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Nice nice

bird ass

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You got it!
That is some bird butt and so is this

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hell yeah

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How goes it birbman?

Im sorta in the same boat just... not depressed. At least i dont think so. It gives me time to reflect and maybe take a vacation. Got a free place to stay down in MS by the beach. Flights are around 400$ so not bad.

Away down south in the land of traitors

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The south will rise again

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rattlesnakes and alligators

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ye, though don't have many birbs
Said he was only depressed for a few days just not wanting to do anything, just wish he would tell me stuff instead of withholding it till it's mostly over

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Ever had hands on either? They arent so bad.

Best you can do is be there for him which im sure you did. Youre a good man and know him better than anyone here.

Thanks Bones I try my best without being overbearing on him, though I'm trying to stop assuming things even if they are with good intentions

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I know how that is all too well. Ive had people lose interest in me and leave because i was overbearing. I dont mean to but its just in my nature. It can be hard to dial that back.

Ya, and since I knew he was feeling down at the time I didn't know what exactly I should have done so every few days I'd just check in or send him something I laughed at

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You guys seem super nice though. Overbearing might be a bit but, it does show interest in the person.

Evening lewd bois!

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Thanks Czar, but not everyone likes that, can get annoying to some
Hey Vanon! How've you been?

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I think you did the right thing. Just try to make them feel better but dont push it. Good on you.

The problem with things like that is overbearing and showing the interest can seem too needy and a weakness even though youre trying to do the right thing. You have to find that balance and riding that fine line can bite you in the ass.

Heyo there Vanon!

Hey Waz, read above sorry to hear, that can be really difficult and would drive me crazy. I'm okay! All my side effects are basically gone went for a big walk in the rain today on my day off. How was your day?

I personally feel like, I'd want to talk to my BF interest daily. Maybe I'm just a clingy boi but I really like doing stuff with my boi. I agree that it shows interest for sure, I'd feel bad if I didn't hear from my boi for 3 days like something was wrong.

Haaai Bones! How are you doing tonight!

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Drinking, smoking, chatting, and watching movies. you?

Thanks, I try to do what I think is right or best but can't always do that
I try not to let it since it would just strain the relationship
was alright dealing with phone problems that might just be fixed from a new sim card but when I went to the store they didn't do jack shit and I thought I had a birthday gift I could get but looks like it might be back to nothing if the sim card fixes the problem

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homosexual snuggler

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all you can do is try, bud. As long as you mean well and do what you feel is right i dont see an issue. you cant fault a man for trying his best.

Thought on the A-10, go.


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its shit against anything that isnt an open troop movement or terrorists in a technical
assuming war comes with china however, theyre tanks are so shit and outdated that even the A-10 will find use there

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Nice! Just watching some vids while chatting with some bois on disc. Figured I'd pop in and say hi since I've been big distracted recently! What movie you watchin!

Yeah, don't wanna put more pressure on the boi I understand. What's the issue with the phone? As far as I know sim card just involves texting, and making actual calls. If the phone is refusing to turn on or malfunctioning it might be something worse than that sadly.

That is a very true statement, I am big gae and want to give a boi sooo much love!

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that's the problem, though my phone is apparently so good it can do texts still because it's picking up 3g somehow and the customer support I talked to didn't know how

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What a good lad

Most have been retrofitted to do more but i understand its a slow tank type plane. Its one of my faves and im glad they didnt get rid of it.

I had something pop in my head and it was Oceans 11. Watched that and now on to 12. They suck but i dont care.


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Maybe ill get lucky one of these days and find a nice one like you.

Hopefully, also hope they wouldn't mind dating an exclusive top in this case but think that might be rare

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Oh what that's bizarre! If it's just texts/calls you're probably good. Plan likely expired or card messed up. Thankfully sim cards are really cheap, much more preferable to replacing the entire damn phone.

Aha I see! Never seen them myself. Also aww if they suck why not put on something better? Or just chilling feelin lazy.

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Isn't there a top shortage though? It seems like there's majority bottom bois, most of the bois I've dated have been bottoms asking me to top them instead of switch.

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Damn. Am I fucked then? Ima top too

yep, but guy I talked to said it would be free and since I went to the store today and did fuck all I'm not paying for that shit. It makes sense since the card is from my old phone so about 8 years old at this point
Here maybe but I was more talking about I don't think I could be in a relationship with someone who is exclusively top and maybe bottom but would be more comfortable with only bottom
guess I'm just dumb and worded it wrong, read above

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Most switches dont mind and bottoms definitely dont but ive also met alot of claimed bottoms that are actually switches. If it happens it will happen. Its best no to try and force these things.

Just something to lazily watch and i havent seen in a while. Its like the day i spent hours upon hours watching all the Fast and furious movies back to back.

ok maybe I didn't word it wrong or someone can extrapolate what nonsense I sometimes write at this point. But ya I don't really force stuff just more so don't know if I could do a relationship with a exclusive top

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Awww come on a sim card is like 20 bucks hehe. Don't have them swap it for you though that is an actual waste of money it's the easiest thing in the world. Also yeah fair enough, I register you more as a top leaning switch. I could probably be with a 100% bottom or 100% top, even though I'm bottom leaning. Idk I just like weenie, but also can appreciate butt. Recently for me it's been ALL bottoms, I guess being a big boi attracts a certain type of subby boi!

Oh yeah fair that's comfy to just laze around watching. I could waste days away doing that while snugging a boi!

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Idk i think you worded it fine. Most people ive met dont want an exclusive top so thats fair. I just know what i would be and what i would want. It does slim my chances down for sure.

Mhmm that would be a comfy thing to do. I miss that type of stuff.

Maybe if they tried helping today other than turning the phone off and on and even taking out the sim card because the warranty was out nah fuck them I aint paying since the guy I talked to say I wouldn't need to and I still want my same number still not about the money don't care about that. I think others have the opposite registry with me, think I've gotten called a bottom more than top here but ya a big boi in more ways than one does attract certain bois
Ye, any reason to why it seems you are looking for dudes now more than women? also just be upfront about the whole exclusive top thing and it's on them if they want to continue fuck them if they try shit

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i'm straight but i wanna hump a twink again sososo bad

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I crave it, never had it but I really wanna hold a boi close. Make them feel comfy and safe in my embrace as we watch stuff together.

Yeah losing your number is the absolute worst part, then you have to contact everyone telling them it's your new number and all that crap. Even worse if you have text authentications and have to swap all yours over total pain in the ass. I get the top part form you because you talk about knowing how to make other people feel small etc.
>ya a big boi in more ways than one does attract certain bois
AW COME ON! Nobody has actually seen it besides bf interests.... but yes.... I KNOW :3

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Hello, how's you?
Why I'm not getting a sim card myself.
HEY! just cause I know how, ok maybe it does but not everyone notices small details like that. Still attracts a certain type of boi with that

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Curiosity nore than anything to see if if like it or not. I dont really look but i keep my options open. If things were to go well with my last gf it wouldnt matter but i screwed up having the big tiddy goth gf of my dreams. So, the books are open and can be penciled in.

Ive held a boi but there was no attachment to it so meh.

todays adventure ended in failure

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Ah, can I ask about what happened with screwing it up?
How'd that happen?

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tried to do art
spot was taken
(by a degenerate african american)
couldn't do art
next few days are heat wave
heat kills crayons
cant do art...
(its more complicated and worse than that)

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hey everyone

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Sorry to hear, hope you can get out in good conditions for it soon
Don! umm what's the goblin's personality? Also how's you?

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Ahahaha, notices small details you say. You physically saw it on that one fateful night that you weren't supposed to see :D. I mean It's also true I really wanna hold someone and snug the heck out of them. Considering I'm a huge boi I'd always be big spoon, lines up pretty well that I attract bottoms. Which isn't a totally bad thing, I have a thing for smol bois anyway. Just means I might have to learn the ways of being an aggressive topVanon instead of bottom leaning! It's also true that a lot of tops aren't really into a 6'3 boi like me. Might be easier this way :3

Yeah, I can't do anything casual. It has to be a boyfriend interest or long term boi. I want one boi and one boi only, to be very comfy and happy with. Has to be a deep emotional connection for me too.

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Fug Nine-toes
there's so much random crap that you can randomly come together with that can make a goblin name

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We dated before, she moved, turns out my buddy told her to leave me and i wasnt a good thing, came back, dated again. I was on a path of self destruction and i dont blame her for not getting back into it. I was so close to having what i wanted and blew it.

Hi Don. Im bad with making character names. But if it was a goblin i immediately thought of calling it Deez. Play the long game for a joke.

Im a one type of person guy but i dont mind the casual stuff.

Was that a small detail you posted?
I'm sure you could be small spoon even with a smaller boi being the big spoon, probably doesn't work out the best but I'm sure you could make it work but ya most tops aren't interested in bigger guys than them but they are some who don't mind
Ah, sorry to hear but glad you're better? I don't know exactly how your life went but I hope it's better now

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hey Waz! im good, how about you?

goblin rogue cuz im an edge lord, but to be fair, i havnt really played in ages, just DMed, so i havnt gotten to be an edgy rogue yet lol

i like that one, and yeah, got a random namer going, just looking for more input.

cool pic btw, u-boat fox?

thats a good one too!

little spoon as the bigger person is a bit odd, but still very nice (for me at least)

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Im no better or worse from then at this point right now. Or so i think. Probably better tbh but idk.

Its low brow and low hanging fruit but you know if you have creativity you can make it work. I wanna get into DnD again but cant find a decent group. I wasd even talking about earlier today buying a dice set and found a cool set with skulls n stuff.

i want to fuck a witchboi

Shower time before chilling with a boi!

Nah as a matter of a fact it was a big detail after I was getting aggressively lewded hahaha. Yeah, it's one of those things where I don't mind too much. Like if my boi likes it then I do too. If that involves topping them then that's okay. Yeah, the only one I really know of is WEM. It kind of has to be a boi that gets off on overpowering a boi much larger than him. Else most tops are into the smol bois, which I totally get. I am too afterall. Heading off, later Waz! I gotta shower then do some chillin.

Hai Donbutt, also bai Donbutt D: hope you have a good night!

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Alright, phone problems, might be solved tomorrow. First thing mind goes to is with that is strink not really the first but was not just a verb first. yes! spooning is good no matter what
If you aren't getting worse you're getting better!
Have fun Vanon!

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I will leave that judgment up to the others not me. I really cant say.

That's what I was told, long as you're stopping the bleeding and not letting things get worse it's getting better

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