got set

>Of course I fucked your friend,
>you got fat, and you never do anything around the house
could work, set them against each other could also implode

>could work
no it couldn't, have you been reading what OPs like? he's nowhere near emotionally competent enough to pull it off.

You dumb cunt, you work at Amazon and have a fat lazy dropkick dependapotomus of a wife and you see change as a bad thing?

No wonder your life is a shit show, get it together. This could be a beginning of the best opportunity you had in a long time.

This guy...isn't wrong. While this is going to be a terribly expensive lesson, if you take it on the chin and figure it out, you may just be moving up in life.

Whatever you do, DONT give her the house!! Don’t even move out of the house. If you already have, go back. You have every right to be there. Nobody can make you leave it. You need to sell the house and slit the equity.

>could also implode
Risky strategy

>8 years of marriage
>apparently no kids

Exactly this!! If he fights her and they take it to court it's hers. She will take it to court anyway so quickly sell it!! That's the only gain op can get