I spent 5 years in a seminary studying to become a Catholic priest. Left before ordination. Ask me anything

I spent 5 years in a seminary studying to become a Catholic priest. Left before ordination. Ask me anything.

Not meant to be a religion arguing thread because that's a wast of time on Yea Forums. But anything you want to know about the experience, culture, opinions, etc.

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I've visited where that pic is


how rekt is your ass ?

are you looking to fuck boys or girls?

Who did you enjoy reading the most?
Fully intact brother

How many men there are closeted gays or pedos? Are they taking active measures against the rampant pedo stuff or is it just an unspoken part of the culture?

perfectly in tact thank you

How many boys have you touched

i'm straight

reading as in , theologians?

hard to tell but I'd say 1/3 probably gay to some extent. pedo have no idea


Yea, or who did you spend the most time on if you didn't enjoy it

von balthasar always interesting. Ratzinger incredibly brilliant and insightful. older things to neuman. And of course St. Thomas

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Why did you leave?

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What a typical pile of garbage questions from the spergs. I’ll ask the obvious one, why did you quit?



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Was there a course on how to get away with active pedophilia?

ordination to diaconate was getting closer and I was not as gung ho as when i first went in. I was honest with myself and concluded that I did not want to go into it for the rest of my life.

cf above

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surprised not more questions

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5 years and then quit wow. what a waste of time.
what are your plans now as "unfinished priest?"
Are there some kinda small churches that hire you as cheap replacement?

How many little boys did you fuck?

Do you have to learn Latin in order to read the Vulgate and canon law, or do only some seminarians specialize in that?

Do you still believe in sky fairies and sentient ghosts or did you give that up when you dropped out?

i've been out for a few years now. I have a good job doing PR work for my local township.

had to learn some. Not expert level but enough to get the gist

Is seminary free, or do you pay for it like college?

Your thoughts on the Pope?

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good question. depends on the seminary and the area and how many years you have to put in. Free for me because I was in pre-theology and then theology level. if you go in younger, college level, have to apply for assistance and put something towards it. But it's all relative. The Church needs priests so they don't want money to be an issue

Too political. Communist. Modernist. The worst of his generation and things are unraveling under him very quickly.

Does exorcism exist?

yes bur rarely done.

without a doubt yes
But the real question is if it works.

Demons aren't real so it can't "work". Mental illness also cannot be fixed by exorcism methods. Unless a placebo effect kicks in and cures the illness but I presume that rarely or never happens.

What kind of person actually signs up for a seminar, personality-wise? Are it (to use an extreme) fire-and-brimstone zealots in the making, or more relaxed guys with a spiritual side?

Did you get to keep the cassock and the hat?

how many pineapples can you stick up your anus now?
and how many before you joined?

yes, still have the cassock. I never got the hat. Those things are expensive and not really required. more of a novelty

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That is a pretty unique experience, user. Few can say that.
Do you still plan on getting married, having children?

i can smell this picture.

Not dating right now but yes, I'd be open to it depending on what comes along. Most of my friends who got married around the same time I was in the seminary ended with divorce. Lot of rebounders out there now so I'm careful. I'm not in a rush but I'd be open.

How many young boys did you get to enjoy?

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How does lube smell, asking for a friend.

My priest friend says that when he chases bad spirits or whatever out of a house it works best when he uses old school latin. Thoughts?

I've heard that too. The chief exorcist in Rome at one time supposedly said and wrote the same thing.

Does ppl in the church believe in demons and angels?

Do they have books about them?

Do they have proof about that?

I think that Christianity needs numbers these days. I used to attend a united church. I was thinking of getting involved in Christianity because it6a way of life that has beauty built right into it. I was thinking of going Catholic because it's powerful and although it has problems running away from the problems is cowardly. Does any of that stir a response from you? Thanks.

Yeah what a fucking goblin. Co-opted by the Kazarians, masons, jesuits or something totally.

yes but not proof that will always satisfy everyone

I think the Catholic religion itself is great. The institutional Church is highly dysfunctional though. And Catholic culture has been falling apart for decades. I think it will always be here but very reduced.

You don't know that.

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yeah I'm not a fan.

Fake and gay larp thread by a wannabe pedo tranny in his moms basement

Well I think I'll hop in. At least it's a church that has a bite and Christianity is a nice way out of all this satanic shit we're in. I figure we need numbers and the church has gotten to be subverted from the inside so that's where the battle is so I think I'll get in.

The classic Apage Satanas is Greek, works best in my experience

I'm too much of a faggot. I thought that since young girl looks somehow like young boy, and i had no problem performing with shota i would be able to rape loli too. But never managed to stay hard enough, so i go kicked out.

makes sense. Go for it user