Is Eustace working at Taco Bell today? He needs to unclog the toilet I just destroyed.
Is Eustace working at Taco Bell today? He needs to unclog the toilet I just destroyed
disappointed that there is still not "hole foods" posting
what kind of schizo shit am I looking at
How can you even operate an iphone?
a 2 y/o can operate an iPhone which is what this faggot basically is mentally
You all need some maturity
shut the fuck up you mentally ill toddler. this shit has gone way past unfunny, way past sad and now everyone just wishes you would fucking kill yourself
It was literally never meant to be funny. I've stated this numerous times. I really want to eat a log of his shit and there are many potential dangers involved such as log asphyxiation or throtular bursting. If you can't take the slidd, that's fine but don't call it unfunny like it's supposed to be anything else.
Take your pills
He needs them broken up for him. His little throte can't take even the smallest pills. No wonder he's so jealous of us logchads. Poor E...
You still aren't funny and you're incredibly sad and should just kill yourself
Holy shit, E. Learn to read. I'm not funny because I'm not joking.
I know you're trying to be funny by saying you're not trying to be funny, and it's still not funny. you're a full on retard
Whatever, E. Take your fucking meds already. No one's fucking laughing.
No one's laughing because you aren't funny or clever and you never have been. You aren't trolling anyone either. You're an autistic faggot that spends his whole day doing this shit every day. Kill yourself
>I'm not trying to be funny. His logs aren't a joke. They're completely serious. Grow up.
>OMG THIS ISNT FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!! BE MORE FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean, I'm kind of trolling you right now, albeit unintentionally, by engaging you in a conversation about your mistaken beliefs and correcting you on them. If you really hate his logs and me so much, you can leave the thread any time.
>omg this thing I made up in a fit of autism is ttly srs y don't u baleeb me hurr durr le master trole
fucking kill yourself
You're really trolling yourself, I think. I'm just trying to worship his logs. No one's forcing you to stay. If you're choosing to stay in the thread created by a guy you want dead and getting upset because he's not killing himself, I just don't see how that's on anyone else but you, E.
kill yourself you autistic fucking fag
I just might but I think you're gonna have a stroke from hanging around in all these threads you don't like before I get to it.
hurry up and do it. the world will be a significantly better place without you. done giving you attention now you gigantic fucking loser
Yeah, I'm sure the world will instantly morph into a utopia once a little shit stops getting posted. Grow up. See you in under a minute probably. I know you can't help yourself.
See, E? You couldn't go 2 fucking minutes without posting again. HIs logs live rent free in your head.
Not today, Satan.
Hank Thompson from Illinois.
What's wrong with the filters? Not working for you? Get them working. It's not every user's responsibility to censor themselves and only post threads you like. If you want to stay here, you have to get used to seeing things you don't want to. If you can't do that, I'm sure reddit would love you.
Delete this.
You already said that, E. You've made it perfectly clear that you want me to kill myself. Get some new material.
Tym (Take your meds)!
Alternatively, taste the miasma.
You're still going Eustace? Go to sleep already. Good lord.
Does he ever sleep? I've seen him here at all hours of the day but I guess we could be in the same timezone and sleep at the same time. Has anyone ever seen an 8 hour gap in his shitposting?
It's EUSTACE. He's probably addicted to some crazy mix of drugs that just barely satisfy his secret log lust and give him insomnia.
If only he took his drugs, lol. He's off his fucking rocker again because he DIDNT take his drugs. I've never seen him this full blown unhinged, it's quite a sight
SIXXES logged. Yeah, he is definitely something else.
Kill yourself
Imagine wanting a man to die over a shit kink he doesn't even force upon you. I don't come into your BBC trap threads and tell you to kill yourself, E. Why can't you do the same for me?
Everyone is E
Everyone is E
Everyone is E
Everyone is E
Everyone is E
Everyone is E
BVB Army is worldwide with millions of followers. Cope E.
Everyone is A
Everyone is A
Everyone is A
Everyone is A
Everyone is A
Everyone is A
>i-if i project i win
Grow up.
You're right, E. I'm sorry. I'll do it right now. I thought i could fill the void with immature and schizophrenic shitposting but I was wrong. I have to kill myself.
Project what faggot? I'm encouraging you to take your own life logfag. You poor creature, why don't you end your suffering already?
Why would I kill myself? Your butthurt is too much fun. Not suffering one bit.
Was it hard for your lard ass to run up the stairs out of your mom's basement, and reset your router? I pity you logfsg, truly I do.
My router's in my basement but that's not the point. Why is it so hard for you to believe even 2 guys could be posting here? The poster count says 12. That's 11 whole guys posting logs, E.
Why is it so hard for you to believe that this 'E' you speak of is not strictly limited to one person? EVERYONE KNOWS that (You) keep switching VPN clients to obtain new IP addresses.
I finger my ass thinking about his warm creamy loaf descending down my larynx..
>th-there are dozens of me and only ONE 12 logposters ;_;
Meds. Now.
>th-there are dozens of me and only ONE 12 Eustace's ;_;
Suicide. Now.
Age a smidge.
Eustace... it's unironically over.
>the image that made shills neck rope
You're fucking losing it, dude.
Don't even waste your time with screencaps. It's obviously all AM, world's greatest photoshopper.