>wish for green nigger to come back
>couldve teleported Frieza millions/billions of lightyears away instead
Wish for green nigger to come back
>could've just brought back spencer-sama
SENILEyama for you Yea Forumsros.
>be me autoromantic, fap to myself in the mirror all the time, also slightly autistic
>make a desktop wallpaper image of me defeating goku and him on his knees begging for mercy
>Fap to it
>consider honor killing myself for the umpteenth time
how powerful that dragon is anyway, why cant you wish for Freezer to die from an aneurism?
You don't know the extent of Frieza's empire or technology, he might be able to find his way back rapidly and King Cold would go looking for him too.
I wanna kiss furieza.
cant kill anyone more powerful that the creator of the dragon
he can only travel at the speed of light without instant transmission
Personally I would have wished for Frieza to be teleported to some sort of sun or black hole.
>he can only travel at the speed of light without instant transmission
You mean frezer by his own power or with their technology?
They seem to have FTL ships, since earth technology was way behind. I remember Bulma telling the guys that their fastest ship would take thousands of years to reach Namek
We actually don't know that it's possible to do that. There are limits to the dragons' magic, even if they've never given a full explanation of those limits. We know that the dragons can't just outright kill anyone stronger than they are, and that might extend to not being able to transport them against their will. Since nobody's done something so obvious, I think it's fair to assume it's not possible
by his own power since he’d also be billions of lightyears away from his tech
they moved all the namekians, plus Gohan away sort of against their will, so it works to an extent
None of them are anywhere near as strong as Freeza
Author is Skillet91
got any more?
i can actually hear Goku saying “bitch faggot” now thanks to those audio leaks
The dragon refused a wish to teleport Goku to Earth, explaining that Goku did not want to return.
Granting the wish to teleport Freeza away form Namek would contradict the failed wish to teleport Goku to Earth.
Also, Imagine spelling Freeza with an i, you Funimation nigger.
Funi-Z is best. Japan-Z all character sound like soys
Now we get to the good shit.
Soemone post the emperor slut comic
frieza has a pussy, why am i not surprised
Imagine not picking Team4Star version
nah that shit stopped being funny after highschool
It didn't get old, you got old.
Cute little sissyza
oh man they’re gonna super sandwich him raw
the bottom right panel looks like the troon ACK! meme
Halfway there.
so much fucking cock and fluids LOL
is it ogre?
Its never ogre
btw there is a squeal to this one, you can find it yourself.