wiz*town edition
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cutest girl in the galaxy~
more nako
here she is
top qt!
nako literally looks like a child.
and that is a good thing!
>dead thread
thanks nako loser
hiichan wins again
Nako deserves more
thanks for the snackos
good thread
she deserves the moon and i'm gonna give it to her
how can you not love this adorable jqt
Licking Shuhua’s chubby toes
freaking cute
our little nakochan
I'm dying at those replies on the xhamster/blackpink tweet lmfao
since i missed knowing bros live how long until subs?
Thank you, fellow Nakochads. I'm happy to learn I wasn't alone in this.
we love and adore nakochan here
dead thread for low iq spamniggers
qt pumpkin head
lol good one
>still needs subs
how long until raw oh nvm a-o already has it
>55 / 44 / 15 / 1
I'm sure there's an explanation for this
im going to ch*n2
i don't need subs for japanese
bts voices are unbearable
nako is the best
hhhhhhhmmmm ionow ionow ionow whyyyyyyy
finally a pretty jap
gm to olaf only
step it up bro I don't need subs for either.
no actually japanese I can understand maybe up to 50% if it's simple stuff
love suga’s raps
Twice have like 2 on them.
I don’t wanna be just friends
It’s no coincidence, it’s a kittyincidence
i listened to boy with luv for the first time and this could have been a good song if they would have just shut up
even jungkook sounds terrible
literally a goddess
where the HECK is my elris comeback?
10 more days bro
>why would people search our girls on pxxn site?? baka
go search and you finna fin out
K-POP fans are cringe. Not people who casually listen but “hardcore fans” that follow K-POP news, call themselves “stans” and argue on the internet who is the best group and “she is my bias”.
Your hardcore K-POP fan is like a Japanese dweeb: poor hygiene, physically unattractive, mild mental problems.
Since they lead boring and insignificant lives, they use Kpop as an outlet to feel important: “fan wars”, youtube comment posting, excessive obsession with their idols.
a literal man
>hardcore K-POP fan
we call them roasties
cute thai boi
the blonde hair only highlights her uggoness. she should always be brown
a literal (white man's) toy
rat confirmed for homo
>Your hardcore K-POP fan is like a Japanese dweeb
well no shit. how do you think we know korean AND japanese
and she kinda is one, she's still 17
what's wrong with jihyo's eyes?
Roasties imply that they're hot, like a thot. Hardcore K-POP fan is like a fat hairy female nerd.
Are you okay, roastie?
nakobro you're a very selfish young man
weebs actually learn japanese
no shitter here knows korean or even hangul
>Roasties imply that they're hot
I don't know how koreans can be homophobics and at the same time a bunch of fucking faggots
hangul is easy. you're just a pablo
>rat is a pcyguy
Literally based, nobody can resist that buff big dicked turbo chad
>xiu is a fag
this is news to who?
forgot your tranny, fag
>learning gook runes
Literal cringe. The only languages worth knowing are English and Chinese for their inevitable takeover
why do so many pics of j-idols look straight out of 2010?
Great picture, thanks for the laugh. So that's what a real life roastie looks like. Kinda looks like dog shit on a hot summer day.
>Chinese for their inevitable takeover
people have been saying this for almost two decades now
how much longer do i have to wait
bacon pls
not sure how new you are, but being able to understand what your waifu is saying is an amazing feeling. it's a new level of connection that you can form. it takes at least two of effort/time/talent to pull off tho
How will roastie every complete with an korean qt waifu? They can't. Interesting how the shift of perception: Asians are seem as "nerdy" and "uncool" but thanks to K-POP you have a generation of roastie that worship worse korea.
Daisy speaks english.
>chinese takeover
Only people that have never put a foot in china can believe such bullshit. Chineses are pussies.
>Asians are seem as "nerdy" and "uncool"
by the barbaric uneducated fat masses they are seen that way
it’s the autotune
I study medicine so that takes up all my time so I can't watch my Chinese cartoons without subs
momo mina
aight you get a pass then bro
my wife on the right
why do they dress so casual for their fanmeets
Have you been in China? They seem pretty ruthless when it comes to execution and driving people with trucks.
Not gay but I would let Chanyeol pound my boipucci until his hearts content.
he was drunk and it was just a friendly one
boy with love sounds good without Halsey
forgot one
nice fake fan account
to infinity
cute alien
kai and xiumin are close after all, kai cried for his hyung
oh shit they're doing love bug again
holy fuck do gyuri and seoyeon look beat here
based onces
kai made him break down for real, this is so tragic
really puts things into perspective
It’s more personal imo. I’d rather meet them like that rather than all dressed up.
I don't know why kpg continues to tolerate these mentally ill schizophrenics that post IZ*ONE and start shit with everyone, Loona didn't even do anything to deserve the shitflinging last thread.
it's the opposite actually
Daily Dubu!
My parents (not biological) are from Taiwan. Chinese men are only good on taking orders. If you shout at the face of a chinese man the same size as you he will flinch and apologize immediately. They are pussies.
apologize to our girl
orange is my favorite color
these are goddesses
its a good day
it's comfy
This is what American onces look like. Not that different desu.
is this news? all of exo are really close with each other even if it doesn’t seem that way, they’ve been together for years
This is what I imagine the average hardcore fan to look like LOL
nakyirenchads ww@
you are gay but it's okay to be gay for an alpha male like chanyeol
shes a goddess too
Bad time to post?
That's because Chinese culture is about hierarchy and confucious ... so yes I do agree with you that they will flinch and apologize to save "face" (pride) but they will back stab you, talk shit, or scheme behind your back and take over. Or steal your intellectual property LOL
kai is dressed like steve from blue clues lol
>taiwanese parents
Did you see tzuyu over there?
>even if it doesn't feel that way
hm.. no? they all seem close except for kai who only seems close to chanyeol and kyungsoo
fuck off to trash poona tranny
fuck off azerbaijan fag
nobody is talking about chinese men
we are here to discuss asian godesses namely YIREN and OOGIE
no it's fine now
Thanks for posting, great laughs. I kek at the cargo pants, fat, glasses nerd.
he's thinking about how inferior he is to bangchan
>they will back stab you, talk shit, or scheme behind your back and take over
I agree 100%.
Why are Twice so much better than every other gg in existence
i like the fanmeets where they are wearing their stage outfits
That would mean they sounded even worse before.
kai gets along with the other members too, you just don’t see it often
for blasting - yes
anything else there's better options
he doesn't even know who that is
because that's what you believe
>that roast doing the eagle dance in front of dubu
cringe but i hope they do hi touch events for the american concerts
they have the cutest girls and the best beats
we love LOONA
we love gaypop
we hate twice
we hate izone
we hate gfriend
we hate mamamoo
we hate omg
we hate dreamcatcher
we hate wjsn
we hate gwsn
we hate bp
we hate rv
They will never be as big as SNSD
prove you know korean right now
so lovely
post some twice gay webms anons
Das it mane
나나 직캠
annyanghaseyo anonmida pangawo
but I'm a loonarmyonce
Do you guys have any vids of cringe koreanboos? Pictures is fine too
because it is how the universe works
twice already outsold SNSD
bang chan is an uggo nugu
I haven't been in KPOP general for so long ... last time I posted here, Girl's Day was still popular LOL
They already outsell SNSD in korea. It's just a matter of time until the asia takeover
no laugh challenge
who knows but its true
post milky dubu thighs in black thigh highs
you came back at a bad time
here's some prime tinny cringe
>mina jealous that nobody groped her
>no gordo
>no tinny
>no doug
>no dawn
this needs to be updated
I lost just from the thumbnail
is that actually him? that's the guy who fucks nigger trannies and plays fartnite all day?
>our girl
Go back to twitter
I volunteer as tribute
saved this to my tzuyu folder
>tfw more attractive than almost everyone on this photo
Feels good to be a twicechad
Shit vocals that can't even match taeyeon and Jessica
as I thought. It's okay tho, it's an ugly fucking language and pretty useless to learn since only discount nips use it
Picture saved! Thanks for the laugh. Looks like a bunch of social rejects
dawn is there. post their pics and i'll update it
Why is that fren?
thats the one
Sasuga, onces
any kpop like this m.youtube.com
how did p.s.s.p land a woman like THAT?
is happy sana back?
word and basedpilled
>is happy sana back?
yeah, the fan-signing fixed her mental state
plump tomato
>bathing nako in the sink
any vids from it yet?
when did sam become such a chad? a new qtie every video
She has never been sad. If she appears to be happy or unaffected people will shit on her even more. It's better for her to make a sad face for a couple more days.
go back to spamming nako
good, happy sana makes me happy
Holy shit she's tiny
that girl is a fuggo
who's this hideous girl? i hope she isn't an idol
apologize to haseul
she's a loona member
why are female onces so fucking basic and obnoxious?
I mean, compare this bitch to based sam youtube.com
she's not busted enough
save us streamable bros
That new OMG member is pretty ugly
>chocolate icecream
>icecream in her hands clearly not chocolate
why do music clips always do this?
reaction videos are cancer no matter the group or gender
>why are western females so fucking basic and obnoxious?
Fixed for you
imagine how the inside of the van smells
nan naye bioleta
7 hours of momo