Found out today I might be trans.
Reading a website about dysphoria
Turns out a lot of my thoughts that I assumed are normal are dysphoric.
Hello to my new found repression
F in chat please
Found out today I might be trans
No. your just fucking retarded. pick up a bible
>thoughts that i assumed are normal
fuck whoever you want, cut off your dick, kill a man, hang yourself before the cop can catch up. life is as free as you make it to be
>your just fucking retarded.
>pick up a bible
no its not true they're just grooming you into thinking your trans tranny is basically like a mental virus that spreads around like aids
Have you considered that you might have a different kind of mental illness and might be self-diagnosing incorrectly?
That's how they get you. Those thoughts are normal, everyone has them "dysphoria" is nonsense.
What's not normal is messing with your hormones and mutilating your genitals.
im retarded too, it's ok, its known fact for retards to call out other retards on the retardic behaviour
It is not normal to wish you had a female body if you are male.
That went meta. Could I be...a retard too?
always listen to the internet. i wonder why there was no trannies back in the 90's.
You have autogynephilia
Friend, if you are here, believe me, you hgave been retarded for a long time
The were literally trans people under the Vikings
explains why there’s so much Christians shilling on here
internet's closed due to AIDS
shut the fuck up NIGGER
its comforting to know im not alone.
yet i was the last to realize it. you are true fren user.
Im not sure if it’s good or bad to find the source of dysphoria/depression
you find a way that could change it but it’s actually not really possible and people will hate you for it
those were cross dressers.
He its the reddit logo
Chris chan confirmed
You got groomed by the jews. Nice job.
assuming this is real and not a larp. you've clearly got some self hatred going on, which is apparent because you're posting about this here, a place that hates trans people more than anything else, maybe even jews.
i unironically recommend getting off this shit hole and taking time to work through this at your own pace. seems like you're confused about it a lot which is fair enough but an audience of seething retards constantly screaming at you will not help in any way. good luck
i know not everyone has money for therapy but that might help as well. if you're ready which if you're not that's fine too. just do some self reflection for now
The actuap psychology behind what you have been reading is unsound. Thats not science, its post modernist marxist propaganda.
Do whatever you want. If you're not harming anyone then everyone else can go fuck themselves.
Now drop those free (you)'s, ya fags.
You got groomed by the ideology cult. Congratz.
I've yet to meet a "trans" person that didn't fall under one of the following:
1.) Fetishize the opposite sex to the point of wanting to be one. (especially lesbian or gay relationships.)
2.) Be autistic
3.) Have different interests / hobbies than social norms thus feeling out of place in their present sex and get groomed into feeling like that means they have to transition.
4.) reject being homosexual so see transitioning as a way to still be "straight".
5.) Wants to avoid societal views of their sex (men are violent and aggressive, women are sweet and innocent). Reiniforcing said stereotypes.
Once you take your pee-pee out it will never come back, OP.
Make some female character in an MMO and pretend to be a woman, it should make you feel better.
Playing FE:3H as the female character gave me the biggest dysphoria possible and gave me a mental breakdown
Why did you choose to join the 43%'ers?
Save us a all lot of
and KYS faggot OP.
YESSSSSS JOIN US!!!!!! repression never works your stuck with this for the rest of your life so may as well join us. the only F in the chat stands for FEMAAALE!!!!
Its very normal. But Youre supposed to accept it as a fantasy and then accept reality and realize the grass is always greener on the other side. Being a woman would fucking suck in actuality. Retards will say that women live life on easy mode but it isnt that simple.
Anyways the only thing that isnt normal is cutting your dick off. That is full retard mode and you never go full retard
we got another Yea Forums poster, girls! thats what you get for fucking with our flag.
There is no such thing as dysphoria, everyone wants to be something they are not, user.
I for example would like to be a fucking bear, but that's not why I'm going to have 200 plastic surgeries to look like a bear and go live in a cave.
uhhhh its not normal. also trans people dont think being a woman is easier transition is way harder then just being a man.
If you get off Yea Forums, make friends with women and queer people, and take an honest look at these feelings it'll do you a world of good babe.
"i haven't experienced it so it must not be real"
i bet you don't believe in the female orgasm either
You're right.
sounds like you’re a tranny whose coping by saying everyone has tranny thoughts. freudian slip much?
>No. your just fucking retarded.
>Suggests something retarded.
you fucking retard. YOU DONT JUST FIND OUT YOURE TRANS BECAUSE YOU READ A WEBSITE. that’s called being brainwashed. you’re being told that having certain thoughts makes you a troon, AND THEN CHOOSING TO EMBRACE IT. god i hope you cut your fucking cock and balls off then kill yourself when you realize that you’ve been tricked into being a faggot by the degenerate tranny niggers.
Normal is an illusion. Normies aren't self aware of that, so that's their shallow hollow experience of reality.
bro if you're just recognizing it then you're not far gone... you are probably a boy... you're not a woman, man.. like use your brain.. you still have hope.
it’s 2022 and you still believe in the fucking bible? kill yourself tranny
They've been around for much longer. You're just late to the party.
Trans =/= agp
>Muh conspiracy narrative.
Trannos would still exist even if jews had nothing to do with it.
This. Way to let the trannies recruit another member to the suicide squad OP! Glad you posted about it on Yea Forums so we could all make fun of how weakminded and gullible you are!
Alright sure it isnt normal, if youre basing that off of how the majority of guys feel. Its normal in the sense that it isnt rare though. And yeah some people do believe that. Try not to make retarded generalizations like that
im assuming you’re a dude user. you’re not not a man, it’s just that what society says a man is doesn’t align with your own thoughts and experiences. theres no such thing as feeling or thinking like a man or a woman. there are expectations and lessons society teaches us about what a man vs woman should think and feel but really it’s arbitrary. to you it might feel like you’re the only one that feels this way but I promise you we all secretly wish that we could get to be taken care of, vulnerable, delicate, cry, feel sexy, and all of those things but since society says thats womanly you end up thinking that wanting those things means you’re really a woman. no, you’re just human.
Kill yourself.
Well arent you just a salty little bitch xD
Just don't rush into anything or act like an entitled ass. Also, some people are gonna hate you for wanting to be called a different pronoun and some will use you for woke brownie points. Be sure to find real friends.
No, trans people are waste of resources and needs to Darwin themselves out of existence.
So what are these supposed "thoughts" OP? Are they things like:
> I wonder what I should eat today?
> I feel sad because I am being excluded from society
> Why don't I have a gf/bf?
> and so on
If you are reading a bunch of generic shit that reads like a horoscope, you are being conned. These people online are NOT doctors and psychiatrists. They are masquerading if they claim to be in order to sell you snake oil.
There is no such thing as fully transitioning to the opposite sex. No matter how you try, you will never be a complete man or woman. You won't have a functioning vagina, nor a functioning penis. You will have a fake meat tube or a infected puss hole. No reproductive organs. AND no one will want your ugly, useless ass.
The grass is NOT greener on the other side. Each sex has their shit to deal with, you are only seeing the positives from your perspective. Women think men run shit, when in reality no one cares about them and they are slaves to society. Men think women have all the power with looks, but find out they can't have that without being able to make kids.
Yeah youre a salty little bitch boy looool "waaahhh i dont like these people wahh wahhh" here let me get you your pacifier and diaper
Female orgasm is a myth, propagated by the porn industry to make men think women can enjoy sex with them. This helps women con men out of their resources.
The oldest Jewish trick
You just need more attention. Trans exists cause they fail to stand out in something and need validation from equally degenerate minds. Just develop a skill, be strong minded and you'll succeed and get gratification.
F for all the homies that caught the gay. I forgive you, because God won't.