Why don't trannies just get therapy?
Why don't trannies just get therapy?
The Therapists are PC nazis who believe the Tranneis and fuck them up worse as a result...
bump for tranny genocide
Christopher Walken
They do.
HRT = Hormone Replacement THERAPY
Because it gets blocked by the radical feminazis who think that trans are men and think that all men are bastards
>rent free
They're paying their rent by being fucking everywhere and in your face.
I've known one tranny. I tried to be nice. But then he freaked out and called me a "fucking asshole." Now I understand that they're just mentally ill faggots.
Fuck trans faggots
Therapist = the rapist
Also this. The therapist will just tell them they're special and that they need to "find themselves" by "exploring gender" or some faggot shit.
Idk I just work here.
its like asking why dont incels get therapy.
when you are unhappy with the way you look due to the way you were made, therapy is good - but it has its limits.
>its likeackkk
Fuck trans faggots. I would literally pay money to see them bound, tortured, killed.
Imagine the smell broo
incels dont like trans cause its like looking in the mirror.
A normal person would treat them as human and continue on with their day. They wouldnt get so emotionally invested in the matter
Ok bud.
basically. when i came out to my friend he was like, "Does this affect me in any way?"
when I said no, he was like "alright, whatever, wanna go play video games?"
annnndd that was that. I was scared to come out but all my friends literally didnt care.
Please die.
What the fuck? So bbc posters are actually a troons that invaded our lovely place 4chin?
>A normal person would treat them as human
no we wouldn't thats why they kill themselves because no one is playing pretend with them.
Faggot scum gets the rope.
and they keep saying obsessed. they invade and bump their own posts through discord
Therapy is just professional manipulation. Never thought I'd see 4channers genuinely shilling for it.
Imagine being this obsessed with spamming black dicks on 4chins.
>I'd probably kill my self tbh.
They do, it's literally the 1st step to begin transitioning.
why don't you you fucking wad
you're so obsessed, faggot
Discord trannies need to go back before Yea Forumslackup obtains their real identities.
That would be so heckkin validarino
you're so fucking gaaaaaaayyyyyyy
I honestly can't imagine being this lame...
Sucks to suck I guess.
so obsessed with trans people
you're such a fucking faggggggggggg
Can I ask you a question as a trans person? How accurate do you think that is:
A heterosexual man is born and wants to be perceived as a man by the opposite sex and peers, wants to do things that are considered masculine, wants to feel like a man, and there is an negative responce that is automatic when he is made to feel emasculated. They can't control that.
Would you say that a trans person, due to biological reasons he does not function as "nature intended" and although they were born a man with xy chromosome they have that reversed? That they have a negative emotional responce when they are made to feel masculine, and have an biological urge that they can't control to be perceived and be femine. Would you say that this is transgenderism?
ps i feel sr for trans that have to associate with tards like incels or conservatives. You can't block them out, its like bullies, they force themselves to your life
oh my god you are so fucking gay
Ya gotta go back little guy.
>cope and seethe
you are such a fucking fag
Awww, I made a 14 year old upset.
Get fucked kid.
>oh my god you are so fucking gay
fucking fagsfaggot
How many more times you going to call me gay faggot?
>imagine this is your only way to fight back.
you are so fucking gay
you're so gay
you're such a faggot
World is fucked. Divorce rate at circa 50% means that half kids grow up with daddy issues. Society is encouraging degeneracy and indoctrinating children to accept it. Trans, femboys, simps... it's a world of soyboys and retards
You're gigagay infinity
>what now nigger?
you're such a fucking fag
Why do you keep obsessing over trannies? This is the second thread you have made in a row since you failed to take down the trans flag on r/place
Oh jeez another transphobic thread. Our flag on r/places has proven you can't keep us down
Your negative attitudes are empowering
Someone does not actually understand how transitioning works and is miserably trying to use scare tactics and pictures of gore to frighten people.
i'm not interested in your fag shit
>Wahhhhh mommy he hurt my feelers.
that's wrong, incels don't like trans because it's a prey predator dynamic, lots of them become tranny for the attention affection, it's sad.
bro its just a bunch of fags in here
So you're mad that your wife divorced you to have sex with me cause you're transphobic?
A friend would tell you to get help not ignore your mental illness. You will never be a woman
you are so fucking gay
Clearly the only one in need of coping is yourself, I wish you a speedy recovery
aww is someone on their period. KEK
Posting pics of yourself here is balsy and I support you fellow trans ally.
you're a faggot
Then go back to discord faggot.
Women hate troons
>you're a faggot
you're so fucking gay
>Women hate troons, check out this one reddit post as proof
You're so pathetic dude.
Oh, so that why troons are mating only with troons. Lame and gay
closet fags
>They can't control that.
Except they can, and many men actually do. Rejection is a good example. A man puts himself out there, gets rejected and usually one of two things happen: the dude reacts like a man and says "all good, thank you though for your time" or "RREEEEE fat bitch go die!"
Literally self control is a thing and to say someone "cant control it" is an opinion and a lie, as people are quite capable of controlling themselves.
> "nature intended"
Nature intends a lot of things. For example, gay animals exist. Some species do cross-gender swaps when certain sex populations are low. Also, nature is literally intending to kill you, give you bad eyesight, wreck your body, and more. Not sure where your "nature intended" came from as the entire human evolution was a big middlefinger to nature. The fact we have air conditioning is a fuck you to nature.
> born a man with xy
SRY is the gene that expresses sex. You can be XX but have SRY triggered to male. Ditto with XY being female. There's also hormone receptors, brain wirring, etc. It's literally not as simple as "hurrdurr XY" and only shows a 3rd graders understanding of science.
> Would you say that this is transgenderism?
Every person and case is entirely different. I dont have bottom dysphoria. I like being a chick with a dick. Meanwhile, others cannot stand theirs. The world isnt black and white bro.
As for bullies/incels, whatever lol. I was 14 once and full of anger and angst. You grow out of it when you realize theres more fun things to do like go out with friends to a bar than sit on Yea Forums spouting tranny hate threads all day.
Ya gotta go back little buddy.
come out of the closet already
>closet fags
you are so gay
probably because they're hopeless
oh you're already out of the closet
>you are s-ACK!
uhh okay, faggot
you are gay
Nope This is tho ;)
Not that user but another tranny kinda and yeah, I think there's a biological element to it, there is also a social/cultural/environmental reason to it. First, some things that are masculine vs feminine are different in different times and cultures (men wearing makeup, other beauty standards, hobbies, etc) so it's a bit weird there, and then hormones play a role in the developing mind (and we have xenoestrogens coming from all over, chemicals in the water etc). At some point, there is a body/mind perception split that results in varying level of distress.
I don't think the current wave of overly pro-trans and super illogical weird sjw queer pride trans people are generally mentally well, though a lot of politically extreme people are outrageous these days and in general there's a lot of weird mental health issues people have because weliveinasociety. Those kind of actions aren't really fundamental to trans people insomuch as lots of people are going fucking nuts these days and form insular communities that just feedback loop them into being insane monster.
I don't call myself a 'woman' or anything and freely admit that I am male, I just tend to be perceived as female by people because the way I present myself falls more in line with expectations of that, until I start rambling about guy things. I've been on hormones over 10 years. I'm really comfortable with myself and don't mind if people call me he or she or whatever comes naturally to them. I believe that at some future point more people can reach a happy medium of presenting themselves how they want and modifying themselves how they want without it being a big deal.
I don't care for irrational trans activism, though the anti-trans activism is also weird, they just feed off each other. I see more talk about trans stuff here than anywhere else and I hang out with trannies IRL. I don't know why people waste mental cycles on this.
>oh you're already out of the closet
no, its not my vile existence they hate, secretly they are jealous of my sexy body.
you're such a fucking fag
You are gay
no bro, you are obsessed
you are a fag
I don't have a wife and don't plan to have a family either. "YoU'rE tRaNsPhObIc!!11!" no, phobia means fear i just find you disgusting.
You're such a fucking fag
Ca t get more pathetic than a guy in a dress. Besides, all the validation you get online is shallow. My sister virtue signals online constantly yet will laugh and call troons ugly when she's with family or friends.
You wish. I have a wonderful life, its only getting better. Im sorry youre filled with so much hate and rage, i truly pity you.
all y'all who are obsessed with trans people.
you're all fags.
No bro, you are obsessed
You are a fag
You will never be a woman
and you're a faggot
Usually those protesting the loudest are the ones caught sucking off dudes behind the scenes, yea. A lot of trans people are super anti-trans in their youth cause.. ya know.. projection haha
you're a big fag
YUP perfectly normal and healthy looking vag to me
Seeing as everyone treats me like a woman, buys me drinks, and hangs out with me and hits on me (including strangers at the bar), its close enough for me :)
you're a faggot
all y'all who are obsessed with trans people.
You're all fags
Oh no! big scary F-word! whatever am I gonna do?! Oh nooo! mean 4chins called me bad name. So saaadd ;( ;( ;(
Peepee the frog says trans rights
i'm sure you're good at what you do. faggot.
Ya gotta go back little guy.
Things that never happen. You're a perpetually online shut in who's terrified of going outside
You're a big fag
Me outside
wait.. no shit... thats the dancers cage fuck
Imagine the smell broo
Frfr no cap.
You're a guy on estrogen. Your skeletal, muscular structure is one of a male, genetically you are a male. You're not a woman lolololol
Look at those disgusting man tits
trans deserve rape not rights
It's also weird how often people post pictures of trans-identifying monsters from reddit and wherever. They act like all real life trannies are like this, when there's a wide variety. I've seen some real freaks, but a lot of fairly normal looking people, and some very beautiful ones as well who you really couldn't tell. It might be that people who look normal and act normal are generally accepted by wider society and don't stand out, and the more wild crazy looking people tend to be in the insular pro-trans groups (the only place they are accepted) that say insane shit and encourage each other. I don't like to look at those pictures, all the trannies I hang out with are normal enough and function independently in modern society, we make fun of the crazy tumblr extremists, though not going out of our way to save a bunch of pictures of them and post them all over.
I think people who make threads like this are just the right-wing version of the crazy liberal troon people, just weird obsessions and spending lots of time in their echochamber taking screenshots of the other side's echo chamber because the anger is a hobby or something. I mostly vote right-wing even so it's not quite political, it's more of a cultural thing that is politicized. Both of them existing just ramps up the isolation and hatred. I get it I guess, when I was a young Yea Forumstard I had all kinds of screenshots making fun of furries and stuff, as was the style at the time. I was a teen though, I know a bunch of adults who post memes like this in chat and other places, just a whole lot of passion for something that seems to only be a small factor in the real world.
Eh. Whatevs my dude. I'ma go do some errands now. Y'all keep posting in the hate threads. Goodluck to you :)
user, you think about trannies a lot more than trannies think about you.
>some very beautiful ones as well who you really couldn't tell.
Dude? Have you assumed my gender?
What a fag
Kek, even if somehow they resemble a girl they have the voice of a truck driver fucking fags
Tranny hate threads are akin to the circus and trannies are the clowns. Ywnbaw is the equivalent of pie splatting in the costumed weirdos face
I did, my therapist gave me hormones and now I’m much happier
We don't want the human race to be tainted by abominations. Fuck you faggot.
We exist, user. I know that makes you angry, but we do. Live with it.
>but you'll never be validarino or a woman.
I don’t need you to say I’m a real woman. I already know that I am. You cannot shake that. I’m sorry
Why don't trees grow upside down? Some things just are the way they are.
Islam is growing inshallah.
It’s an obsession. They can’t help it. Our happiness makes them so angry they seethe all over this board.
You exist as a male. You just needed a dad as a kid or a bit more bullying
>Our happiness m-ACKK
>45% suicide rate
You are clowns. People enjoy laughing at you. Ywnbaw
You’re allowed to think of that of me, but I’m going to disagree
You have no dad and you're a man kek
Yknow, I’ve known hundreds of trans people in the last couple years. None of them have committed suicide, that I know of. I’d say we’re doing pretty alright.
You all seem pretty angry. I’m not seeing a lot of laughs, user.
Nah my dad loves me
Stats say 45%, nobody cares about your opinion faggot
We are laughing at you
45% suicide rate
>It’s an obsession. They can’t help it. Our happiness makes them so angry they seethe all over this board.
I think a good percentage of the ones who scream about it daily and have a folder with hundreds of pics are talking a little bit more to themselves than to others, if you catch my drift.
I'm laughing at two morons fighting.
You will never the a woman and he will never be a based Aryan warrior.
He probably thinking everyday about the mistake he made while watching you in the eyes kek
You want to suck his dick don't you?
Okay, then just stop replying. Close the thread and do anything else, if I really don’t matter. Or do we both realize that statistics can never tell you all you need to know about an entire group of people?
You can think whatever you wish of me. I know what I am. I hope you feel better soon user.
Man I bet your dads proud of his lil autistic keyboard warrior with a folder full of botched surgeries
I feel really good considering I’m not a disgusting freak
user, you’re on Yea Forums. How normal can you really be?
Are you trying to say that a majority of the time anyone talks to you at all is to let you know they hate you?
Because that's what this data says user.
>Imagine not being able to understand charts and graphs.
If you feel an uncontrollable urge to scream your hatred at someone whenever you see them, that’s an obsession. A normal person would ignore it and go about their day.
Fucking gross lol
I’m mentally stable
Unlike you faggot who’s terminally online
Serious question: Do you think it’s normal to have a folder full of pictures dedicated to trans people? Does that feel mentally healthy to you?
Your the one who keeps bringing this graph up. I could give a shit less about anything to do with you subhumans.
Tell me, do you get a lot of Republicans condoning your behavior on Farcebook?
Tell me user, are the Republicans here in the room with us right now?
Is it mentally heathy for you cut off your cock
Trannies are all mentally I’ll pedo freaks
Yes he's proud of having a son who is not a freak. Your dad is probably crying rn and attempting suicide kek
If you only knew what I keep in the storage shed behind my house...
ITT People who are so miserable they have nothing. It's really sad if you think about it. Literally have nothing but some edgy nine year old mindset that just seeks random hate to give a small boost of happiness. Alive for nothing but reactionary bullshit.
Well, I hope you change and learn to love
>I could give a shit less about anything to do with you subhumans.
Then why are you in this thread, user?
I’m actually not interested in getting bottom surgery~
user, we both know you don’t have a shed. That would require owning property. Stop larping.
Is spamming shitdick threads 24/7 mentally healthy?
Go get some tranny dick tainted with HIV fucking faggot
Thanks for the pep talk, tranny. I'll keep your pop psychology bullshit in mind next time.
Why are you so angry? Where is this rage coming from, user?
Because abusing you retards is fucking hilarious and you keep coming back for more?
>You are free to go back to your discord spam groups anytime little bud.
Reminder: YWNBAW
hey, she’s cute!
Do you really think this is ‘abuse’? You’re talking to yourselves on an imageboard. 99% of trans people will never see these threads, and the ones that do won’t care.
Rage? I'm having fun kek soyboy. You should get some hoes and stop sucking tranny dicks.
>Go get some tranny dick tainted with HIV fucking faggot
This doesn’t sound like a healthy individual having fun to me, user
Healthy individuals are the one who cut their dicks off to get attention right? The level of retardation kek
I've literally seen my shitposting from last night on the front of multiple trans sub-plebbits with over 1000 doots.
>Yes I do, and the thought of each one of you subhumans seeing it and dying a bit inside makes me literally hard.