Why don't you own an AR-15, Yea Forums?

Why don't you own an AR-15, Yea Forums?

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3 simple words:

Why don't you buy more money?

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I can't i don't have a car either

that's two excuses... did you ever consider walking or buying a cheap bike from Walmart? stop the excuses man.

Don't need it

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There isn't a walmart in biking/walking distances, for you see i live on an island

apparently I can't buy one cause I smoke weed and you can't do that under federal law. americas law's are retarded. that's not the real reason though. it's cause i don't need one right now but will have one in the future for fun. i want to buy a scar or any fn firearm

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ok so there are 0 job opportunities near you? or you think making $0 is better than even $1 an hour?

I have an SKS from my dad circa 1980s up at grandmas

>not making a log canoe

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Well not exactly, but when you live on a tiny island you only have 3 places. Home, Work, Neighbor. Not much room for a gun store

OP WTF is that stock and handguard? Is that for Cali compliance or some shit? Fuck

The guy lives on a 30square foot island with one other person give him a break. He lives off of fallen coconuts and turtles that get lost


I only own 4 ARs and one registered m16. I want more.

Oh hey I drew this last time you posted it!

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I do, built it myself.

what's this.beauty?

I'm honored

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>Why don't you buy more money?
The Republican response to poverty kek

Im not american

i dont have a micropenis

stop being poor

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Can't they're my neighbor and live on the island with me

i prefer the DC-15A

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This is the answer. Top tier builds with cans and quality optics

I don't like ARs

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Because a handgun is better for virtually every self defense scenario a civilian might find themselves in.

No money sadge

russia isn't so loyal to guns, it's the only problem
btw there are less crimes in russia using guns, weird huh?

My Gun Safe/Closet don't have enough room for anymore

Never mind trying to find ammo...

I'd blow a homeless guy in the park for a box of decent 9mm ammo

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>btw there are less crimes in russia using guns, weird huh?
Not at all. There are less crimes with guns in Czechia than in the USA, despite that being one of the only countries on earth where normal people can carry guns, and where firearms ownership is a right. Almost like crime has nothing to do with guns at all.

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Of course fren

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I am a doomsday prepper.

I bought a youtube.com/watch?v=_7cx3da-9xk

So if SHTF I can mke my own parts

Woah! What a concept!
I like it.

where tf are all your optics and weaponlights? Stop buying more guns until you actually outfit a few rifles properly.

>tranny gun
lol kill yourself

I store my optics and accessories separately.

My guns don't need em if they in the closet/safe.

Now my bedside carry pistol has a red dot and a scope 0 out at 20yds for my EDC

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>I store my optics and accessories separately.
that's fucked up man

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Show your closet fagass fucktard

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>I store my optics and accessories separately.

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I’d rather not have one than have that thing

I own 3 you California compliant cuck

>I own 3
>California compliant cuck
That gun isn't california compliant and it's very obvious. Don't know why whenever a thumbhole stock gets posted someone says California; they're banned there.

I have more but I don't have a picture of everything

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Good mix of useful and meme guns

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There are 4 firearms I keep optics on:

Three SBRs (all with low-profile reflex sights that are unlikely to get knocked around in my safe)
My Bergara (because it's been bedded and properly sighted and it would be a pain in the ass to remove

My ACOGs all come off and rarely need more than 3-5 shots to dial back in when I put them back on at the range (and usually just 1-2)

The whole issue with removing sights is overblown for distances most people are plinking at.

but like


Thanks some people take being tactical way to serious and don't realise a gun can be fun just for fun

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I am in the process of converting one of mine to a fully functional M41A pulse rifle

Because I'm not retarded.

Switzerland almost everyone has a gun or access to one, almost no gun crime.

Like, because, that's why

Yes, because the Swiss are a civilized poeple.

>Why don't you buy more money?
The Governments response to anything. Money printer go Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

all that tacticool shit doesnt improve your aim, user

I'm sorry for you friend. 3D print one or do an 80% lower instead.

what tacticool shit? Having a fucking sight?

But I do.

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I'm a broke bitch but I definitely lean more towards fun than tactical. It's ok to enjoy silly guns if it makes you happy

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holy shit, someone has a brain.