Tranny hate thread
Tranny hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I am a real wo-ACK!
Oh hell yes!
I'm Mrs Nesbit
Having trouble taking down the trans flag on r/place?
Post a selfie with timestamp, tranny.
Back to discord faggot.
Fuck trans freaks
Having trouble with becoming a real woman,sir?
I take that as a yes
i love when trans win
wish i could smell the fire of this sweet troon fire
>r/The_Donald got banned so I moved to Yea Forums
>No matter how much I tried to change Yea Forums, I couldn't form it into my personal conservative hug box
>Now I'm moving again
Most 4channers have moved to funnyjunk, basically it’s the only meme site that has free speech with moderator faggotry
Fuck troons.
Too ugly to post a selfie?
This thread is so fucking win.
This isn't reddit
Fuck trannies.
You first. Your raid was a failure, you tried to take on an impossible task and instead of trying to create a disturbance, which is the purpose of a raid, you joined into reddit cringe and tried to make a Simpsons meme and yotsuba
Imagine the smell
Idk, maybe if they didn’t shove it in peoples faces it would be ok cus it’s none of my business they’re fine in my book long as they’re respectful
>This isn't reddit
If only you knew
Your generation is pathetic
Nigger even I can see the airbrush and I'm dumb and blind as shit.
still thinking about trannies rent free
>yikes faggots
lmao really riled the chuds up with this one
Back to discord troon scum.
Whats a chud
Trans = gay + fake
Dint change the subject, troon. Post a selfie lol
Troons get the rope
Just find good ones that look like actual women retards
kill it, r/place spot 600 500, final push its closing soon!!
Ever notice how trannies do this?
A blight.
Have you considered going back to plebbit? Or perhaps remaining in the containment board? Please leave the raids to the adults next time, you fail to understand what a raid is, you have no focus and lack organization skills
>A reddit app, the website that's known for protecting far-left extremists like trannies
>It records everyone who puts a pixel on it with your reddit name
shiggy, mass-ban in like 2 months
Trans are mentally disabled and csnt be fixed.
She got some pretty nice titties tbf ;o
Which one of you was this?
Fuck off, Nazi chuds
You hate trannies so much yet you've totally FAILED to troll their flag on r/place lmao
Modern Yea Forums is a joke, you lost.
Nobody hates troons more than they hate themselves kek
You are looking for masturbation material, aren't you? Only retards post selfies on Yea Forums, but have this instead. It will satisfy your needs
Gonna be real. As a trans person, I hate other trans people. I worked hard to lose weight, dress right, grow out my hair, learn makeup, work on my voice, and more. The voice alone required 2 to 3 hours a day, every day, for like 4 months.
The amount of trans people I run into who put zero effort in, bitch about their dysphoria while doing literally NOTHING to change it, say theyll practice their voice but dont, make excuses and whatever... jesus fuck i cannot stand the vast majority of them.
I am attracted to femininity. I like women. I dont have a genital preference, but ive tried going on dates with other trans women and they either dress weeb af, are way unpassable, and just have dude brain. The last time I was roped into some outing and 3 other trans women walked in and I was trying to just hide from the embarrassment they brought.
>People laugh at your faggotry
>Y... you guys are ob...obsessed!
You look like this
Why do trannies keep posting tranny hate threads? Why can't they just love themselves?
I’m so confused why do you guys hate them so much, as long as they’re not forcing it on others it shouldn’t be a problem
Fuck faggots
The trans flag on r/place still looks whole and untouched lmao. You failed.
A splendid thread, gentlemen
Now this is just sad.
Why is your anus burning?
And to the trannies I say you will never be a woman
and? straight white cis het men make up the vast majority of those who rape their own daughters, murder strangers, and all other shenanigans.
ITT: samefags
Post count: 103
Posters: 21
Y’all are just weirdly obsessed with this shit it’s so unnecessary if anyone should kill themselves it’s y’all’s pathetic obsessive asses lmao
Uh. Yeah? It's just some weirdos dumping their ACK collection.
Do you expect every person to make a single post per thread?
Shlop in hell transfags.
Im trying to turn the fag pill into a cross and I cant even get a little progress, god we're so weak
You failed to post a selfie. You are hideous.
Why don’t you post a selfie of your receding hairline and non existent chin then?
Fucking freaks...
Yeah yeah, Im ugly, ~I get it.
You still failed. All your seething and you cant even troll a reddit flag with 200 people. fucking hell hahaha
>receding hairline and non existent chin
Sounds like the average troon. No wonder you refuse to post selfie lol
Thank you based user for using some of the images I poasted in the last autism ridden troon thread. x
We're a long way away from the old Pools Closed raids thats for sure, cant really do anything nowadays
What the actual fuck is "r/place"?
>They actually believe this is how people look at them
>140 / 115 / 24 / 1
JFC your pathetic
Go cry in the fucking virgin corner with your mom that has an emotional incest with you and ur dad that probably rapes children and you you fucking nigger fag
What raid? What the actual shizo fuck are you on about? Do people actually still "raid" image boards is that a thing?
Freaks get the rope.
No one's seething, it's just irritating to know that a flag representing child rape, mental illness, and the dismantlement of basic biological fact is plastered for all to see.
The indoctrination of children and spread of this is getting almost as bad as those dirty sand-niggers. It's a shame the rate of suicide isn't enough yet to completely wipe out your numbers.
Some stupid reddit page which is allowing users to draw on it. They tried to raid it by fucking with the trans flag, they failed. Then they started to take part in the le reddit event by making sneed, only for a streamer to erase it
Also try google next time
Its a canvas where you can add a square every 15 mins
The trans sub has like, 200 people? And Yea Forums hasnt been able to cover or troll their trans flag, its pathetic.
That's exactly it. They know they've lost, and this is how they vent their anger and frustration. Pretty sad.
These people think more about troons than troons think of themselves. Kek.
Well, hey. We all need hobbies. If you aren't good at anything else, might as well make your hobby about hating trannies 24/7.
Yeah. And you couldnt do a thing to cover it up lol
>It wasn't a raid
>We never fail raids
>We were just having fun on reddit
>Even though we hate reddit
>Raiding is no longer a thing
Still not a real woman,just a pidor
So when are you going to start fighting back against the loli threads?
It's not phobia it's disgust
Chud is r/antiwork troon
Nobody likes troons.
> to child rape and indoctrination of children.
> lol but you can't touch our virtual flag
Troons irl
Every day they obsess over trans people is another day I get rock hard and masturbate from the fact they watch and buy my pornos
Not a very lady like response, Mr tranny
Trannies love diddling kids and then wonder why everyone hates them.
Kill yourself pidor
Yep, you couldnt lay a finger on it lmao
Is that a dildo that fell out his faggot bag?
Not a tranny lmao, just clueless
>Says the loli fanatic
Why? I make great money off 4chins by co-opting threads and posting "whose this?!" as bait just like Natalie Mars did a long time ago. Ya'll rail publicly against trans people but you buy the most porn of it hahaha
You say you as in the 'whole of Yea Forums', yet most of us didn't even bother registering on that gay ass site.
Are you actually willing to say straight white men make a majority of murders? National crime statistics say another type of male makes up a majority but I'm sure they are lying as are the department of homeland security and the FBI's numbers. Should we link stats on 3 like an old western? I'll show you my numbers if you show me yours :)
Sure dude, sure
>W-we didnt REALLY try!!!!
No. You failed. Not bothering is part of failing. They won and the board is weak.
Lol @ men in dresses
Is this true?
>No sound
zoomers cant meme
This report on filicide indicates mothers kill their daughters more than fathers do actually so your "vast majority" might be a but over exaggerated. It also indicates fathers more likely to kill sons. I know you're just retarded and we're iysy trying to lie to make your point but this report is actually an interesting read
Are you trying to say a majority of the time when people talk to you at all, it's to tell you they hate you?
Because that's what this data says retard.
>imagine being this dumb.
You have no idea how common shit like this is
I mean, lets see:
christian crusades (white people)
india trading company (white people)
pretty much every european invasion across the globe and genocides (white people)
vikings (whites on whites too!)
christians in general (alt-right conservatives make up the overwhelming 90% of terrorist attacks in the US to date)
white collar crime (white people, since, like, they control the system).
I could go on, but go ahead and say unga-bunga with your cherry picked data anyways. thats why you're here aint it?
>He doesn't even deny his obsession
My sides == orbit.
Well memed user.
If they are happy keep it private and don’t force it on children why is being a tranny a problem
>talks about men raping their children and being murderers
>two completely unrelated topics
s...sure... im retarded... okay...
Hey look, troony Tunes I know your passed about not being to be a full women, but you need to stop raiding Yea Forums please otherwise, when I become president of the United States I'll be making raiding on Yea Forums illegal so, KNOCK IT OFF!!!!!
His company didn't organize drag queen story hour. His company just contributed some money to it, otherwise he had nothing to do with it.
So this story has nothing to do with trans people.
If he also owned a bar, would that mean the bartenders are responsible?
He's still a piece of shit though.
Crusades were in retaliation for the Ummayads and Ottomans. You troon retard
Based thread guys
What does this mean
>It's time for Trannymaniacs
>They're disgusting to the max
>They wear skirts instead of slacks
>They're Trannymaniacs
>Come join them on the discord server pronouns "she" and "her"
>Soon enough they rope and they will change to "was" and "were"
>They insist you call them "ma'am" though they look just like a "sir"
>Adam's apple
>Wide clavicle
>Futa connoisseur
>They are the Trannymaniacs
>There's an axe-wound in their pants
>They just can't accept the facts
>They're looney to the max
>They're Trannymaniacs
>They say "Age is just a number," whenever they are found
>Grooming minors on the internet or on the playground
>They wait in women's restrooms when no one is around
>Then they pop out
>And whip it out
>And swing it all around
>They are the Trannymaniacs
>They think they're cute but make me yak
>No they can't transition back
>But they're calling you the quack
>They're trannymany
>Totally insaney
>Fucked up in the brainy
>Those are the facts
This isn't even good quality.
>why would save this?
>mental disorder
Damn, very involved in others lives response lmao, kinda weird, and faggoty
I hope the troony tunes enjoy their little raids... Because when I become president I'm putting a stop to that shit :)
Fucking lost irl.
Well done user.
Holy shit, is that Berlin? Looks like Alexanderplatz. Any story?
Here's the problem:
>tranny hate threads: trannies trannies trannies
>every thread on Yea Forums: trannies trannies trannies
>threads outside Yea Forums: trannies trannies trannies
Surely you see how this could be obnoxious, right?
Le epic troll of repeating 1 word over and over in every thread on every board.
KEK, I'm saving this shit if you don't mind fren. This shit hilarious.
Sure, just like Ukraine is a bunch of Nazi's and Russia is the savior! (also white people)
Cant read that shit man
>>They wait in women's restrooms when no one is around
>>Then they pop out
>>And whip it out
>>And swing it all around
My favourite
Cherry picking tranny retard
We better get you elected as president then
thats cause the vast majority of Yea Forums is a bunch of trans people waiting to happen. seriously. theres a reaosn theyre so focused on trans and gays. the vast majority of the 2005 4chinners have transitioned or accept being gay. these peeps just continuing the trend
Stop defending authoritarian regimes troony toons
Fucking LOL
Someone make a vid
Fuckkin saved.
Doing God's work user...
i missed when russia was taken down and bots like you couldn't comment. we didnt have these trans hate threads and it was like the golden days again. man, white people (especially russians) ruin everything
It's got to be a nigger. Even troons aren't that stupid
>Greater genetic diversity
Mixing with shitskins leads to lower iq
Oh wait a minute you're russia? Nvm forget what I said my bad I'm sorry fren
Yeah I noticed.
I won't disappoint :)
>Wypipo bad
He бpaт ты мнe,гнидa чepнoжoпaя
I-its the r-russians
Keep coping troon. Everyone finds you disgusting.
Holy shit, it is Alexanderplatz. Really fucking sad story. I can't imagine the amount of pain she was in in order to go in such an incredibly painful manner.
Fuck, this really bummed me out.
Jesus fucking christ
Don't brother fren, the troony tunes character can't facts and logic only cartoon logic
Who the cunt cares?
Does your pixel faggot flag mean that much to you? That's sad
user I'm eating subway right now could you not? :(
>W-who cares?? Its just a little flag
If its "Just a ;little flag" then why werent you able to take it down? lmao
Plebbit is for:
I am none of the above, why the fuxk would any of us care about what the mentally deficient of plebbit are shitting out today?
You wanna really impress me, get over your mental disorder and become normal, trans scum.
I'll make you seethe with one simple indisputable scientific fact: transwomen are women.
No such thing as a "transwoman" only a fag in drag.
Not if they get outlawed.
Weak cope, Yea Forumsro. Just own your defeat.
I don't give flying fuck about your janny flag on reddit.
Nice trips though troon.
In your dreams, troony tunes
I'll say it again, if a fucking faggot flag on reddit gives your miserable life some sense of achievement then go and join your brothers in the 41.
That is fucking sad as fuck.
HOLY SHIT, that is fucking insane!
Damn, these people really have all the time in the world.
That's because the troony tunes characters are pissed that they WNBAW
Is that Bilbo Baggins?
let's keep this up even though max files
In your head rent free forever
Do your part and remove their pixelated filth
it’s been 3 days and you haven’t even made a dent. this is getting sad, user.
>cope and seethe
go back, tranny
And yet, we exist. You can’t get rid of us. All you can do is pretend we’ll get rid of ourselves.