What does Yea Forums think of Ghost?

What does Yea Forums think of Ghost?

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Buttrockers who stole The Residents' gimmick.

Never heard of them

never heard a single song of them. they feel like a whole contrived farce, like slipknot.

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Their first two albums weren't great but Meliora, Popestar and Prequelle were pretty fucking good.
also love their image and theatrics side of things

Dude have you seen ghost's fanbase? Its filled with numales

They sound like a cheesy Blue Oyster Cult knock-off, with a cheesier version of Sunn O))) and Black Sabbath's aesthetic.

Metalheads here. Ghost is fucking lame and gay. My metrosexual roommate loves them

I liked the first three albums, but wasn't too keen on Prequelle

They're the less edgy Marilyn Manson


First and third albums are good, the rest are pretty meh. They put on a pretty alright live show though.

Their lyrics are trash. I liked the sound of their debut.

i love them

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The formation of their band was literally a bunch of guys deciding on what costumes and make up they were going to do and deciding on the band name, then some weeks later asking somebody else to help write the songs because they wanted to be a cool band but didn't get any further than the costumes

Meliora is a fantastic record. Prequelle, on the other hand, was pretty shite

Corperate Metal and rock is what's filled with soicreatures.
Chads only listen to EDM and dadrock.

The doom metal sort of stuff is alright.
Square Hammer and songs like that are horrid.

they make satanic songs catchy. Satanic pop metal answer to Stryper

it's weird because ghost has a lot of musical elements I typically love but they just do it in the poorest possible taste. Guy should've just made a synthpop band desu

Ghost (from Japan) > Ghost (pic related)

Satan worship and ideology is mainstream. Ghost is just as rebellious as the rest of the mtv lineup.

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They're pretty good live. You know it's a joke, but it's all in fun. The ghoulettes are a nice touch.

>literally wrong opinion

Their first album is fucking amazing, the rest is hit and miss

I want to like them but something prevents me from really enjoying their music aside from a few singles

Scooby Doo chase music

I don't really care for reddit.

They have some good and interesting songs. They have some overproduced and tacky songs too.

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And I love them for it

hilarious and orignal.