Why is it so hard to have an intellectually stimulating conversation with females...

Why is it so hard to have an intellectually stimulating conversation with females? Every interaction I have seems to be a negative one or I have to hear about feelings.

Is it supposed to be like this?

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>intellectually stimulating conversation with females

Are you a female?

Just get straight to the point and show them your cock.

so far we're not having much luck having an intellectually stimulating conversation with you either

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All the smart ones know to avoid dipshits.

Yes and that is part of why I have problems, every woman I run into is a “dipshit” as you put it

wow whoosh

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You need to date an accountant

They're smart, rational, and aren't superficial

Because you're too retarded to have an intellectually stimulating conversation with.

Cope or rope.

Fascinating. I assume you are a woman?

okay i'll spell it out for you: that user was calling you a dipshit. he said that you don't have intelligent conversations with women because the smart ones know to avoid dipshits. the dipshit in this equation is you. they're avoiding you. the dipshit.

i'll admit, it wasn't a particularly mature joke, but you really didn't help your case when it blew right past you.

speaking seriously, there are plenty of intelligent women out there. go find them. but first maybe reflect on what it means to you for someone to be "intelligent".

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Why exactly am I the dipshit, because I don’t care to listen to a female talk about her feelings and emotions?

You sound autistic and like one of those people who worships "logic" and is only into shit like engineering and tabletop games

yeah, that's correct. listening to women talk about their feelings is the easiest way to get laid, and feelings are infinitely complex, internal chemical reactions that govern human behavior in ways we're not even close to understanding. they're some of the most interesting things in the world. if you don't find feelings interesting, you're not paying attention.

and if you don't find their feelings interesting, i can't for the life of me figure out why you'd expect them to care about yours.

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oh and nice quads btw

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Thanks for your opinion.
I don’t care about feelings and I barely have any of my own, so of course I don’t care to talk about them. I don’t even care about sex either I can just stimulate myself whenever I want and it’s more efficient, I just would rather have the companionship

>I just would rather have the companionship

Get a dog then dipshit.

okay, but you want these women to talk about intellectual things with you, clearly pretty badly. badly for you to go on Yea Forums and complain about it. and you also want companionship.

i hate to break it to you buddy, but those are feelings. you're doing it. right now. you're talking about your feelings. you came here to talk about your feelings.

how does that make you feel?

protip: feelings are important internal signals about our needs. your needs are apparently: companionship, coupled with intellectual stimulation. women also have needs.

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Find another retarded autistic dude who claims to not have feelings then. Btw we all have feelings, you wouldn't want a companion if you didn't. You come across as immature and like you don't know what it is to be human

Well my mom keeps suggesting that I should look for a girlfriend so that is the main reason.

you probably shouldn't get into a relationship just because your mom wants you to. that's (this is probably not news to you) a good enough reason to get into a relationship.

you should probably make decisions about your own life.

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sorry, meant to say that's NOT a good enough reason.

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I appreciate the offer but I am not attracts to guys so I’ll have to decline your offer at this time

Reddit fag!

literally never posted on reddit in my life but okay

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I know but I want her to stop annoying me about it constantly

you're going to ENTER A RELATIONSHIP which is a HUGE RESPONSIBILITY because you want your MOM TO STOP BUGGING YOU?

bro, 1: learn to talk to your mom, and 2: you have bigger problems than your lack of girlfriend. how old are you?

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If you arnt socially retarted it's easy

I’m 28

okay, that's pretty far past when you should be allowing your mom to dictate how you live your life. wouldn't you agree?

next time she brings it up, tell her you don't want a girlfriend right now, and then refuse to talk about it further.

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Ya it’s not that easy when she brings it up infront of my entire family and puts me on the spot though and then my other female family members start saying it too. “It’s weird user hasn’t had a girlfriend yet!”

first of all, that would be incredibly rude and hurtful of her; in that situation, she's being the crazy / shitty one.

second of all, the same rule stands. you should live your life the way you want. it doesn't matter what they think.

i've got to go to bed, user, but i want to wish you good luck. your feelings are valid, what you want is valid, and you should decide what kind of life you want to live and start moving toward it. and if you decide you want an intelligent woman to be your companion, i have no doubt that you can find that if you just open your mind and heart a little bit.

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Just here to say Belle Delphine lost all her appeal after taking her braces off. Hope the bitch gets them crooked from sucking so much dick and gets them back

If the other person is boring to you then you're not listening very well.
Also if you're looking for intellectually useful content get a book like Meditations by Marcus Aurelius or similar.


Lemme lern ya sumn user, bitches = ain't shit. DOn't let a bitch keep a playa's head down deadass frfr ong on my momma

Women didn't evolve conversation skills because they have vaginas.

user, you can simply spend the time pretending to acknowledge them with "yeah"s, "mmhm"s, "oh, OK"s while imagining what their lower orifices look/sound/smell/taste/feel like.

Just saying but you are the common variable in this

Conversation is just talk utterly worthless women notice this, proceeding to acquisition of more tangible rewards

>>intellectually stimulating conversation with females? have to hear about feelings.
Are you autistic? or just a low EQ.

This user speaks the truth, literally all you have to do is make a noise of acknowledgement in the right places.

Also you'll get on way better with women if you stop calling them 'females' over and over like a sperg.

Consider taking up a hobby like rock climbing or martial arts, that way you'll have something to vapidly talk about on your part.

>intellectually stimulating conversation
Pick one.

You're not salvageable
You know what to do

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Manlet couldn't even write an interesting post where they can say pretty much anything.

I jerked off to her three times. I nut and move on.

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>infinitely complex chmical cum cuck fuckery

You mean it's a bunch of irrational mishmashed instincts left over from before we evolved complex thought. Obsession with ones feelings is childish and animalistic. Evolve with the rest of us

Based user.

People get satisfaction in life from a plethora of things and even though romance is always put on a pedestal, it's not for everyone and that's okay. Life isn't about fucking and making babies and if you've found happiness in other things then keep at it. Living the life others want for you won't make you happy.

There were a few, but they all turned out to be lesbians. Might be related to the higher intrauterine testosterone levels common among men and lesbians.

Women don't seem to think you are worth turning thier brain on for

Honestly, I was thinking about this a lot, I'm not some virgin incel so don't even start, I've been in a few relationships and had "female friends" and hooked up with a lot of sluts, I even have a bitch simping over me right now, she said she'll kill herself if I stop talking to her, but OP is right, how are we supposed to relate to bitches, I mean if she's not a gamer or doesn't have anything in common with you, which most don't, they like gossiping about nonsense and watch boring ass shows and are just simpletons to say the least, most girls lack a personality, they just follow what other girls are into, how is man supposed to be with a woman if they're not relatable?
I couldn't care less about what a bitch is trying to do to be successful, or what she's studying, i couldn't care less about how her day at work was, I couldn't care less about her favorite places to shop for clothes
bitches are boring and annoying

uterus is kryptonite to intellectualism. the only women i know who is capable of holding long and meaningful conversations has MRKH syndrome, which means she doesn't have a uterus and a vagina due to a genetic defect.

>intellectually stimulating conversation
You are insufferable

Maybe you just have autism dude.

Im 35 years old. Im my early 20s i went on a bit of a thirst quest and fucked/courted probably 60 different girls in a year or so. Some weee girlfriends, some were just cumdumpsters of the week.

In all that time ive found exactly one that stimulates me on am intelligent level as well as a physical level, and its one inwas already friends with for a decade by the point we finally dated. We have been married for 6 years now.

My point in all of this is this : its not a lack of intellectual ability in most cases though some are dumb as bricks, its the fact that compatibility is exacting and two rocket surgeons who are bot compatible will still have nothing to talk about in an intimate setting. If you cant connect, find someone else.

Why we cannot speak about the superficiality of girls?

All of your answers are stupid. Let's go to the fucking question.

my gf is reading camus, maybe you should keep looking around


Holy shit, you're 28? I would have guessed you were a slow-to-develop teenager. Women aren't the problem, YOU are.

My conversations always end with sperms in pussies.

My only interaction with females is female dogs.

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you hardly can have intellectually stimulating conversations with young people, the gender doesn't matter