What do you think of this girl? how do you like her work on youtube? by the way, it's her birthday soon

what do you think of this girl? how do you like her work on youtube? by the way, it's her birthday soon.

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She's fucking cute (even in a non-sexual way)

She’d a middle aged woman with kids now and now that there’s TikTok, there’s tens of millions just like her but not middle aged with kids.

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She blocked me when I asked her to be my wife.

when it was?


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what did you say? and how did you message her?

literally her a few months ago

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>She’d a middle aged woman with kids now

saaaay wwaaaaat? I'd like a little more info that otherwise you're just talking out your ass.

she is better

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heue hue id like to splurt my duck juice on her mouth fr

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ewww gross wtf is wrong with you exactly?

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It would be so cool to hang out and make music and do videos.

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cope with what? The ugly bitch you posted with a wonkey mouth and shit skin? Get outta here!

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keep coping

cope with what?!!? the bitch is ugly. what is wrong with your braiiiiin you lobotomite

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sad nobody is posting

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shes so pretty

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Who os this tranny?

image if we were hanging out in the pub listening to music and having a great time. that would be so cool.

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yeah that would be pretty damn cool

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That would involve leaving the house, you knobheads.

do you think shes a whiskey girl or a pient kinda girl

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oh fuck i forgot about that. but the pub is kind of inside. it is a public house. so technically....

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haha so how do you know we don't leave the house?

Well I'm doing that

hahaha yeah haha

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OP is rose. Hello rose

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do you think she even likes alcoholic drinks?

When's her birthday and how old will she be?

I don't think she does I think she doesn't drink. But I'm such an alcoholic I can't imagine any other setting. She probably gets high off from playing instruments and listening to music and reading.

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april 5th if I'm not mistaken. 36

how often do you drink alcohol?

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I don't I've been sober for about 3 years now. it doesn't agree with me, unfortunately. The problem is I love drinking.

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oh cool its actually just turn 5th 1 minuet ago in britbong land.

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it is sad . do you plan to do something about it?

what do you mean

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I was going to cum to spell her name in my cum but I cant be bothered now.

i mean, you certainly know what the consequences could be. would you like to give up alcohol completely? or you can not overcome alcohol addiction in any way?

Hope she wont mind if i have a piece of cake

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I don't think you understand how this works. Consequences can always vary from having a great time to ending up dead honestly. Like I said I've given up drinking, I'm 3 years sober. You don't ''give up'' and you don't ''overcome'' addiction. you just make a choice to just not do it today and put it off. Maybe tomorrow I'll have a drink. but not today.

Anyone bake a cake for randytaylor69 birthday?

ok understandable. apparently i just misunderstood you.

eh yeah

rose is my addiction and I want to drink her sweet sweet joy into my life.