Gf ass rate thread

Gf ass rate thread

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another pic for better evaluation

Reapecting the dubs

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Fucking sweet thanks

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i fucking knew it was her, user here to turned away from the church's teachings for your wife. You fucking know you'll get an 11/10 out of me lol, hope you're doing well man.


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Lmao you again bro, tell you what, you got a kik man?

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love when they sloppy shave and forget the asshole..

more hairy gf asshole plox


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There's nothing better than fucking a woman in her asshole.

4, tats kind of ruin it unfortunately

2.5 maybe 3

We love a little butthole fur

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Are you retarded lol

R8 m8

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I said something to my ex about pussy hairs and she fucking freaked on me.

8/10 juicy

8/10 heat

7/10 weird thong


5/10 nice ass but don’t like tats

8/10 love it





Give the pictures your own rating then. Just because they aren’t high ratings doesn’t mean I wouldn’t enjoy fucking them

Hate that. Did you tell her to shave and she didn’t like it? My girl keeps a bush but always shaves when I say so

Tell me what you think

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Very yummy OP. Stretch marks are kinda hot too

That's a man faggot

Last night. Super drunk gf

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What you think?

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Consistent 8s for my wife, feelsgoodman

What's your kik church user

That’s she’s been pushing turfs out for quite some time. She seems pretty darn overweight but her butt still looks alright. 5.5/10

8/10, would like more.

Looks like a man. Nice butt tho


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8/10 I hope you railed her out. Very nice

7.5/10 very nice ass, unflattering panties. Checked and nice ps5

5.5/10 ehhh

Probably 6-8/10. But we need to see 1. With thong only and 2. Fully nude and spread. Leggings give the booty assistance

You're a lucky mf user that butt is juicylicous

my honest opinion is more

never fucked a chick that had a single hair on purpose.. sometimes they miss portions which is why i guess now that becomes my fetish, sloppy shavers


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Tats ruined everything

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6/10 looks like it’s getting some help from that thong

8.5/10 much better than your first pic lol!

8/10 love the thong

That ass is so huge it might have developed its own gravitational force. Nice/10 user

honest opinion?
reposting btw
captcha sucks

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I love eating my girlfriend's asshole.

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Here’s what we thought user

9/10 divine

3.5/10 plz go

Tbh her ass is pretty much nonexistent but she looks clean af. Would eat all day everyday

As you post a picture downloaded from /b

2 billion years old and used af. Pls go

my opinion is still: more

god yes

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Ohhh this is nice, 8/10 moar

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need moar opinions
captcha makes it so I can only post every 10 minutes cause they're impossible

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8.5/10 thin but juicy

9/10 moar

Would stick my dick between them cheeks

9.5/10 Perfect oh my god

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