Why don't incels just get therapy?
Why don't incels just get therapy?
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Incels are the very foundation of our society
I do get therapy
What I don't get is pussy
>He thinks the mental health system is good
LMAO, the goveremnt doesn't care about the mental wellbeing of ANYONE
Because 90% of them are poor and that shit costs money.
Like....you don't understand pussy?
They don't think anything is wrong with them. Its the rest of society that is wrong and needs to change. They'd be wasting their money on therapists.
Yes. If women don't have balls where do they store the pee?
Very good point.
Because they don't feel bad about themselves and they don't need approval from society like attention seeking trannies do.
Why are incels obsessed with trannies?
Because it's fun to make fun of them and they are easy targets considering how unstable they are in the first place.
Why dont retarded faggot trans scum find a better hobby...
rent free
coz we luv chud life
Trannies are living jokes. Imagine doing pic related to yourself because of mental disorder.
scrambled egg. sheeeeeeeeeeeeittttttt
Rent free
>cope and seethe
Because therapy is Jewish and gay.
Troons are clowns. Everyone likes to lol at clowns
Incels arre obsessed with trannies, even saving thousands of images about them.
Rent. Free.
Do you find it odd that you have that image saved?
Is it just a fucking bot??
> I said rent free!
> why do they keep posting! reeee
Incels and trannies are the same thing, user.
I tie the noose
and position the chair
The air goes bright
as I sway
away the night.
>rent free
Don’t want to. Simple as.
Nobody cares how you imagine we look like
>back to plebbit little guy.
how many anons have fucked a therapist? I might try this out if it's easily done
I bet I could fuck a female therapist if I have a few hours to talk to her
Time to go back!
Dont worry, b will still be here when you finally turn 18.
Leftists calling people out on their looks/sexuality will never not be intensely ironic.
You seem to be a tranny lover
Once I had an outy
(A penis some might say)
A vagina growing outward
It developed the wrong way
So after many years
When it all became too much
I decided to have it changed
To something I can’t clutch
Now I’m not being dirty
And don’t think of me as flirty
We’re not talking Masturbation
Or anything that's such a bore
(to be honest it doesn't work anymore)
I just wanted my little outy
To be inverted as was right
To change that blasted willy
Into something out of sight.
So my outy became an inny
(Or “vagina” you could say)
And that inny is wind 'neath my sail
I clean it every day
and dilate without fail
Why don't you trannies just rope yourselves sooner rather than later
You seem to be on the wrong site bud.
Sorry but I'm never going to love "woman" without womb, who can never give birth to a child. I doubt anyone ever will to be honest.
I love when they die, if that's what you mean?
Why do you care?
They'd stop being incels.
Refusing to paint, hike, learn violin, travel, cook, crochet, care for animals, do sports, garden, fish or hunt is what made them incels to begin with.
And that's what the therapist would tell them to start doing. So it's pretty useless, you see?
No, it's a retarded discord trans freak who had his jimmies rustled when he discovered at the ripe age of 24 that there actually are people who exist and have thoughts/feelings that differ from the narratives propaganda has created in his feeble mind.
Look this one up too
>rope or cope faggot
So you jave a collection of dead transvestite genitals? Sorry you were molested.
it's the guy whos spamming this shitty pic rel tranny across literally all boards right now
he gets schizo level butthurt when you point the fact that its a man in drag
Absolutely obsessed with trannies lol
They definitely were, it's not normal :)
Soyjak is never going to die is it? Of course these dumb lazy MS paint faces depicting John Oliver are the immortal meme. Thanks for that one user
It's funny that this meme exists with like 7 different boards mentioned on the shirt.
>its almost like wherever you go, people dont put up with your shit and this is how you cope.
But go ahead and tell me about how all those boards are just bigots and you did nothing to constantly annoy/provoke them.
>cope and seethe
Tell me tranny, are the Republicans in the room with us right now?
Time to go back.
Holy shit, rekt.
Incels are so thin skinned :)
I'd say it's probably because you can't stop talking about trannys and your 12 gig folder of pictures of them naked has warped your ability to recognize it.
There is literally nothing you could say to me that will make me feel the way society feels about you.
>transcum fragility is beyond kek
saved, im gonna spoof it lol
trannies die sad
>cope and seethe
>Mom, I posted polchud again!!!!!!!! XDDDD
Time to go back little guy.
As a straight man this is not an insult. You will never be a real man though, and that's just a fact.
I just realized if you're simultaneously a male tranny supporter and insecure about your masculinity, this board would be extremely validating
does anybody have the template for that imaginary monsters meme?
Hoookay my dood.
Have your girl tell that to my cock as shes sucking it.
>cope and seethe
On their purse
>cope or rope
>As a straight man this is not ACK
because the whole medical/psychology edifice is subverted by leftists.
sadly the gay men and autistic girls will instead of getting the help they desperately need be manipulated into self mutilation.
I'm not sure what that means. Are you from reddit?
>rope before rape
This is now a tranny hate thread.
Dem quads boys...
>its beautiful
"Validating" is a term coined by reddit, I can see where your confusion came in.
Trans sisters. How do we make the shit smell go away?
>But I'm heckkin validarino 4chins daddy!
So all of these anti-tranny posters spend a lot of time on reddit? Interesting
decent care is unavailable in rural areas?
>I am not a real woman
I felt once so deformed,
Unhappy in myself,
Wishing I chose another me,
From those upon the shelf.
>I am not a real woman
But then I found the courage,
To listen to that voice,
that cherished little part of me,
And presented me a choice.
>I am not a real woman
On the one hand there was death.
An end to all my pain.
But this was not a choice I'd make,
So I had to think again.
>I am not a real woman
On the other was a secret,
A truth of which, if told,
Would open up my life,
To troubles, new and old.
>I am not a real woman
But make a choice I did.
To die and not tell,
Of the girl below the surface,
Inside the boy that is the true lie.
Font size:smol
Dont even have a plebbit account, never have and never will.
Creepy tranny caught by pedophile hunters:
Watch from 18 minutes. Female hunter calls troon a "thing"
this is the kind of therapy that incels really need
Cope trooner
Imagine the smell
Trannies are revolting.
I didn't know you had to have an account. Teach us more.
>1 updoot credited by BlackDaddies(admin)
you're mentally ill
Why are these Lil niggas WILDIN