You have 5 seconds to explain why you're not on a vegan keto diet.
You have 5 seconds to explain why you're not on a vegan keto diet
I don't chase dumb trends
vegetables and beans are cheap bro what are you talking about
When the collapse happens you will not get your vitamin supplements. Veganism is for the rich to virtue signal.
I'm a man
All the niggers are doing it. I don't want to be like the nigger folk
you don't need supplements nigger, vegetables have all the vitamins you need
B12 you faggot
I get that from Chicken
just eat algae nigger
algae has fucking b12
I'm not that retard but some veggies do have B12, most notably mushrooms. But it's not enough for a healthy lifestyle so vitamins HAVE to be supplemented to make up the deficiency. Same thing with calcium and vitamin D, all there in veggies but not nearly enough to keep you alive for long. Not like vegans need to stay alive anyways but you get my point.
cos I'm not a bunny
People use the excuse that cheese burgers are all they can afford when the healthier more moral options dont taste as good
That looks good but I'd rather eat it with snapper
How the fuck did our ancestors survive then. Like what you think apes in the jungle were busting out grills and cooking fucking salmon and rabbits
they put b12 in all the animals products you eat so that you get enough you fucking idiot. taking a b12 supplement on a vegan diet is the same as just eating animals products, except there isn't a bunch of unnecessary suffering involved.
apes lived on a diet of raw chimp, and pulled gazelle
Not eating meay leads to being dumb.
Our ancestors ate organs. Liver, kidneys, hearts, lungs, all rich in B12.
They also ate what is possibly the best source of B12 on the planet - insects - in large quantities
Dipshit, there is evidence that proto-human ancestors began cooking their food as early as 1.8 million years ago, and more sophisticated cooking methods started showing up as early as 64,000 years ago. Human beings by evolutionary design are not herbivores you king retard.
are you retarded?
expensive as fuck, not optimal for building muscle, + i have a shitty digestion system and i get gassy af from most vegetables cus fodmaps and no its not "muh microbiome". you cant microbiome your way to become lactose tolerant and the same applies with all those plant carbs
She I was younger I "grew " out of lactose intolerance. Once my hormones started changing again in early adulthood it seemed ot come back and I also started developing Psoriasis which seems to get worse with dairy and alcohol.
>How the fuck did our ancestors survive then.
They didn't restrict themselves to a vegan diet.
Because we don't top the foodchain for shits and giggles.
I'm worried about the phytoestrogens.
Don't worry the phytoestrogen won't interfere with your HRT
I'm worried about them because I like being a man with a natural amount of male hormones in my body.
If you gave the choice between getting on HRT or getting shot, I'd ask if I could have a cigarette before they shot me.
I don't know where you're from but i have seen places in the US where beans, vegetables and all that get more expensive than just ordering a whole meal in McDonald's.
That being said, I refuse to think there's no way for Americans to follow a healthy diet, government doesn't seem to make it easy but there must be a way.
So you'd rather be dead than slightly more feminine.
Fuck you, that's why.
Cuz I'm not fat.
I'd rather be dead than chemically castrate myself.
Not to mention that being turned feminine would probably make me body and gender dysphoric as fuck. I don't wanna go through that.
Also I'm not a pussy
I'm shit at cooking, but I do avoid lamb and beef unless I'm eating out. I also think I don't put a lot of focus of time management onto what I eat
Started intermittent fasting, Currently 32.5 hours into one. Going well, losing a bunch of weight the past month on it. Not ramadan cuz i aint no nigger.
Because I don't need to go through arbitrary life hard Mode just to virtue Signal.
Trash is free.
This nigga Out here eatin slime
Just eat crickets
Literally the best source of B12 on earth and what our ancestors ate
Fermented meat is the real probiotic. Everything else is a scam from a kike.
I eat a lot of cooked vegetables but I am vegan! Many, many years
Yea, you're just an edgy dipshit with cricket breath and nasty tasting cum
Dont drink or eat out of plastic. Dont eat soy. Dont drink alcohol. Eat rare steak and lift weights.
Veganism is retarded change my mind.
Its easy as fuck. Wild caught tuna is 7.20 a lb. Thaw it and eat it raw. Its not hard.
>large portion of carrot and tomato
enjoy your dessert salad fatass
Kick that ass bro. Kick it.
Your hair is going to fall out and your teeth will rot. Lol.
100 g of beef has 2.6 micrograms of B12
100 g of Chlorella algae has 100 micrograms of B12
100 g of cricket has 5000 micrograms of B12
I like meat.
The recommended daily B12 intake is 2.4 migrograms.
I'll take the beef.
Plants arent bioavailable jackass.
That's why you drink energy drinks.
Because I can eat all that without looking like a faggot, plus meat
cuz I'm not a self righteous little bitch nigga
I'm promoting the consumption of cricket, assjack
Then stop talling about eating slime, you stupid fuck.
B12 is a bacteria found in soil. Nigga pull a carrot from the found and eat it your fine
You have 5 seconds to explain why I should be on a vegan keto diet.