Why do normalfags and journalists like this game so much?

Why do normalfags and journalists like this game so much?

Attached: Dark souls of Zanzibart.png (1024x512, 605.04K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>duude this game is so hard i kill the enemy before it kills me sooo hard bro
your contrarian "argument" can be applied to literally anything.
>duuude life is so hard, just get job and make money and i win so hardcore bro

>posting the edit

Attached: Icy.jpg (1080x558, 599.94K)

White people are never going to season their food, stop trying

White people conquered most of the world in search of spices

Someone post the wholesome edit.

duality of man


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The left can't meme

>people who can’t meme spend all their time getting fit, having sex, and being productive members of the society to fill the void
>people who can meme post Impact font pictures of Grumpy Cat on Reddit

People who can meme can suck my dick. I can’t meme, and I’M PROUD.

>spoiling the sensitivity of your palette to """enjoy"""" "super spicy" food as if there is some nuance to discover like drinking neat spirits
imagine being so immature you need to spoil the natural flavor of the key parts of any dish

>creating the spiciest breed of pepper is a competition of mostly white male farmers
>ehite people created the Ghost pepper, Carolina Reaper, and Pepper X

invincibility frames have no place in a "hard" game

what does the icy edit have anything to do with politics? am i missing something?
is this what your brain is like on /pol/?

Whites can't cook

Are you new to the internet?

Imagine drawing yourself as that guy who got killed in the first saga of DBZ and didn't do anything for the rest of the series as your self-insert power fantasy.

assume that i am, so spoonfeed me

>roll to win
>in elden ring
honestly playing elden ring like it's dark souls and roll-poking your way through is extremely difficult
the vast majority of people just end up picking up some dual weapons and spamming jump attacks or katanas in a DPS race

Post the "Mild for him" one

>Make fun of X people
>By the way I’m basically Goku.
The halal guys near me are nice unlike this loser. Doesn’t even have a cat behind the counter.

Good but two panels too many

Meme peppers. Also any "great" white chef is the exception. I guarantee the average Vietnamese woman could cook circles around all but the most prestigious white Michelin star chefs

It's the easiest "hard" game out there
24.4% of all steam owners beat Malenia, that's millions and millions of people, and people still pretend Elden Ring is "hard" without thinking about the fact you can overlevel, summon others, use magic or ranged or other ez-mode items, etc.
Dark Souls has always been a joke difficulty wise

Attached: spicy tacos.png (950x450, 224.08K)

game can be made easier and cheesed in a lot of ways, but if you play it "fair" like previous dark soulses it's harder imo

what game do you consider hard? And why?

>but if you play it "fair"
Every single game in the world can become hard if you do arbitrary dumb restrictions to make it hard

I need the smile edit

You want a real challenge? Try holding eye contact through an entire conversation

the average vietnamese woman cooks well because the only alternative is sex slavery

DDR since I'm a blob

im not talking about dumb restrictions, I meant cheese strats, and by cheese strats I mean any unskilled and unsatisfying way to play a game

0 adp Dark Souls 2 is the definitive SOULS experience

>haha yeah bro waaaay spicy
>just cake it in spice
>like the rest of the world had to do because they hadnt figured out food spoilage
>now it's authentic

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You mean like using magic, using a summon, using any other weapon than 2-3 out of 100's

>All of Europe isn't white

>white fragility isn't re-


Never heard of those meme mild peppers for white people

Butter and mayonnaise are not spice

lmao, nah.

Americans are not Europeans

Oh stop. You can't throw a rock here without hitting a quality taqueria. Distrito Federal on top though.

do wypipo really

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unless you're a little bitch spicy food just comes down to how much you can ingest before your stomach rejects it and your body makes you throw it up

your mouth goes fairly numb pretty quickly with anything over like 250,000 scoville and you're typically not going to get that spicy without some kind of highly concentrated novelty hot sauce

> Ketchup
That's trolling, right? I would expect the 2nd best quality Pakistani or Indian dishes in the world in London, for example. Are my dreams just memes?

>literally every non-european nation (except china) had yet to figure out how to mine salt and use it in food until the industrial revolution
>literally every non-european nation was drinking the equivalent of jungle wine (which they made by accident) until given vineyard and spiriting techniques
>literally every non-european nation relied upon rice (naturally-occurring) and had no other grains until europeans showed it to them
>literally every non-european nation thought pigs were flat out poisonous until europeans showed them proper food preparation
it goes on

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real talk, I've noticed it's mostly city slickers that can't handle spicy food while country folks usually love it. But shouldn't it be the opposite as city slickers have access to food from all over the world in their cities?
They are the ones that also always brag about living in the city is so good because of the food.

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(A you's said seasoning. There's more to seasoning then spice you fucking dumb cunt. Maybe actually cook something before talking shit.
(B even in the states there are fucking shelves in grocery stores dedicated to nothing but seasoning and spices, fuck off with "butter and mayonnaise"
(C you're a fucking Mexican, we get it, all the children in your country work on farms because the only thing the adults know how to do is beat their children and ride lawnmowers, that's why you're still a third world country.

how come when i look up hot wings/peppers/sauces challenges online it's all crazy white guys

American moment

I hope he's talking about those spicy ketchup with peppers in it. If not then what the fuck.

>words words words words

Because being able to tolerate spicy food is so rare and special for white people they turn it into their entire personality and hobby.

Because the rest of the world acknowledges bathing shit-tier meat in spice is a coping technique and the only people who see it as anything else are oblivious Redditors or other, even gayer Redditors who try very hard to ruin this website.

This image is hilarious because you can just tell how FURIOUS the white boi who made it was at the original pic lol

seasoning literally means salting food

>iframe button makes the game a cakewalk
Go on, finish alien soldier on the first try.
You have an invincible dash on that game

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>Even in fucking Cooking retards feel the need to fucking racebait at every chance they get
Do retards really?

because white guys don't actually appreciate spicy food they just have a tendency to subject themselves to extreme pain and danger because their lives are so boring

In the UK it's common to have mayo instead of ketchup, plus all of their curry dishes are mild.

no. I've never had a conversation about cooking in any context that involved race, apart from "people of this nationality tend to like this type of dish," so it's really just Yea Forumstards etc.

Most of the shit you're claiming was European was widespread across the Southern Med and aside from harvesting salt from sea water, even before that in Mesopitamia. What is up with this weird thing where Northern Euros hold the Meds at arms length until it's time to start highlighting historical cultural victories?

>eat a ridiculously spicy pepper
>it's now your entire personality, allegedly

>plus all of their curry dishes are mild
Considering the large indian, pakistani and bangladeshi population, that's entirely false.

>the Southern Med
Yeah so Europe, inb4 Italy is actually African or some Amerifag retardation

Its pathetic seeing veteran Souls players and veteran Souls disparagers both throwing such bitchy little shitfits about Elden Ring having mass appeal.

At the VERY LEAST I think you dumb faggots should be obligated to say clearly whether the game is reskinned garbage or something new and stupid because this mix of both bullshit doesn't make any fucking sense.

All of the food that is sold to the native British is mild, it's why the Tikka masala was created

But ketchup is not spicy at ALL.

I ordered Vindaloo from an Indian resturant and told them to make it authentic spicy. I could barely finish it because it was so spicy

it's genetics
my taste buds have become really sensitive to peppers they effect me differently then they effect some one else
it's like how some people have the enzyme to digest milk and some don't
it's like how i can understand calculus integrals and tyrone can't do basic algebra ... or understand why it's bad to steal from his community

> Italy
Further south than that, user. Like, actually across the Mediterranean sea. The southern part.

Thank Christ for that. If I were a proto-American I'd fucking kill myself.

I mean I already knew that’s the case since obviously people here don’t represent the whole of America or any nation really, same with Retards on Twitter or Reddit.

Yeah man, totally. How are we gonna recover from the fact that shitskins numb their taste buds by drowning their food in spices because they don't understand nuance.

If you can't handle it then why order it? This is why white people are joked upon.

Why are whites so mad and pathetic?
You can tell they're the ones that started wojakposting.

White propose don’t use spices

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Dunno about that. The more you eat spicy food the less it affects you.

Yeah, Indian/Paiistania is 2nd only to Thai, and I cannot handle the heat either group eats at their local levels.

I say and look like this.

>bongers actually think ketchup is "spicy"
Reminder that the comic was right.

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Okay, gringo

I have lots of hot sacues like "the Bomb" can usually eat spicy stuff, but that was on another level.

How silly of me, I forgot all the salt mines and vineyards in the Middle East.

Authentic southern chilli at least uses crushed red peppers and chili powder for mild batches, this is an abomination.

It's because in really hot and humid climates, food that makes you sweat is actually better for cooling you down.

The wojaks of being depressed and trying to emulate a fucking movie(bladerunner2049) didn’t tip you off?

Thanks user, doing the lord's work.

bongs talking about food never ceases to amaze me

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Fuck off brownie.

>north Africa is now counted as southern Europe
America needs to be nuked NOW

>conquer half the world in search of spices
>cant handle spices themselves
how embarassing

You admire and respect an excess of heat
But you neglect why these cultures all shit in the street

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You mean in Ancient Egypt?

Attached: Ägyptischer_Maler_um_1500_v._Chr._001.jpg (1920x1392, 548.64K)

>I am mad that white people are smarter and better than me
>I know I'll make fun of the fact that some of them are affected by spicy food, even though this is universal amongst all races
>white people are pwned!
video games!

I said aside from salt mining. Egypt had vineyards as far back as the early Bronze age. Hittites had it well before them.

Don’t be mad retard.

There’s a difference between having spices that enhance the main dish you’re having to having Spices that basically overwhelm everything

This was literal jungle juice. There's more than a few Greek records pointing out how Egyptian wine-making techniques were basically not wine at all, just leaving shit at the bottom of a pot.

>the bomb hot sauce
>22,800 sch
basically tabasco sauce

also indian people are the only ones who actually make their food spicy. all other races are just pretending that their cuisine is spicy.

Why not both?

There are brands that literally flood their ketchup with capsaicin. They are shit, but they exist.

got you to respond fag, seethe more!

>ust leaving shit at the bottom of a pot
thats all wine is, cope

> Not bothering to read the post chain
> Not realizing we're discussing Southern Med
> Posts anyway
Absolute chad.

t. can't take the bantz

God damn, when you move the goal posts, you could at least leave them on the field.

>east london
>white people
doesn't exist

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learn to type english buzzword faggot

you DO know how wine is made, right?

Wine is fermented grape juice. You're thinking of moonshine.

My bad, "da' bomb"

Unrelated but weren't Egyptians more fond of beer? I ask because I'm curious.


Enough, Yea Forums, prove you aren't a talking pepper and show me your ICIEST, COLDEST video game. NOW.

I like it when the food is spicy, but it shouldn't take away from the natural taste, just add onto it. Less than that is plain, more than that is overbearing. It's a sweetspot.

i'm white and my white dad got me into spicy food when i was pretty young. it quickly became a badge of honor and masculinity thing. now whenever i eat mexican/indian/whatever i always order the spiciest thing i can find. i don't even like the flavor that much, i just like feeling superior and looking down on others.

>"nuh uh we meds did it just as well"
>puts sticks and dog shit and grapes in a pot and leaves it in the sun
Basically all culinary strides were made in Europe period. The only cultures who even compare exist in Asia.

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Blacks people think White people don't have spice because the only times they're served by them is public school and prison.

The real challenge of spicy foods is shitting it out. I had a carolina reaper pizza once that made my asshole feel like it was being sport fucked by satan.


>it's Da'Bomb! Da'Bomb comes in four levels of pain: Ghost Pepper at 22,800 Scovilles, Beyond Insanity at 135,600 Scovilles, Ground Zero at 321,900 Scovilles, and The Final Answer at a killer 1.5 million Scovilles!
22,800 is nothing
135,600 is what i would dump all over my burrito bowl
321,900 is approaching novelty territory
1.5 million is really fucking hot

i hope you're at least talking about the "ground zero" version

Can cook better than you achmed

can you walk by a bike with out stealing it tyrone?

what an embarrassing pussy, imagine bragging about that shit

Literally this I’m okay something with some spice to it but not to the point where it’s literally all you can taste and feel no less

spics will never know true cuisine

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It all makes sense now

You think the retards posting ITT are black? It's just butthurt south-amerimutts.

>when the white boy thinks he can cook


Pic related is pretty cool

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>when brown person thinks he can think

I can't stand city slickers.

Never heard of it...

If it is as you've described it though then the reason is because it gives them a false sense of accomplishment and the same satisfaction as if they'd completed Dark Souls II New Game + with no heals or magic.

>I've invented a new arena shooter, I call it Halo, what do you think?

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>black pepper spicy

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Uhhh, user, the Romans enjoyed proper wine long before other parts of Europe. Let alone the barbarian hordes of the north. What are you talking about?

dangerously based

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>Basically all culinary strides were made in Europe, period.
No. You let British cuisine occur. You have been stripped of all dietary accolades for allowing this blight upon the world.

op is a faggot


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Best country for fish, the high quality fish you're eating in the French restaurant is very likely from Scotland

brown person thinks they are a saiyan instead of a a mud monkey ... kek

The Indian food you actually want to order was conceived by British chefs.

>best country for fish
Norway and Italy do it better.

Same energy

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Why does england want to be india so bad

Rome now counts as Europe and is no longer a mediterranean civilization, despite their own written protests to the contrary. Greece and Anatolia too, as long as we're talking pre 1000 a.d., but not after that.

Other way around, it's why India's main sport is cricket

>Conquer world for spices
>national cuisine is shit like this
>still don't use spices
You people are a circus

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Not with all the brown people in england

What continent is Rome in, user?

Oh neat. Yeah I'm fine with that. I mean, Rome is basically responsible for the current state of Europe.

>facts, reason, logic, and evidence

>Yeeeeah mano!
Gets me every time. Comedy gold.

But I thought Italians were Mediterranean and not white Europeans, user. I'd be perfectly willing to agree with you if we agreed on that.

UK is 86% white as of most recent census

>fry the fries
>put in fridge
>fry the fries again
>put in fridge again
>fry the fries AGAIN
>put in fridge AGAIN
>put on bread
What retard country are they from? This can't be the US. We're fat, but we like meat or cheese between bread and nothing else.

EZ cum

While the no spices think is true, this is for English college kids. It's the equivalent of a ramen noodle cup there.

Italy is literally located in Europe and the entire northern half is full of blond-haired blue-eyed people. Why do people think Italy is nothing but Siciligroids?

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It's cute that you think that

It's obviously UK if they are eating a chip butty

Ah yes, spicy

Attached: spice level white.jpg (640x1090, 62.53K)

That's just what nordicists and amerimutts believe, to everyone else greco-roman civilization is the core of europe

I don't fucking know! I'm northern Italian and I'm white as snow but people still say I'm not white, don't ask me.

I literally quoted you a statistic faggot, I'm sorry if FOX told you otherwise

Don't be a newfag
Go to bed sperg
aged like milk, arrest yourself.

Yppo don't be seasoning they food stages of cope

>we invented kfc ackshually
>britain invented curry ackshually
>nooo what about spanish/greek/italian cuisine!!!
>black ppo didnt invent anything in history we invented civilisation and spaceships reee
>stfu you n*****
>i wish non whites would go home
>black americans dont season they food either
>*posts the season it with chlorox video*
>seasoning is just used to mask poor quality meat that is rotting
>spiciness ruins the taste and is painful to eat
>ye well b-b-blackppo no eat ice...
>haha lactose intolerant...
>we season our brains with LITERATURE

>why do you keep making this thread
>stop making this thread man
>oh its this goku comic again
>we rly dont be

>only ask white people
>haha yes our country is 86% white

dont tell him italy had even more white people prior to the muslim rapes

>rotten and raw fish
>the best


Why is spicy below medium and mild?

Blanching and letting the fries rest makes them crispier

I kind of like these threads because it herds the fromdrones into neat groups and makes it easier for me to find something other than "omg this game was so clever, they added crab meat tgat makes you OP!!11!!" or "fuck this GAME i got stuck on CRUCIBLE KNIGHT then gave up!!!"

so anyways guys what's your favorite final fantasy game?

How are you supposed to play it? You sure as hell can't walk around the attacks like in Dark Souls 1 and 2.

I will await your proof of that and also your statistics supporting another position.

the real challenge of spicy food is keeping it down
one of my coworkers challenged me to see who could eat more mad dog 357 and i downed 5 tablespoons of that shit
my mouth went numb pretty quick but it took at least 3 or 4 hours to puke it all up. it hurt to pee for a few days and i'm pretty sure i nearly got a stomach ulcer. i had to slowly rotate myself whenever i laid down otherwise i could feel it burning through my stomach lining.

> I'm a non white, I don't actually want to taste my food. I want to scald my taste buds and pretend I'm cultured

> Europe, as a unified culture (lol) existed in 500BC
Continents do not build roads, explore oceans, domesticate crops and animals, or raise armies. Cultured and nations do. And if Rome could have done so, they would have depopulated everything north of the Rhine.

I'll await yours

Whites season their food with ice

I know this, it's not about what actually happened, it's basically just arguing rethoric within the fumuous confines of what the average retard on here believes to be white or not. Also, fun trivia not everyone knows, Sardinia repealed the Muslim hordes so well that their flag has the severed heads of 4 moor kings.

>extra i-frames for casual players
but that's das 2

2016 census.

Beyond that It is not for me to prove your own argument.

You realize that nobody actually eats that these days and that said food was a direct result of WWII's food shortages?


Bro you know there's a middle point between 'Tasteless' and 'So hot it destroys your tastebuds' right?

I'll eat whatever pepper you can give me that actually grew out of the ground, but this is why I avoid those insanity hot sauces.

and then decided to never use them

When people say "white people can't handle spices" they are only talking about """"""Brit's""""'

You are fined per household for not responding to census in the UK

you think that cooklet has any idea what you just said

>White people don't season their foo-

Attached: TCRP (1).webm (1280x720, 3M)

Cringe of trying to evaluate memes aside, you do realize that such degenerate internet behavior is a literal brain disease right?

They're talking about Americans

After my tenth or so arguement on /ck/ I just gave up, retards actually think food being icey is a thing, saying ice cubes and ice cream are the oppostie of jalapenos

I'm white, and I don't care if I can taste my food, I actually do just want to scald my mouth but not because it makes me feel cultured, but because it makes me feel tougher than everyone else.

>whitey thinks everyone experiences pain when eating spicy food
Massive cope. Whites have a low pain threshold for spice because they don't season their food.


>using rice and no other grains
absolute fucking retard

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What are you talking about no one thinks this

Native Americans just straight up ate popcorn and nothing else

Ramsey is an actual chef. Most Mediterranean whites will at least use pepper and paprika. Brits will literally not season their food sometimes.

Fairy bread still exists in Australia. Marmite on toast still exists. Anglo culture has unleashed horrors upon the globe that it must account for.

Should have edited it with zanzibart meme

there is literally nothing a restaurant can legally serve that is too spicy for me to eat

people act like mexican/indian/whatever is the spiciest shit you can find but in my experience the hottest food you can get when you go out is usually when some bar full of white people has some "kill yourself" hot wings or whatever

Whites don't shit on the street and before you showpics of muttland they aren't white

Make a threat with this topic on /ck/, not so obvious that it gets deleted, and see what happens

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Massive arrest

I guess the Levant is also European now then lmao

i remember starting a race war in /vp/ with the original comic
white people really do gets triggered hard by this harmless joke for some reason

>natives didn't eat rice
You've clearly never spoken to a native. Cuz aside from their women loving white dick they also claim to have eaten rice

>"kill yourself" hot wings or whatever
Yeah, and as a rule, they taste like shit because the heat kills off your taste buds and there was little savory, sweet, or salty flavor to begin with. It's a pissing contest and the quality of the food suffers for it.

>t. seething berber

Tyrone did you wash the meat with soap? YOU'RE MEANT TO WASH IT WITH WATER ARE YOU FUCKIN STOOPID?

Anglo culture is a horror upon the globe. We are only free when the anglo empire is finally destroyed.

It was when the Romans owned it

I fixed it

Attached: spicy sauce.png (1260x630, 1.1M)

Wild rice in NA in a tad different from the rice in Asia but it exists.

guarantee you even the spiciest option is mild there. it was definitely written by americanized second-gens, at least. first-gens are the only ones who'll have a menu with actually spicy options.

Only when they did cool shit. Then it's OUR discovery. But if it wasn't doing cool shit, then it's not.

and the Indus valley too, I assume lmao
Rome was never European

now post the gay one


I'd rather eat Filipino food than Br*tish slop

Attached: british-cuisine.webm (1280x720, 2.5M)

Glitching enemies and finding ways to exploit and break the ai is very fun and satisfying to me. Some people play these games to test their skill but I rather enjoy finding dumb ways to cheat and play unfairly

Tfw whites create the finest cuisine and music in the world despite the memes

Too bad we won't be around in our pure and divine form for much longer, not that it's very divine these days

The mediterraneans are part of europe you absolute fucking retard

user, Elden Ring effectively removed all positioning. Rolling is something you will do in great capacity unless you're one-shotting every enemy.

I think all the major chefs are white or a white version of their respected race lmfao

DATS so much ypippo my brotha
i hat wen deyz crakas think dey kno how to spice
liek dam nigga u dont know spice fr dis som mayo ass shit nigga

>equip shield
>equips barricade
>no longer need to roll and can use counter attacks
>push Rb and Main hand so i can weapon art when it’s safe

I can't think of a single European country that eats a lot of spicy food


Ramsey is an actual chef that went to school. An exception does not make the rule, but it does reinforce it.

Have you ever heard of the Levant Company, the Ottoman Company, the Venice Company, the Barbary Company, the Spanish Company...

Never mind, I reread your post past the green text. I misunderstood the argument you were making.

Filipino food is actually pretty decent.

>Rome was never european
All white culture descends from Roman culture. Return to your mudhuts in Gallia or whatever the fuck you came from.


Okay now name one that isn’t from South America

>Rome was never european.
>Literally came from a european country
>Spread naturally from a city IN EUROPE

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Yeah, too bad they control the government, culture, law and order, entertainment, businesses, education, your children, and everything else. But haha, the left can't meme. Lol, they can't meme.

The Portuguese does
Gallia was just proletariat Romans. The same ilk as Romans.
The Celts are the true Europeans. And the Celtic struggle against the empire exist to this day.

cope whitey. your food is objectively shit tier.

>It’s another /ck/ race bait thread

Woah sounds tyrannical if you frame it like that. Sounds like the left is a bunch of conformists kek

White people don't know how to eat burgers

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adoy, the idea of that "Europe" didn't exist until after WW2.
No Roman thought of themselves as European.
Again have you heard of the Levant Company, the Ottoman Company, the Venice Company, the Barbary Company, the Spanish Company...

That actually made me smile, best one so far

>Clam down tyrone it was just a joke

But seriously stop washing your meat it spreads bacteria everywhere you fucking idiot

retarded american hands wrote this post

> Egypt is European, guys
> Anatolia too
> Phonenicia? Actually they were blonde haired and purple eyed, like their dyes
The med as a region was culturally unique and occupied portions of Africa and Asia Minor, despite it's northern portion residing on the Asia penninsula called Europe.

Implying I’m of white skin LOL. Face it you weird self loathing tranny, you will die alone

Oh nooo please don't come to my country to clean it up, give us running water, roads and prosperous civilization we might have to pay a tithe we'd rather fight you to the death

>Grilled cheese is cold
>Burgah is raw
Why is he like this

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Options are in alphabetical order

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The romans also thought you could read the future by looking at sheep guts. Point is it was on the continent of europe

I can't name a single South American dish.

What game is it?

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This is literally the first thing they teach to you on the internet.

arest dankey

Journalists pretend to like it because they know they'll get called out HARD by the souls community if they talk shit about it.
Normalfags can genuinely enjoy it but it's probably not something that would have been on their radar if it wasn't so huge.

>mfw a burgercuck chokes while eating English mustard

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I asked for and received my money back because too spicy food literally doesn't taste like anything.

im so hungry

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You're thinking of beans on toast. The toast sandwich is a concept from a wartime rationing book.

only in Yea Forums in /ck/ people only talk about the gays and how americans cant into food

There wasn't any idea of a continent of Europe at that point. The idea of a "Europe" is something created by Kalergi and Hapsburg post WW2. That's where pan-europeanism comes from.

>no longer need to roll and can use counter attacks
Counterattacks usually need to be followed up with a roll to regain stamina (unless you have absurd levels of stamina or break posture). Otherwise, you're correct. Again, I misunderstood the argument you were making initially. So, I don't have any reason to argue with you.

Of course, feel feel to correct the above. It's entirely possible that I misunderstood something about counter-attacking since that was my experience in my sole playthrough. But with difficult enemies, it felt like backing up and rolling was often necessary to regain stamina in between spam/posture breaking.

The one single spice you're referring to is capsaicin. That's the one thing you onions out about.

>be filipino food
>contain 3 bags of sugar per square inch of food

> Modern Europe existed prior to WW2
> Modern Europe as a unified culture exists today
> French and German cultures are actually the same
Where the fuck are you from? Have you met any one from Europe?


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oh fuck i wondered when this flip's shit was gonna make an appearance

I don't get it, if the westernized nouveau Filipino food is shit and betraying his culture, why is he in line?

>the tattoo
gets me everytime

>inb4 90 degree neck


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he has to play the victim card in every comic

No, he's upset that someone said his food stinks as a kid and now a lot of people want to try it and he has to wait to be seated.

the artist who makes those is so fucking schizo its hilarious

League of Legends

>Laughing Uncle Sam.jpg

hate this nigger so much. all he does is draw his shitty cope comics with that uncanny art style and make asians look bad with these awful comics about his problems with "asian american culture"
>t. asian


No I get that, but the white guy talking aloud to his girlfriend clearly implies the food isn't authentic.

he wouldn't even be able to see them from that angle

I should ask my three asian friends what they think of this guy's comics.

Cheese lumpia is nice though

Why are there so many worthless third-worlders seething about GODmerica yet again?

always knew it was a chink behind this shitty whipe people cant cook meme

I wonder what my ex-girlfriend would say about these as a flip with white fever.

It was just an alphabetized list

Ah, my mistake. Then yeah, no reason for him to be in line unless he somehow doesn't know that the food isn't authentic (but clearly he did if he made this comic).

This niggas Southern Hospitality One is even worse since he just assumes the worst out of anyone

He'd hate you

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Fuck authenticity. I cannot get amabal worth a shit state-side. Even if I could, the ingredients would be different because it's a different continent.

If you live there, you use local ingrefients, and you keep it honest to your family's recipes without just drowning the flavor away in diary, it's authentic.

Because Souls games are custom catered to casualfags and journalists because of the illusion of getting more "skilled".
Boss is whooping your ass? Well ignore the fact that you're grinding the same fucking area time after time and getting strong every time you "collect your souls!" and level up over and over. You're totally not getting more stats and beating the boss like every fucking JRPG in existence! You're playing the same level over and over right? That's sooooo frustrating and challenging right bro? See how good it feels when you beat the boss after JUST GETTING GUD?
This is why Monster Hunter is better in every god damn regard. You get skilled first, then get the equipment and then you get your ass clapped again and have to actually learn how to fight the next challenge instead of relying on stats to boost you.

Part of the reason he made so few comics last year was because he was trying to find a way to sue a woman (imagine that) for "stealing" his criticisms of that live action Mulan movie.

I always thought it was either a nigger or a dirty spic

okay you can post this guy's shitty porn now

what kind of racism do asian people get? honest question

It's also a common street food in the Philippines, doubt he would know it since he hasn't been since he was like five. But maybe he's saying "oh of course they serve the accessible stuff and not the hardcore stuff, where's the balut?"

have you seen America? niggers are randomly attack Asians

>you shouldn't talk if you don't know what you're talking about
Can this guy write anything other than a strawman

Niggers randomly attack anything that moves. They're subhuman animals with no impulse control.

i know but from what i seen of this guys comics hes mostly seething at white people

Silly user, basketball-Americans can't be racist.

>Minority group that comes to the US on own volition
>Has maybe fifty years of discrimination total
>Immediately gets loads of protection, worship, hate crime laws, reparations etc
>Descendants of black slaves get nothing after centuries but people kneeling and shit
Can't imagine why there's tension, a mystery

this, granted asians seem to trigger their chimp like primal rage slightly more so

Don't Asians have to score higher scores on tests and all that to get into universities in America?

spicy food is just toxic masculinity

still waiting

Niggers could fuck back off to Liberia if they wanted but nooooooo

I hate niggers.
I hate niggers.
I hate niggers.
I hate niggers.
I hate niggers.