Imagine being so obsessed that a flag existing on reddit, triggers you

Imagine being so obsessed that a flag existing on reddit, triggers you

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They are just still salty about losing r/The_Donald. They desperately want back into reddit, hence their participation in r/place


Just three simple lines, with three simple colors and you don't even have to try and get attention. The attention comes to you

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no one cares about reddit i promise you
gayest place on the internet

Imagine being a flaggot.

Why do troon redditfugees think we're republicucks? Most of us are antisemites

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>no one cares about reddit
Then why are you faggots so eager to draw sneed and yotsuba on reddit? You want to be apart of reddit

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That is a terrible misuse of a comma and you're a retarded nigger

You can play pretend all you want

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Imagine being an incel who is saving himself for a trad wife

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Uhh, hmmm let's see. Is it the constant screeching over every little thing? Is it the fact full grown men are now destroying women in sports? Is it that you demand we all participate in your delusion by calling you women or by dating and having sex with you? Is it the constant demand we pay for you to get your dick cut off? So many options but for me personally it's the whole grooming children thing. If every tranny died right now the world would be a better place and everyone knows it

user, what you're doing right now is deranged screeching. Is everything ok in your home life?

It must be hard being a republican in middle school. Not only do you have to deal with tranny kids at school but you have to deal with them on reddit as well? What a tragedy

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Literally none of this real and you know it.


Cringe falseflag

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Why would incels be itt? They hate women. You're a failed man in a dress

If I wanted to create a false flag and rile the incels, I would of photoshopped a fake image from reddit depicting a conversation between trannys organizing to raid Yea Forums

to be fair like 30% of us here are. Sexist/nazis/Anything-phobic

ironic of you to call us faggots, My brother in christ. UR THE FUCKING FAGGOT


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>They hate women
That's why they want a trad wife, a trad wife would be a pushover and a virgin, that way there is no sexual anxiety for the incel. This is obviously a fantasy of theirs. Don't play stupid like you never heard of this shit mentioned on /pol/

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It doesnt. Go back and be obsessed about your worthless pixel flag.


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Imagine being this obsessed and lame.

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Imagine the smell bros.

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>it's a "right winger pretends the image literally traced from a right winger is actually left wingers" episode
who are you fooling with this, retard

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>Because images cannot be photoshopped
>This is irrefutable proof that we are being raided by trannys
>Its a psy op, they are trying to demoralize us
>We must post small nigger dicks and tranny hate threats to fight back against this raid
Do incels really fall for this shit?

Didn't read, looks gay.

Reminder: YWNBAW


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>Didn't read
Yes you did

>cope and seethe more faggot.

I think the discord nigger dick spam group is looking for you, better go check in with mods.

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>He actually believes we are being raided by a cabal of trannys organizing on discord
meds user

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Honestly didn't, made it 4 words in and your word choices labeled it in my mind as the work of a faggot.


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You read it and now you are mad

>He actually spends 9 hours a day spamming nigger dick threads to 4chins so his mods give him good boy points.

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says the same people that were crying because of country flags

Still haven't, and won't.

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Thats it, way to go fellow chud. That'll show those jewish trannys whose boss
You could learn a thing or two from him

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You already have

You're quite the expert.


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Remember, the higher rates of incest in the world are among muslims.

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Back to discord faggot.

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Imagine the smell bros.

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>jewish trannys

Like this abomination

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Post hot trannies

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Fuck trans filth

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>Now I'm the king of the Trannies
>Oh, the HRT, VIP
>Tried to cut my dick top and had to stop
>And that's what botherin' me
>I wanna be a woman, a real one
>And stroll right into town
>And be just like the other women
>I'm tired of dilatin’ lying down!
>Oh, oobee doo
>I wanna be like you
>I wanna walk like you
>Talk like you, too
>You'll see it's true
>A Tranny like me
>Can learn to be a real Women too!

>Now don't try to kid me, Chud Bud
>I have no time to argue with you
>I’m tryin to design -ah, a real vaginia
>To make my dream come true
>Give me the secret, Chud Bud
>Clue me what to do
>Give me the power of woman's beef flower
>So I can groom kids on zoom!
>I wanna be like you
>I wanna talk like you
>Walk like you, too
>You'll see it's true

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Imagine taking estrogen cause you're too much of a beta with daddy issues. Imagine thinking you're not an abomination. Imagine being such a faggot that in order to get attention you mutilate your own body.

niggers and faggot uniting to kill jews.

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Imagine being so obsessed with gender you mutilate you cock into a festering axe wound so that people will just acknowledge you, but still think you are a man despite us just humoring you by calling you a woman.

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Imagine being this easy of a target...

Trans ngmi bros.

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Rent free.
Phoboids are basically angry man children. It'll pass.

>reality never bothered me anyway

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42% bros...

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You will never be a chad, amerimutt. cope.

>Imagine being this easy of a target
Ironic when considering the response this thread has received

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>Parroted meme bros. I'm so original haha.

Kek, ain't it the truth tho.

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lmao. Le straw man.

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The fact that this meme exists with like 8 different boards shows 2 things user:

>Nobody likes you or your constant need for attention/validation.
>that you most likely are the problem here...

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>Le heckkin roperino.

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>20 postsers
>77 repiles
>50 images
I think somebody is triggered by trannies

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The only trigger is the one you should pull with a gun in your mouth.
Btw your dad hates you.

Your welcome to go back to your nigger dick spamming discord anytime little bud.

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No kidding. There's no end to useless snowflakes on Yea Forums these days.