“The Bucha Massacre”

“The Bucha Massacre”

>“Thanks for the warm welcome — sorry about the mess”

How do people believe this shit? So Russians came in, tortured and murdered everyone for fun, and then wrote (in their own language) this sarcastic message for the whole world to see?

You have to be joking.

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Seriously guys. I’m bummed. How does the world believe this shit? Every segment on the news the Ukrainians are saying the same shit >“MORE GUNS” “WE NEED MORE GUNS!” “GIVE US MORE WEAPONS!” “SEE!? SEE!? LOOK! THEY’RE BAD! THEY DID SOMETHING BAD! MORE WEAPONS PLEASE? YOU BETTER DEFEND US! YOU BETTER STEP UP AND DO SOMETHING!”
It’s practically like they’re reading from a script. Even this place is compromised, obvious shills flooding this place, calling everyone a fucking russian bot, ivan this, ivan that, ever since Yea Forums became mainstream the government realized this place was a breeding ground for free thought so they had to put an end to it of course. They make sure everything is nice and controlled. all Russian news is blocked, they have proof it wasn’t them, but no one shows it on the news. Even the UN just believes whatever the U.S. want them to… this fucking world is so depressing. People will literally believe whatever they’re told, you’re not even allowed to have access to the full picture anymore.

Yes that's exactly what happened... You think if they are ok committing war crimes they'd be above this?

If you didn't witness it, you have 0 credibility to say something did or did not happen. People love to say "cmon how do people believe this?" while giving literally no evidence to support their position. This applies to religion and just about everything else. Remember at some point you used to believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny

user… jesus christ.

So how can you confirm Russia did it then? I’m using your very own rationale here.

It's not exactly out of character for soldiers to murder and torture civilians for shits and giggles.
Nor are soldiers known for their intelligence.

You can't.
All you can do is consume what is shown to you, and you walk on. What can you do with this information anyway? Say it did happen, what about your life changes? If it did not happen, what about your life changes?

Same guy. The point is to control the narrative. That's the "why."
Our world government is only going to show us what they want us to see. If the US wants to sway public opinion, show pictures.
>>Putin bad!
What does this mean for you? How does your life change?
>>it doesn't
Except now the government has placed a blame on inflation-and you're slightly ok with it because Russia bad :(

>How does your life change?
>t. egocentric psychopath

No, it's about thinking about reality. Say this massacre happened. Answer me, what about your day to day life changed, other than the idea that *you* either know or don't know what happened.
What changed, user? Tell me please.

Go back to /pol/ schizo

>What changed, user
the innocence and dignity of humankind died a little more. Not that there was much to begin with.

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Small price to pay as long as the cattle have enough grass to eat.

Yep and they left everyone's shoes on, pure manufactured bullshit.

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This. Fuck soldiers in general. Dumb chuds.

This should be retitled

>npc vs free thinker

all i’m saying is to think logically user, you really have to stop believing whatever you’re told before doing your own research

The very lowest of the low- trying to deflect our attention away from war crimes. I know you are working for your weekly allotment of vodka but this is sick you fucking Russian troll.

The point is to terrorize, OP.

>yes obsessing over imaginary nazis, trannies, jews and glowies makes me a free thinker
>reddit spacing

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What’s the proof user? bodies? bodies that weren’t there when russia left? bodies that the own mayor didn’t say were there for days?

if social media told you the sky was green you’d believe it

Fuck off you kike shil

Spacing is easier for retards like you who won’t read a block of text, you probably got here 2 fucking years ago, you’re a retard

>t. literal tourist shill

>everything is a psyop conspiracy!
>stop believing everything you see on the news, droo... err... i mean friend!

Imagine if Andy's logs were in your shill mouth.

Imagine the M I A S M A.

You will not have to imagine for long, for the BVB army is parachuting into Moscow and will be "Putin" a log in every throate.

Your stupid


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Lol case in point

Criminals always do super intelligent things and never leave messages or evidence behind. This is logic 101.

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Forgot pic

so creamy

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All i'm saying is I have a PhD in International Relations from an Ivy League school and from my viewpoint there's zero incentive for Russia to commit warcrimes in Ukraine, but plenty of incentive for Ukraine to claim that Russia did.

Russia committing war crimes is welcoming western involvement which is the last thing Russia needs from a military standpoint at this point in the game. They're treading water against Ukraine.

my dad works for nintendo

This is how Russia has always fought, historically speaking. Katyn, Chechnya, Syria, etc.

Russia comitting war crimes and raping is kind of what they do. Even self admitted.

10 burgers were deposited into your bank account. Keep up the good work soldier.

They literally film themselves doing this shit, fuck not even just Russians a ton of soldiers over decades have filmed themselves committing war crimes and you think that in this particular situation they're just too smart to do that?

You are retarded.

Yes but in those cases the Syrians and Chechens were equally brutal, and in those cases they were also unlawful combatants where as in Ukraine it's generally been standing army vs. standing army.

So Russia sends their armies to invade other countries, but that's ok since it doesn't impact us directly?
That's your best argument here?

Come on, you are paid to find better narratives than that.

Just goes to show, degrees don't make you smart

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go back to /pol/, that board is entirely about ignoring facts and not living in reality. you will fit in well there.

Russians being butthurt they had to retreat while the locals visibly show hatred towards the Russian invaders and left a surprise for the incoming Ukrianian forces while they are forced to retreat. Yeah I believe it's something Russians would do and fuck your gay psyop fag.

Remember: This is aimed at the same people who believed Jesse Smollett without question. You are grossly underestimating just how stupid and gullible they are. And I'm not even counting the ones who know it's a lie and just don't care because it supports their narrative.

Look at these dumb motherfuckers that wrap themselves in tinfoil. These kinds of assholes are the kinds that should buy a ticket and go see for themselves. Maybe at least then they could get shot and stop shitposting.

>all i’m saying is to think logically user, you really have to stop believing whatever you’re told before doing your own research
That's not "all you're saying" at all.
You're saying it didn't happen and your assertion is based on absolutely nothing. You're putting forth a thesis without any evidence. The onus is on you to disprove what the evidence suggests.

Just proves you are a troll- classic Russian move to go anti-Semitic when they get exposed for their shit stained lives,

Brainwashed, Badly trained, badly equipped soldiers who have been subjected to Dedovshchina in an army that is completely corrupt might be a little bit rough around the edges and murder civilians ...... who'd have thunk it! It seems completely implausible.

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First off, russians or chechens coming in raping and killing a dozen people isnt that weird..
But you questioning the flood of a onesided message isnt weird either..

Just accept that russia has fucked itself online by constantly spreading shit for decades..
Russia is the boy who cried wolf a bit too much and noone will listen to them about anything serious.

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wooden doors

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Were on Yea Forums, random, A Place with a disclaimer that tells you all story posted here are autistic works of fiction and you have to be a FOOL to take anything for facts
Fuck off braindead retard

Ukraine have been slaughtering their own people since 2014. Why not write something on a wall and hope it gets them more guns and aid in the process? The West are so eager to push the narrative, they can do what they want safe in the knowledge that we'll be told its Russia's fault.

russian shillposting, I've spoken to few people from Russia and they too think that there's no real war in Ukraine and all of the images of dead people and destroyed tanks are Ukrainian Photoshop

Good job comparing this fake massacre to a fake giant rabbit only little kids believe in.

Seething low testosterone loser

How did you jump from the Ukraine to this smollet character? That's pretty obsessive and weird

To be fair that disclaimer still applies to pol. As much or even more so than there. Just go there and look so you can see the 9/11 was fake thread sandwiched between the trump can still win and the vaccines are full of nanomachine gps trackers threads.

0.000000000000001XMR has been sent to your wallet, Oleg. Good boy

Grizzly Adams did have a beard

found the ruski lmao

And why do kids beleive in the easter bunny exist? Cause they are being lied to.

just hope his clients are safe

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lol you uneducated white trash are so obsessed with the idea that the russians are the good guys. fucking pathetic. cope!

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sure ya and TEH JOOZ and shit. jsut go back to /pol/ you're not fooling anyone with this. Yea Forums is not your /pol/ junior for you to try to psyop with your neo nazi bullshit.

>How does the world believe this shit?
Everyone's retarded. The NPC meme is real, that's how. They all just believe what they're told

All countries kill their own people. Violence is a right reserved for the State. You fucking dunce. We all just kind of agree that when a different country invades and starts killing people it's fucked up. Also Patton should have continued in WWII and we should have wiped Russia off the fucking map. Would have fixed so many problems.

Im not /pol/ish but that's all plausible, have you shut your brain to scientific curiosity?

holy shit kek

Why do Russian shills get so obsessed with the Biden's? Joe won't even run in 2024. Shouldn't you be concentrating on denigrating harris?

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don't trust a single thing about the war. are those killed russian ukrainans they been getting killed for some tume now

also don't really care much who kills who i have no intrest in these people or care for them

Hey dickhead, the media has lied non stop and been caught in their lies non stop. There is no trust left, any reasonable rational logical person doesn't believe the 100th thing they are told from a person who just lied 99 times before that. The onus is on them to prove their case. They lied about jussie, they lied about covid, they lied about BLM , they lied about guns, they lied about 1st amend issues, they lied about lgbt crap, they lied about trump, lied about Hillary, lied about biden, lied about hunter, lied about his laptop, lied about russian collusion, lied about voter fraud, lied about mass shootings, lied about self defense shootings, shit these mother fuckers lie about the weather. You're the one wearing the tinfoil hat if you think there isn't lies and propaganda coming from a warzone, which traditionally has the most propaganda out of any other scenario .

Stupid faggot

Keep telling like you're not gullible automaton.

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The jews are being used by the Dutch who created the first world order 300 years ago.
The Dutch are way richer and way more insidious.

only people 8000 miles from Russia will think "oh they're so based!! they hate the gays bro" when they'd wanna move back after 3 days of living there

lol ask me how i know you couldn't get into college, white trash idiot

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what makes ukraine so much better?

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ah yes the Dutch. I am glad you have been redpilled the Dutch. We must seek a final solution to the insidious Dutch for the future of the white race.

>russians being russians is impossible because free thinking
Lol you westerners have no idea what russians are like.
Yes they'll massacre civilians and leave a cheeky note like this.
I remember back when the chechen war was going on western reporters left their shelters after the bombings thinking it was safe. Locals kept telling them that russian helicopters would kill any civilians walking in the rubble but they didn't believe them because muh humanity. They learned that day and gave many laughs.

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Well, there's satellite footage that confirms Russian soldiers were there the entire time. It also confirms that most of the bodies out in the open were there. Plus, Russians have always been faggots and untermensch. Makes perfect sense to me.

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There is nothing scientific about throwing a tantrum like a preschooler and crying that everyone is lying to you while ignoring ACTUAL FUCKING SCIENCE that explains shit and backs up its reasoning.

>case and point

For me it's facebook, Twitter, the Chans, podcasters, yootoobers, bitchute and anecdotal evidence from my wife's son.

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What about the serbian that said they supported the russians against the genocidal empire of NATO?

I think it's good. We've needed something to unify us and Russia is a nation full of addicts, mafia bosses, and other degenerates. They're a fantastic enemy. If it's true then we are justified and if it's false then it's some good propaganda to galvanize the west and move society forward. It's a win-win.

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>I have a PhD
So it’s not incomprehensible to you that a poorly trained and poorly disciplined Army with men who think they’re going to die would kill civilians and rape women?

not him and fucking hate /pol/
But discounting every theorie because it is believed in by retards is really unhealthy. Some major events should be questioned. You sound like a sheep

it doesn't? both are shitholes

Serbia is full of dumb fucks also

agreed, so why all the fuss?

Actually, they came, then they left, then the local government declared the Russians were gone and the city was independent again, then somehow the Russians tortured and murdered everyone for fun after the Azov battalion rolled in.

Really makes you think.

Frankly, Nips and Zhangs are way easier to understand than Ivans, especially if you understand eastern symbolism.

Free thought is pointless. When it's coming from retards lmfao.

Ad hominem in the first two words?
Your defeat is showing.

muh free thinker is just believing different equally retarded narrative

No they don’t actually, maybe you’re thinking of Azov lol

because if shithole1 invades shithole2 then shithole1 is still the aggressor.. Shithole1 has outed itself to be even more of a feral nigger than it already was..
If you see this from any other side you deserve cancer in the brain

>be me ukranian nazi
>gather other ukrainian nazis to join cleansing group
>steal russian military uniforms
>fuck the nigger ukranians
>fuck ukrainians
>fuck jews and trannys


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