There actually was an armed standoff over it. Know your history.
Nolan Morris
There is evidence of mass rape and executions of children by the Russian army. It's officially just a string of war crimes built on a lie about nazis. Russians being Russians.
Dylan Adams
I'd watch this. Also didn't they change the character of M9on Knight to be Arab as opposed to Jewish? So it's not entirely improbable that they'd do it to zelensky.
this is like, so retarded i'm wondering if the "horrorcore" concept is that the vaccine makes you retarded enough to like this. juggalo shit was always like, pretend retarded but it looks like they're trying and barely achieving retarded. it's like "blood clots in your brain" level retarded, which is what the vaccine does to people. same with new movies. they're this retarded even though they seem to be trying.
Robert Nguyen
But, but there's 5 fingers, like was the guy blind and unable to see the thumb right in the middle?
Hunter Flores
the only funny thing about memes like this is knowing that the poster has no children and actually never will
David Bailey
There has been nonstop propaganda from both sides all of a sudden this is true? nah son relax
you almost got me fucker. I was this close to writing a reply how a thumb isnt a finger.
Benjamin Fisher
it will be interesting to see how the propaganda goes when one side has decisive victory. seeing behind the curtain should really jewpill everyone about the "holocaust" that 100% really did hapopen guise.